B-Air Fido Max 1 is a new dog dryer developed in close partnership with famed dog behaviorist, Cesar Millan. The Fido Max 1 dog dryer form B-Air is a multipurpose grooming helper that can be used to dry your dog after bathing (of course) but can also be used to de-shed your dog and even give a light massage. It’s a great tool for any dog owner who wants to save money for themselves and stress for their dogs.
*This is a sponsored post with Fido. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Save Money and Stress with B-Air Fido Max 1
With the Fido Max 1 from B-Air, owners can groom at home, saving them time and saving their dogs stress. A trip to the groomer can be stressful for some dogs. While there are social butterflies out there who love to go anywhere, even the groomer, there are even more dogs who are absolutely terrified by the entire process. Sitting in a cage until their turn comes around, being groomed and bathed, and then sitting in the cage again while they are dried by industrial pet dryers can be hugely stressful on many dogs. The entire process is just loud and terrifying.
With the Fido Max 1 from B-Air, that’s a thing of the past. This essential home grooming tool is a powerful, yet quiet, force dryer that effectively dries your pet’s coat without the noise of regular dog dryers. It also uses no heat, which helps prevent rashes of over-drying of the skin. And because of it’s compact, portable size, it can be used equally easily at home, mobile grooming units, self-wash stations, and even dog shows. It can go anywhere and do heavy duty work with minimal stress on your pet. And with a variety of head attachments for everything from drying to coat blowing to de-shedding and more, it’s a truly versatile machine.
B-Air Fido Max 1 – Man’s Best Friend’s Best Friend
My son is horribly allergic to everything, but he still wants a dog. I mean, he wants one in the worst way. It’s so sad to see him pining away to be the classic “boy and his dog”. He is that boy sans dog. We’re currently looking into hypoallergenic breeds, and when we find the right one, we’ll be investing in a B-Air Fido Max 1 to further ensure that our new pooch stays clean, dander free, and keep my son’s environment as free of allergens as possible.
And we can do that with this machine. Whether you want to save money on grooming, save the stress of grooming for your pet, or both, give the B-Air Fido Max 1 dog dryer a look. This compact versatile machine makes grooming at home easy, and since it’s designed in conjunction with Cesar Millan, you know it’s made to be as stress-free as possible for our pets. You can find the B-Air Fido Max 1 at Amazon right now. Check it out.
Giveaway: One will will receive the Fido Max 1 (retail value $119 ). This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to visit b-air and tell me your favorite feature. Please put all comments in comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
I like that it’s quiet and that it doesn’t use heat! It’s safe to use on my pups.
I love that it repels water from the dogs coat without the use of heat!!!!
Quiet yet forceful! Great to use on the dogs!
i think it is a safer way to dry
I love that it dryes without all the noise. My furbaby is afraid of the dryer. And love that it doesn’t use heat.
I love that the dryer has a quiet motor. Also the heat would not burn thhe skin of my Shih Tzu puppy.
I love that it repels water from dog’s fur.
My favorite feature is the quietness of the machine! My poor dog Gypsy is always so frightened by the sound of the dryer!
I like the FIDO MAX 1 DOG DRYER.
its quiet
My favorite feature is the quiet operation.
I like the combination of massaging and drying.
I love that it’s quiet. My dogs get scared with loud noises.
My favorite feature is the different nozzles available for different hair lengths.
Fido Max 1 is a powerful, yet quiet, force dryer. This is what I like best.
I like that you can use it at home and that the dryer has a long connector to the loud machine (less scary for the pup).
My favorite feature is the noise control. Otherwise really why not just use a human one. I could really use one of these for my rescue Milo. He’s a Minpin with Chihuahua in him and he gets terrified of the dryer but you can’t just leave him to air dry because he shivers so much.
I like that it is quiet and powerful. My dog doesn’t like loud sounds.
I like that It repels water from the dog’s coat efficiently and safely without using heat
My favorite feature would be how it uses no heat. My Elle Mae has dry skin, so this would definitely be good for her skin!
I love that its quiet and doesn’t use heat. My pomchi sometimes gets really bad skin issues if he is around heat
I love that it’s quiet because my little dog is afraid of the hair dryer. This would be great!
Like the quiet motor.
I like how quiet it is.
My dogs get very scared if the noise is too loud, so it’s nice that this dryer is quiet.
Being quiet is most important because our pup is fearful of loud noises
The six foot hose makes it easy to place far enough away when using that pets aren’t as afraid. I also appreciate that it doesn’t heat the air with potential to burn my pups sensitive skin
i love that there are several attachments!
My favorite feature is the quiet motor. My dog doesn’t mind the blowing but hates the sound!
I love that its quiet
I really like that it’s quiet because my dogs are scared of traditional dryers
I like that it dries without all the noise. It would be great for my dog babies!
Can it really be that quiet! I would love that!
It has a quiet motor.
