As a part-time dentist, teeth are of the highest importance to me. With that being said, there are many products on the market to help assist in keeping up with your oral hygiene. I recently received Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads for review. Today I wanted to discuss a few reasons why this is a great product to have in your household to achieve the best oral hygiene possible.
*Sponsored with Rembrandt. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
For those of you who suffer from stained teeth due to drinking too much coffee and eating all of that daily food, this product is an inexpensive option to help whiten those teeth. Keeping your teeth white can prove to be a challenge but with Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads, you can rest easy knowing that whiter teeth will be shining through soon.
Benefits of Using a Power Whitening Brush
- Easily provide a little tender love and care to those teeth while gaining the benefits of nice smelling breath and a shiny smile. When you smile on a regular basis, you start to feel happy and everyone around you senses that happiness which simply makes your life a bit more glorious.
- Feel more confident knowing that your teeth are not only being whitened with Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads, but they are being well-cleaned with ease at home. The costs associated with other whitening kits can be brutal; this is a more affordable option.
- Ease of being able to recharge the power brush will allow you to enjoy this product for years to come. With the fact that you should switch out your toothbrush every few months, this product allows you to easily purchase replacement brushes so you only replace a portion of the product every three months.
- Rest easy knowing that this product has been shown to remove 7 times more plaque versus regular toothpaste and allows you to have 8 times whiter teeth in 5 days when compared to other regular whitening toothpaste options. No more waiting months only to get minimal whitening results.
With the ease of use with Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads, you can feel more relaxed knowing that you are taking well care of your teeth while reaping the benefit of a whiter smile. This product can be purchased online or at your local pharmacy retailer.
In addition to Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads, consumers can use Plackers to floss easily and well. These easy to use floss picks are a great way to get that extra plaque and leftover food particles out of your teeth. With a minty flavor, you are sure to have fresher smeller breath while ensuring that you have thoroughly cleaned your mouth. Plackers will help to get in between your teeth after a solid brushing with the power whitening brush to add an extra layer of protection against gingivitis and gum disease.
With the ease of use with Rembrandt’s newly launched Power Whitening Brush with Brush Heads, you can feel more relaxed knowing that you are taking well care of your teeth while reaping the benefit of a whiter smile. This product can be purchased online or at your local pharmacy retailer.