Tis’ the holiday season! We are in December which is the month we all need to go shopping. For your toys needs be sure to check out Winning Games.
Winning Moves USA (WMUSA) is a leading maker of board games, card games, and puzzles. Since WMUSA’s first year of operation in 1995, the company has forged a close relationship with one of the world’s largest game companies, Hasbro, Inc., owner of Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley. WMUSA also has a great relationship with Seven Towns, Ltd. (the owners of the Rubik’s brand). As a result, many long-lived Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley games & Rubik’s puzzles are now marketed by WMUSA!
At Winning Games, they have card games, children games, family games, and the hit Rubik Cube, which of course one of us was, for Halloween:)
The new 2019 games include Bouncing Bingo, Flinch, Kozo, Precious Cargo, Pretty Pretty Princess, Rubik’s Color Blocks, Rubik’s Edge, Scattergories 30th Anniversary, Stink Bug and so much more! Some of the older, but equally fabulous games include Crocodile Dentist, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and Crackers in my Bed. Some of their very popular card games include Clue Suspect Card Game, Flinch, Brainspin, Deluxe Pit, Scattergories the Card Game, and Monopoly the Card Game.
Winning Games sent us the following games which my kids love:
Be sure to check out all these awesome games for the holidays today!
Giveaway: One winner will receive an assortment of games from Winning Games. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to visit Winning Games and tell me your favorite game in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only (No Hawaii, Alaska, or Canada). Good luck!
*This is a partnered post. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Crocodile dentist is fun!
Candyland is my favorite game
Stink Bug looks fun!
I loved Pretty, Pretty Princess when I was a kid! I would love to get it to play with my daughters now.
I would like Apocolyptic Picnic. Thank you
They have great games. We like Chutes and Ladders.
Love Candyland
I enjoy playing Candyland with my Granddaughter! She always seems to win.
I love Scattergories! It’s so fun!
The grandkids love playing clue
13 Dead End Drive™ looks interesting.
I had Pass the Pigs as a kid and would love to try the BIG PIG version with my daughter!
Big Boggle is a family favorite of ours.
monoply and parchise
The grandkids like to play trouble
We love the game, Scattergories.
Kozo is my favorite game
We love Boggle and Candyland
Candyland is always my favorite. It’s changed a bit since I played it when I was young, but it’s still so much fun!
mad libs. we laugh so much playing that
Rubik’s® Junior Puppy is so cute!
Stink bug
I’ve always loved Scattegories.
I would like to play APOCALYPTIC PICNIC™ game with my family.
I used to play pass the pigs with my mom alot.
Pass the pigs looks fun! Our current family favorite is bingo or monopoly, but it would be fun to try out a different type of game
Hi Ho Cherry O is fun
I’ve always loved Scattergories. Can’t believe it’s 30 years old.
Yahtzee! is a favorite! I really need to get it for my daughter.
Candyland is my favorite game. I love that the games don’t use technology. While I do us technology a lot, I do see the value of fave to face time, no screens.
Boggle is my favorite game! I’ve been playing since I was a kid!
I love Scattergories
My favorite games to play is Rack-O!
scattergories was always one of our faves
Monopoly is my favorite game!
The No stress Chess is my favorite, my son would really enjoy it!
Guess Who? is my favorite!
The Game of Life is our favorite
Pass the Pigs
Haven’t tried any but looks fun
Omg I had Pretty Pretty Princess when I was a kid. I had no idea they still made it. So excited!!
I love the Scattergories 30th Anniversary Edition. A family fun game that was always played in my mom’s house.
We are fans of Sequence.
Bouncing Bingo is my favorite!
I like flinch!
I went to CBD FOR MOM .
My favorite game is Pass the Pigs! I have never played the big version, but would love to!
Bouncing Bingo!
I like Scattergories
Apples to Apples
Candyland was my favorite growing up
Pretty Pretty Princess. I used to play it with my nieces and now I could play it with my daughter.
I like Scattergories
Apples to apples is fun. Thank you
My favorite game is 13 Dead End Drive. My kids used to love playing that when they were young. I think my grandchildren would like it too!
We used to love playing pass the pigs and those big pigs look awesome.
I really like the card game Canasta! I play it on my iPad all the time. Thanks and God bless!
Pass the pigs looks like fun
I think my granddaughters would enjoy playing Crocodile Dentist. My sons loved it when they were little.
Chutes and ladders is the favorite in our house right now.
Visited https://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com/2019/12/healthmarkets/
My favorite game is Yahtzee. Love the dice!
SCATTERGORIES® 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION is one of my favorite games
My favorite game is Rubik’s cube!
I LOVE your costumes – great look for a fun family! We are a board and card playing family, too! If we have the time, we will play the original Monopoly. We enjoy twisting all over the twister game, Rack-O, and Yahtzee is fun as the kids like the dice. Shanghi Rummy is a game we play often, as well.
Didn’t mention which bag I like the best – if you are referring to the costumes, can’t choose as they are all FANTASTIC!
Chutes and Ladders
My favorite game is Scattergories! I have the best memories playing with my family on Christmas night. Merry Christmas!
I love the game called Rummicube!
Game Of The States and Nibbled.
Bouncing Bingo would be my favorite game
My favorite game would be Scattergories Catergories!
KOZO® is one that I have wanted to play the winning games are very fun and easy ways to pass the time.
Monopoly with our own Free Parking rules and shortened version by passing out some of the properties is a favorite in the Original and Star Wars versions. With Winning-Moves Games, I’m interested in the Kozo game which is like Jenga, but has both natural wooden rectangles and tiny black squares to challenge balancing efforts.
ive always been a fan of trouble because anyone can play but it’s not boring!
Like Scattergories. Visited Peppermint Mocha Coffee recipe.
We love Guess Who
My daughter loves Hi Ho Cherry Oh.
I visited DISNEY ON ICE PRESENTS CELEBRATE MEMORIES page. My daughter loved seeing Disney on ice last year, it was for the frozen movie.
Scrabble is my favorite game
Guess who
I’ve always loved Monopoly. Apocalyptic Picnic looks fun too.
Pass the pig. Family classic!
I love scrabble
My favorite game is Scattergories.
my favorite is Monopoly
Visited the Disney on Ice post.
I heart Trivial Pursuit!
My favorite game is Charterstone.
pretty pretty princess
Pretty Pretty Princess is my favorite.
Scattegories is one of my favorite games!
I like Scattergories® 30th Anniversary Edition
My favorite game to play as a family is scrabble. It is a great way to improve our kid’s vocabulary and spelling.
Double trouble and rubiks cube are fun! I would love to own both.
The dress you are wearing is adorable. I couldnt wear that I am to big.
My favorite game is Clue.
trivia pursuit.
I love Clue.
No Stress Chess looks great!
Those are cute games. My grandchildren would like the Bouncing Bingo one. Thanks!
Classic Aggravation is my favorite.
My favorite game is Flinch.
I would say Double Trouble.
I visited Homemade Chinese Food post
Double Trouble is my favorite. How fun!
Love this https://winning-moves.com/product/scattergories30th.asp