I love the idea of a dryer without noise! That is genus!
My favorite item is the B-Air Fido Max.
I like that it’s quiet. My Sadies does not like noises!
I like that it is quiet and designed to not scare dogs. My dog hates the sound of vacuums and the hair dryer.
The blue one is my favorite dryer. It would match my dog shampooer!!!
I like the force dryer built with high-quality materials and designed to deliver high-performance results.
I think that the force dryer built with high-quality materials is cool.
Powerful but quiet, what else can you ask for. Makes it easy for both dog and owner to groom our dogs!
I like this the most about their product; Fido Max 1 is an essential tool used to build these stronger relationships by providing owners with a safe and effective way to home groom. Fido Max 1 is a powerful, yet quiet, force dryer built with high-quality materials and designed to deliver high-performance results.
My favorite feature is that it’s quiet, force dryer built with high-quality materials.
I like that it’s quiet. Best thing ever! No one likes a scared pup!
My favorite feature of this product is how it repels the water away from your dogs fur without using heat. I definitely don’t want to hurt my puppy in any way.
I like that it’s quiet and does not use heat
I love that it’s quiet. My dog FREAKS out over the vacuum. I can’t imagine he would be okay with a loud dryer lmao.
I like that it doesn’t get too hot so they won’t get burned.
The Cesar Millan Fido Max 1 can be used to de-shed your dog’s coat and even has the ability to give a light massage that your pup will love. My 3 dogs would love it
i like that it is quiet and less stressful for the dogs
My favorite part is the whole combination it can do.
Not sure that the massaging feature will be appreciated by my dogs, but the quiet will be!
I like that it is quiet. With dogs with noise sensitivity this is a real plus.
Quiet is clearly the top concern. Loud noises upset pets.
I love that it’s quiet and saves time! Wonderful!
I like that the dryer is quiet.
I love that it is quiet. My doggers is afraid of the loudness of the one we use at the dog wash.
I like it delivers a high quality performance
I like that it repels water without using heat. You don’t have to worry about too much heat on your baby!
I love that it is a safe and certified product and that it repels water efficiently and safely without using heat.
The Cesar Millan Fido Max 1 can be used to de-shed your dog’s coat and even has the ability to give a light massage that your pup will love. I have a dog that sheds badly her winter coat.
I love that it is quiet. My babies do great with all the grooming until it comes to the drying. They hate the noise.
My favorite feature is the de-shedding part, I have 3 labs that shed all year around.
I like that it’s quiet so it reduces your furbabies stress of grooming
I like that it is quite. Above that I love that it saves times. It takes my German Shep hours to fully dry via towels.
My favorite feature is the quiet operation.
I like that its an ETL Certified pet dryer with force air that will keep my dog comfortable while drying him.
My favorite feature is the saving money and doing this at home.
My dog is awlays so scared of loud noises and I don’t blame him. What is this scary tool my owner is pointing at me! Very intimidating. I am happy there is a solution! I think Teddy (that’s my doggie) would appreciate a quieter less intimidating device to dry him. I love that I wouldn’t have to take him to the doggy groomer to get a bath. Ingenius! Very clever!
love the idea of doing the grooming at home
I like that it’s quiet, for ours that is a must.
I love the feature of de-shedding your dog, plus it is quiet
I love that the Fido Max 1 is a cost-efficient tool for home-grooming use.
I LOVE that it is quiet!!!
I really like the fact that it does not make a lot of noise. My little puppy tends to get a little nervous around loud sounds.
My favorite feature is that is doesn’t use heat to dry the dogs fur.
I love the Purple Ribbon dog dryer!
My favorite feature is the additional tools. I love the de-shedding and massage tools.
I love that it is quiet and does not use heat to dry. I also love the cool colors!
I like that it doesnt use heat and burn the dogs skin.
I like the FIDO MAX 1 DOG DRYER.
I like that it is a safe and effective way to home groom and is powerful, yet quiet.
I love that it dryes without all the noise. My furbaby is afraid of the dryer. And love that it doesn’t use heat.
I love that it repels water from the dog’s coat efficiently and safely without using heat.
I like how it dries without too much heat. I hate having the dog run around the house half wet rubbing herself all over things. This would be great! Even with repeated towel drying my lab is wet i would love to try this!
My favorite feature is the quiet motor.
Its high quality and its quite.
I like that it can be used for de shedding. With a Sheltie it would be a great help. I also like that it is quiet.
I love how fast it is
My favorite feature is that it is quiet, since my dogs don’t like a lot of noise.
love that it dryes without all the noise. My furbaby is afraid of the dryer
I like the B-AIR® BEAR POWER BPD-1 I think it would be great for my dog’s. Bath time is, unfortunately, a very stressful time for them so anything that would cut down drying time is a plus.
I like that it doesn’t use heat!
I like that it’s quiet – my dogs get stressed with loud sounds.