*This post is sponsored by 20th Century Fox. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Buckle up for a wild summer. Diary of a #WimpyKid: The Long Haul opens in theaters today, Friday, May 19!
Today Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul comes out in theaters today! My daughter is a huge fan of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series so we are very excited to see this movie! This is going to be a great family friendly film!
In DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: THE LONG HAUL, based on the record-breaking book series, a family road trip to attend Meemaw’s 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course–thanks to Greg’s newest scheme to (finally!) become famous.
Starring: Jason Ian Drucker, Charlie Wright, Owen Asztalos, Tom Everett Scott, Alicia Silverstone
Directed By: David Bowers
Written By: Jeff Kinney and David Bowers
Produced By: Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson
Calling all Wimps!
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: THE LONG HAUL has a brand new site where you can create your own family road trip photo in the style of Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Go to WimpYourself.com now to make an awesome #WimpyKid memory to share with everybody!
Be sure to see the movie this weekend and visit the Official Website, as well as follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a $25 Visa to see the film in theater and a copy of the Hardcover book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me why your kids are excited about seeing this in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US Only. Good luck!
*Open to US mailing addresses only. Prizing and samples courtesy of 20th Century Fox*
My 8 and 9 yr olds love these books so i know they will enjoy the movie! I would love to win.
I want to see this with my kids, because it looks funny and like our crazy vacations.
I want to see this because it looks funny and a great family movie.
I want to see it with the kids because I think they would thoroughly enjoy it.
This looks like a great family movie. I hope it is as good as the other ones.
Kids love the books
My daughter has read every single Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book. This is a must to watch with her!
I want to see it because it looks very funny.
We would love it because it is just good ol’ clean fun and lots of laughs. They all know I was a wimpy kid, being the shortest in school in my age group.
I know that it is a movie that my son is going to enjoy.
My kids love the books and would really enjoy seeing this movie.
They want to see this movie because they really like the books and they have enjoyed the past movies.
I enjoyed reading these books with my daughter. Would love to go take her to see this movie.
We enjoyed the other movies and books
My daughter lives these books!!
I would like to see this with my kids because I think they would relate to it.
I want to see this with my kids because it looks funny and the books are good
My kids love the series!!!
It seems like a good summer movie.
I want to see this movie with my nieces and nephews because we’ve seen all the other movies together.
love to take my kids to this love a great family movie
my tween grandson loves the books so i know he would love the movie
It is a funny movie to enjoy with my kids.
Because I think they would enjoy it.
We have had some fun road trips as a family. This looks like a good movie.
My daughter wants to see this and she enjoys the books very much
My nephew loves these movies and books, and I would love to take him with me.
Because I think it’s a good movie, something my whole family can go see! Movie night is an affordable way to go out and bond as a clan.
This looks like a fun movie to see with the kids.
i want to see this with my kids because they will love it, and it would be fun to do together
I want to see it with my son because he would love it!
I want to see this with my kids because we all found it funny and touching. I love movies that we can all enjoy as a family.
Oh I would love to take our whole family! Look so funny and like one we can all enjoy together!
I have two sons and they really enjoy reading the Wimpy Kid books. I am sure they would enjoy watching this movie as well.
I want to see this because it looks funny.
I want to take my daughter to this movie because my daughter loves reading this series of books
I want to see it because it looks very funny.
I want to take my grandchildren cause it looks like a really good clean movie.
My son would love it!
My son reads the books and would love to see the movie and win this!
We have read some of the books and my son really enjoyed them. He really wants to see this movie.
I think it’s a movie the whole family will enjoy
And we are overdue for a movie night.
My son loves the books and would love to see this movie.
The kids have read the books and I think they would enjoy this movie.
My godson has read ALL of these books, so we’ll certainly have fun taking him to see this.
I want to see this movie with the grand kids because it is a clean movie they would enjoy seeing.
thank you
I want it see it because I like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.
i really want to see this with the girls because it looks funny!
We want to see it because we loved the last movie!
I would take my grandson
My kids love this book series (so do I) This movie sounds hilarious with good clean fun. They are excited to see it because they enjoy when a favorite book is on the big screen.
My Granddaughter is enjoying the first book. I think she would like to see this movie.
My nephew is a big fan of the books so I’d love to treat him to the movie.
My oldest loves this series so I know he would enjoy the movie too!
I would like to see this with my nephew because he likes the books these movies are based on. Thanks for teh giveaway. I hope that I win.
My son has enjoyed the other Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies so I would like to take him to this one as well.
I want to see this because it looks like a good family movie and my kids love the books!
I would like to win because my son is a big fan of these books. We would love to see the movie together.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
It looks like a funny family movie.
My boys love these books! They can’t wait to go see the movie!
