Do you remember playing MASH on the playground at school? Our friends at Credit Karma created a grown-up version that gives you a sneak peek at your financial future! Check out my results here:
This is an ADORABLE game that was very easy to play! Who doesn’t love to see their future?!
GIVEAWAY: Three winners will each win $50 Amazon Gift Cards!! This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to play the game at Games of Karma and tell me in the comments what your future look like. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
This post was sponsored by Credit Karma.
Cool! I was a married circus performer. Awesome.
I have 8 cats in the future, and I live in an old log cabin I came across in a hike.
I’m going to have 4 kids, live under sea level and I’m a farmer lol
I have four kids and drive a tricked-out super cycle. I live in a huge mansion. I marry a coconut and I have a collection of rare baseball cards (except that my mom threw them away).
In the future, I have 17 kids. We are a circus family. We have an enchanted castle.
I have 5 kids and exotic animals in my future. My marriage is suppose to be over the moon too!
I will have 8 cats, drive a school bus, live in a tiny house, have a romantic wedding and own a sheep farm. Well at least one of the predictions is true right now. LOL
I’m going to have four kids, get caught speeding, marry a King and swim in gold. Wow.
I have one child who is my future retirement. I drive a supercycle and live in underwater city. Marry on abeach at sunset on horse. Massive collection of baseball cards, mom through away.
Mine said 5 kids, a stretch limo, a mansion, a dream wedding and none really for assets. I guess I will just have to settle with my mansion.
My future looks a little bleak. I won’t have any kids or assets. However, I will have a dream wedding and live on a riverfront.
i have 4 kids and drive a limousine and married a cocnut
In the future I’ll be be with my partner, we have 3 dogs, live in the mountains and have crazy good wi-fi service.
I was unable to load a pic but it looked like it would be fun.
I have zero kids,,live ina tiny house and have lots of money
couldn’t upload a photo either
Mine was so funny! It said I will have 3 super smart kids, headed to graduate school, drive a fast convertible, live in a rustic, old log cabin I discover on a hike and marry a person in Las Vegas I just met!
I am having 17 children, well I am getting close to that with grandchildren loll
In the future, I will have no kids, I will adopt a highway, I will drive a “super sexy” convertible, live in a tiny houses, and will marry my high school, sweetheart.
My predicted future includes 8 kids (cats lol), I drive a rusty old pickup, and I live in a loft with a rope ladder. I married my high-school sweetheart and have exotic animals. Sounds interesting!
I will have 8 cats,I drive a super sexy high power turbo engine convertible which attracts alot of attention (Police)I live in a small place looks like a tiny motor home on prime property next to a river. I marry into money and my assets include a sheep farm and a lifetime supply of wool sweaters.
8 cats riverfront property I drive a convertible, I get married they have money I am all happy about a $5 assest bond from my Grandma.
My results were in the future I have 4 kids, I drive a retro car, I live in an enchanted castle, I married nobody and am single and ready to mingle and my assets include a very robust 401(k) account.
I will have 8 cats and am single..that is depressing lol. Cute game!
I have 8 kids, classic pick-up for a care…that will be interesting with 8 kids…lol…I live in a treehouse and married my highschool sweetheart. My assets are my sports memorabilia.
That was interesting. I have 3 super smart bound for grad school kids. I drive a stretch limo. I live in an enchanted castle. I married nobody. My fortune is in a baseball card collection but my Mom threw them away.
My results are Five Kids, an Electric Car, I live in an Old Log Cabin, I never marry, and my assets include Sports Memorabilia.
3 college bound kids, married into money, log cabin, and missed the rest.
LOL I have no marriage or kids and I live in a mansion that is so very affordable. I adopted a hwy I drive a convertible that attracts a lot of attention. I am single and ready to mingle
It was pretty funny and a little accurate. My lucky number was 8, which it is. I have 3 kids, which I do. I live in a log cabin…I don’t. I drive a classic pickup with a dog riding shotgun…close LOL. i married in Vegas…no..and have sports memorabilia, which I do. That was fun!
