I don’t know if any of my followers can relate but when it comes to books I can usually tell right away, just by looking at a random page, if I’m going to like it or not. If I go to our public library or even if I’m browsing in my favorite book store that alone is the method I use to find new titles to take home with me. The cover may catch my eye first but if, when I open the book and turn to that random page, I’m not immediately gripped by what’s there the book goes back on the shelf. Every once in awhile I still get a dud by using my method, however, those are few and far between.
Imagine my dismay almost a year after Covid-19 reared its ugly head to find that there are still restrictions on some of my favorite book stores. Sure, I could go the Kindle route but to be honest, I much prefer my hard copies. There’s nothing quite like the feel of a good book in your hands. Amazon is also an option, if you like playing Russian Roulette and risking a dud that you have to send back, which takes time to go through the return process, refund money, etc.
You may be wondering where that leaves me, or you for that matter. If restrictions keep you from being able to go in person to shop for beloved books and you don’t want to take your chance on something highly reviewed that turns into a big ole letdown, then I recommend Literati.
I know I did a previous post about Literati that was geared more towards little ones from infancy to teens but today I want to give my readers some additional information about what the subscription service has to offer us adults. Even though I’m set in my own ways and have my own method for picking new literature, I was pleased to find out that Literati uses their own methods to ensure that your tastes are carefully considered in order to send out books that subscribers will love.
They do this by having you take their Luminary Quiz to match you up to the book club that fits you best. After a serious of questions including why I read and even one that asked me to select the cover that seemed most appealing, I was given the result of the Fearless book club.
If the name Malala jumps out and has meaning to you, then this book club is perfect. I loved this particular result not only because I’m a woman with my own voice but because we’re all raising daughters and teaching them to dream big, to have their own voice and to be Fearless.
For $20 a month you’ll be a part of a book club that won’t let you down with titles that are hand-picked just for you and the interests that make you tick. If you get placed in the Fearless club and decide that that’s one your happiest with, Malala herself is in charge of hand-picking the title that goes out that month. How neat is that?
Even better than going to the library? You can also download the Literati app and engage with your fellow book club members! No more holding in your opinions to yourself or trying to explain to your spouse, friends, etc. why a book has gripped you so hard; you can connect with others from all over who want to hear and share their own opinions too.
I guess I can’t expect everyone to take my word for it. If anything I’ve covered even sounds remotely like something you’d want to take part in, I strongly recommend checking out Literati and taking their quiz to see which book club bests fits your interests/needs.
You can visit them online or connect with through their social media accounts.