I want to see this with my son because he adores the books and seeing him enjoy the movie makes me happy.
I want to take my nephew to see this movie because he loves the book series!
I want to see this with my kids because we love the books
There are more positive messages than violence and negative messages.
I think it’s something they’d enjoy. I think they’ve read the books and enjoyed them.
I would love to see this with my children because they have read every book so far and seen the other movie.
I will see this with my son. He can’t wait.
My nephew would get a kick out of this movie.
Thanks for the contest.
I want to see it because it looks like such a funny movie that is family friendly.
My kids have enjoyed reading the books, so I’m sure they would like the movie, too!
why because there is nothing better than seeing a smile on my children’s face and if funny movies does the trick than that is what I want to do
It’s a story my kids will grow into! Plus, what a perfect Summertime kind of movie!!
I think my son would find this movie very humorous.
My son would really find this movie a gas.
My Chloe Pearl is in an advanced reading class and she would love this series!
I want to see this with my kids and my husband … Looks like a FUN movie.
My grandson loves the books so I would love to take him to the movie.
I want to see it because it looks very funny.
I would love to see ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul’ with my 11 year old daughter and her best friend. They loved the one movie of this series we saw and they constantly read these books. This would make a great summer vacation day movie to take them to.
Because we rarely do anything because everyone is busy working or sports.
My nephew loves the books and this would make the perfect summer play date!
I want to see this because we have seen the rest and loved them.
My son likes these books and he liked the other movies so he’s excited about this one.
Grandkids love going to see any movie with us.
Because it looks hilarious.
My nephew has gotten my daughter so excited about this movie and series – it’s his favorite. I’d love to be able to take them both on a little excursion together
My kids love reading the books so I know they will have a good time at the movies.
I want to see this with my daughter because it’s her favorite book series. We all enjoy the movies, they are very funny.
I want to see this with my nephew; he’s read several of the books and really enjoyed them.
Because it looks like a good family oriented movie with humor. We like to laugh!
My children love the books so they would love going to the movie. Family fun!
My oldest used to read these books and now my youngest found them in his room and she has fallen in love with them too .. I would love to take the both of them to see this movie so they can share their love of the books together.
This looks like the epitome of a fun family movie
looks fun
Me and my kiddos want to see this movie because we’ve read all the books and want to see how it compares
I want to see it with my kids because they love the book
This movie looks so cute!
I want to see it with my Grandsons becasue they read the books and it looks funny to me too.
I want to take all of my kids to see this movie. They love Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We have all of the books.
My sons have read the books and would love to watch this movie.
My daughter would find this hilarious
I would love to see this with my grandson as it looks like a fun movie and we could have a good laugh together.
Why do you want to see this with your kids?
looks like a cool movie..ive never heard of it before though
Kids love the books
My kids are fans.
My son loves the series.
My daughter’s seen the other movies and loves them.
Because my kids read and love all the books.
I want to see this because it looks like a great family movie.
We liked the other “Diary” movies.
My daughter loves the books & the whole family enjoy the movies.
This movie looks adorable! I can’t wait to see it with my kids!
I want to see this with my kids because all of the books are great!
I would love to see this movie with my kids because it looks funny and age appropriate for my young teens and preteen.
We already read the books so this would make them so happy.
…because all the grandkids, even the 5 yr old that can’t read yet, love this book series (because the older one’s will read to him) they carry their books with them everywhere and can’t seem to put them down…plus they are begging for a movie day with us
To laugh together
I want to see this with my kids because they read all the books@
My 11 year old granddaughter loves the book series and wants to go see it. I would love to be the one to take her. Thanks!
Sounds too funny! My kids would love this!
I want to see this because it’s a really great series and a lot of fun.
I want to win because my family wants to see this movie.
We’ve seen the other Wimpy Kid movies and my son has read all the books!
My nephew wants to see it so I will be taking him.
Because based on the preview trailer it looks like a fun movie to see with the kids and plus my daughters enjoyed the books
They have all the books so they would love the movie.
My daughters grew up loving the book and I know they would love to see the movie!
I enjoyed the books with my kids, so I’d like my grandchildren to see the movie and read the new book.
Both of my daughters have loved these books. I would love to see the movie with them.
We love the books in our family, and have enjoyed the movies so far.
love these books!
My 9 & 7 year olds are so excited! They love diary of a wimpy kid & I do too. The books are really funny!
This movie looks like a fun one for the whole family to see together.
My 8 year old son has read the whole series. He is super excited to see this movie.
my nephew is a fan
I saw the movie trailer and my family and I thought it looked funny.
This is a movie I think my whole family would enjoy watching together.
My kids love the books and the movies.
My niece loves these books! The movies are great, too, so I know she would really enjoy this!
My boy loves the trailer. He can’t wait to see it.
