FACT: ONE THIRD OF ALL CHILDHOOD DEATHS ARE CAUSED BY UNDER NUTRITIONFACT: 190 MILLION CHILDREN SUFFER FROM VITAMIN A DEFICIENCIES WORLDWIDESometimes, I take advantage of the fact that my children can have three meals a day. If they want a nutricious snack, it is easily at our disposal. I am privileged that I can afford vitamins with all the added nutrients to … [Read more...]
Saturday’s Top Five Laughs
Hope you will join me in commenting on your childrens laughs from this week. Have a great weekend!5. Zane eats everything! It is so funny because Hayley as a baby was such a picky eater and continues to be to this day. I am not used to this eating from a 5-month-old boy. I give him carrots, peas, avocados, sweet potatoes, cereal. He eats it … [Read more...]
Why yes, That was my Hysterical Child on the Soccer Field!
The mere thought of starting my daughter in soccer made me enthralled. I started soccer at a very young age so I knew once she reached the minimum age limit to enroll, I would be first in line to sign her up. To get her ready, I bought her the best insoles for soccer cleats. As someone who played soccer, I knew it was essential to have a good pair of cleats to … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday-Are You Ready for Some Football?
My Little Patriot Fans:Age 2 years 11 months, Age 5 months … [Read more...]
A Giveaway and Review of Howard B. Wigglebottom Children Books
I was lucky enough to receive two Howard B. Wigglebottom books: "Learns About Mud and Rainbows" and "Learn to Listen" to review. I will be giving away one of these books to one lucky reader. … [Read more...]
This day impacted my life more than my words can tell. On September 11, 2001, I woke up during my second year of dental school (actually I was up all night cramming for an anatomy exam) and turned on the Today Show as I usually did. I turned and saw what I thought was a small plane hit some building structure in NY. The reporters didn't really know what was … [Read more...]
Saturday’s Top Five Laughs
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Seems we are beginning to enter my favorite season, fall. I'm ready for the pumpkin/apple picking,hot chocolate, hayrides, Halloween, and all the other great fall activitites.Now for my top five laughs from my kids:5. Zane is still stuck rolling from his back to his belly. He can't figure out how to roll the other way … [Read more...]
Strollers,Strollers,Strollers- That is the question?
I was recently asked by friend who just gave birth to her first baby, what is the best stroller? Well, I figured I would blog about it and get opinions because honestly I now own 9 beautiful strollers and it might help other moms from making the same mistake as me.My quest for stollers began when I was pregnant with my first child. I was one of the … [Read more...]
Pick-Your-Prize Giveaway – $125
The holidays are only a few months away and who couldn’t use a $125 gift card to the store of your choice?I’ve teamed up with 12 awesome bloggers to give this great prize away. It’s really simple to enter thanks to Rafflecopter. All you need to do is follow each of these fun bloggers using the handy widget below. Hopefully you will be our lucky … [Read more...]