As parents I think we’ve all had a few moment of uncertainty surrounding the development of our little ones. Those moments when you’ve just observed them doing something a little “off” or different than their siblings at the same age; you find yourself secretly wondering if there is in fact something mentally different that will set them apart from their future peers. You confide in your best girl friends, laugh about the shared stories of their toddlers potty training in a litter box rather than the potty, and go to bed feeling better at the end of the evening.
Children are all a little strange at times but it only serves to make them even more endearing to us. Of course, there are times of heartbreak when we realize that the moments of worry weren’t just crazy mommy fears but that they were worried over for good reason. As a parent of 3 kids, I was constantly worried about their speech. One kid spoke very early, but I felt like the others took forever to learn how to speak. It was discouraging at times. I do wish an app like Speech Blubs was there to help my children out.
Help Toddler Talk:
Speech Blub App even helps kids with shapes, identifying words for people in your family, letting them see the professions out there when they grow up, having fun with riddles, learning about foods and things they will be eating, identifying outdoor spaces and outdoor life, seeing the living colors, learning about school, building a sentence, and so much more.
Speech Blubs has it all! Seriously! All in one app, your little child can learn so much! It is a truly ingenious app out there and I believe all parents of little ones should own this!
Help Toddler with Speech Delay:
Available in both English and Spanish, Speech Blubs is able to be found in the app store for both iOS and Android devices. It also comes with a 7 day free trial, so you can test it out before committing to going full time with the app for your little ones, no matter what unique learning needs they may have!
The facts are staggering about the developmental delays in children. Just take a look:
- About 1 in 6 children born in the united states have a developmental disability.
- Nowadays it has been found that 1 in every 59 children are on the Autism Spectrum scale and is 4 times more likely to occur in boys than in girls.
- Children born to parents who are older are a higher risk for being born with ASD.
- Those born with developmental disabilities such as Downs Syndrome, Aspbergers, Cerebral Palsy and even ASD are one of the greatest gifts a parent can ever be given and come with such an abundance of love that can’t be beaten.