My granddaughters would enjoy seeing this.
My son loves reading the books so I know we would enjoy watching the movie together!
It looks like a movie that we would all enjoy.
Because my son loves reading the books.
My lid loves reading these books and like previous Diary of Wimpy Kid movies.
My lids love that series of books!
It’s a movie my whole family can enjoy
I want to see this with my kids because we are fans of the books!
Thanks for the chance.
like alicia silverstone and also the books to ty
My sweet little Chloe Pearl loves the books and she would be thrilled to win this!
I would love to take my nieces to see this because they’re huge fans of the series!
I’d love to see this with my family because it looks like a super enjoyable movie and I know they will be very excited to watch this!
I would be taking grandchildren, and I think that the 8 year old would enjoy the movie a great deal–might even recognize some of the things that happen as possible in his real life!
I don’t have kids, but it seems like it could be funny.
I think it would be good for a kid to relate to!
i would like to see it with my grandkids because the oldest has read the book
I want to see it with the kids because it will be so funny
Excited because my 2 kids read those books over and over and over.
It looks like a cute movie.
I would take my friend to see it because it looks like a funny movie
Do I have to have kids to see it? Looks fun for all ages
My kids like the books, so I’d love to see the movie with them
We are always on the look-out for good movies, especially comedy. It is also a great thing if mom enjoys the show as well!
I think they would really enjoy watching this movie, it looks great.
Because it looks funny!
I would like to win this for my neighbor and the grandson she is raising… I think they would enjoy it and have a great time!.
My son read the books so I’m sure he will want to see the movie.
I think my son would love to see this…because these books really helped him develop some reading skills! He never liked to read before we discovered the Wimpy Kid books.
We did see it! Funny!
My daughter enjoys the books and I know she will like the movie as well.
id love to see this with my kids – they would LOVe it!
This movie is like a “Vacation -chevy chase movie” just more of a kids version my kids would love to watch it
I love watching movies like this, my son is too old to like them anymore, but my niece would watch them with me. Thanks for the chance to win.
looks fun for the whole family
My older son likes the Wimpy Kid series and has read nearly all the books.
Looks like a good family movie.
I think it would be hilarious.
My oldest granddaughter loves this series of books and I would love to see it with her.
This movie is a kids version of “Vacation” with chevy chase looks hilarious
Because it could teach some serious life lessons that will come in handy soon.
So I can teach my kids not to ne wimpy!
i would love to take my son to see this, he is a big fan of the wimpy kid movies.
I’d like to see this because my daughter red the books and enjoyed them!
My son loves the books and cant wait to see this!
I think this would be a fun movie to watch with the kids.
My boys LOVE this book series and the movies! Can’t wait to check this one out
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I want to see this with the daughter because it looks real funny!
We are big fans of the books.
My kids have been a fan of these books since they came out.
My daughter would love this.
I’d like to have this because this movie looks like a cute family film.
I want to see this with my kids because we love the Wimpy Kid series
I’d like to see this with my kids bc it looks like good clean fun!
I’d like to see it with my kids because they like the books & it looks like a good family movie.
My son introduced me to Diary of a Wimpy Kid books a couple of years ago. The movie will be a great way for me and my son to put life into the characters.
I want to see it because I am always hearing about how great the books are! These books really cause children to like to read!
My kids love these movies and they are always funny to watch.
These books and movies are entertaining for the entire family. The quality is good, the plots are funny. I expect this to be a great movie.
It looks like a hilarious movie that my nephew would enjoy.
Because we read these books as a family and they enjoyed it, so I would like to see the movie as a family as well.
I’m looking forward to taking my son to the movie, he is a big fan of the books.
This looks like it would be fun for kids and grownups.
My kids would love to see this and it doesn’t seem super boring for me as an adult!
my kids loved the books.
I want to see this with my niece because it looks funny.
I enjoyed the first one!
This would be a great time to bond with my niece.
This looks super cute!!!
I want to see this with my kids because they really like the books.
Both of my boys really want to go to see this movie
I think my granddaughter would love it and I would love watching it with her.
We have seen all the other’s together and would love to see this one as well!
My daughter loves the books, and my son thinks the movies are so funny.
Our great grandson would love this
I want to see this with my daughter because it looks like a movie she would really enjoy!
I want to go see this with the kids because we are in need of a family night out at the movies this summer
i want to see this because the trailer looks good,my daughter read the books and says they are good, and i love Alicia Silverstone.
The previews look great! My great nephew would love this one!!
I want to see this with my nephew because Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul looks so funny.
I want to take my granddaughters to see it. It looks like it would be funny.
A Heffley family road trip to attend Meemaw’s 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course thanks to Greg’s newest scheme to get to a video gaming convention.
i really love this movie
nice movie, love it