I have (according to the game) 5 kids, I drive a schoolbus, and I live in a treehouse. Oh, I was married on the beach on horseback.
Mine was 5 kids with a motorcycle, not married living in a rustic cabin with exotic animals. This was a cute game at least lol
I depress to see my, i have 8 cats, a very retro car way retro, married a coconut and loft with the view
I will have one kid, drive a fancy red car, and marry an alien….. I don’t know about the fancy red sport card, but everything else sounds good.
I have 17 kids, drive a pick up, live in a mansion, get married on a tropical island and have a savings bond.
I am over the moon in love, have seventeen kids (please no), drive a sweet convertible, and have gold! Not too shabby. I think I’ll get on some birth control, haha!
I am going to have 17 kids and marry my high school sweetheart.
thank you
lol I had 4 kids and married somone I just met!
I’m going to have eight kids, live in a tiny house, and marry my high school sweetheart.
Kids: 5, thankfully our family band is starting to take-off.
Drive: a retro car, like waaay retro (think Flinstones).
Live: in a fairly small house on prime riverfront property.
Married: at the beach, on horseback, there were doves, it was annoyingly perfect.
Assets include: naming rights to that star over there.
Zero kids, I find a good guy, live in a tiny house and get to name a star.
That’s really funny! I have 8 kids (all cats!!!), drive a stretch limo and use sports memorabilia as my financial planning tool! The video is pretty funny.
I’ll have 5 kids and a motorcycle.
I have 3 college bound kids, I drive a convertible, I live in a mansion, I’m single, I have a vault full of gold teeth.
No kids, adopt a highway, I drive a school bus and live in a fairly small place but it’s riverfront property, marry someone literally out of this world and my assets include a robust 401 account
So my future holds 17 kids, we are a circus family. I am single, drive a convertible, and live in a haunted mansion. Too funny!
5 Kids and my family band is really taking off, I get great gas mileage, live in a small riverfront property, married to my high school sweetheart and I have a vault full of gold teeth. Yay me!
I have 8 cats, live in a tiny house, and marry a coconut
lol 17 kids and my house is a circus! I drive a Waaaay retro car, and live in a tiny house but it’s adorable! I married someone I just met, like LV style
I have 5 kids, living in a rustic retreat with a dream wedding. Thanks for the chance to win!
1 child, below sea level, classic pickup, exotic animals, high school sweetheart.
I’m going to have 8 kids, drive an electric car, live in a treehouse, I married above me and my assets is distant property!
I have no kids, adopted a highway, and married my high school sweetheart… ???
I have 5 kids, a supercycle and live in a mansion.
Here is the link to my results:
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
One kid, vintage wheels, rustic retreat, married above myself and have exotic animals
this is the video link ..hope this is what youre’ looking for
I have no kids, adopt a highway, drive a pickup, live in an underwater city and am unmarried and have a lot of gold.
In the future I have 5 kids. I drive a stretch limo. I like in a castle. I marry into money.
I have 3 kids, a car with vintage wheels, with a rustic retreat. It said married above me? My assets are also gold.
I have 17 kids and my I live in a treehouse. I married my high school sweetheart and drive a motorcycle. Wow!
I had one kid tony house highschool sweetheart
It said I will have 0 kids, a stretch limo, a tiny house, married above me, and no assets…haha
I have 5 kids and live in an underwater city! I also married into money – maybe Aquaman, lol?
I have 8 kids, sweet convertible, mansion, honeymoon in vegas and distant property.
3 kids, drive a van … sounds like my real life
How funny! Apparently, I have four kids, drive a stretch limo, live in an underwater city, was married on a beach on horseback, and my assets include vault of gold. Apparently I’m rich. Haha!
1 child, ticket to early retirement, drive a retro card, way retro, I live in underwater city lost forever, and married someone I just met, last vegas. Assets are baseball cards that my mom threw away.
I don’t have kids, but would love to be around by kids
According to the Karma Games, I’m going to have 4 kids, drive a motorcycle, live in a tree house, and have lots of gold as an asset. Oh, and I will marry into money, lol.
I enjoyed the video!
I have 1 kid, drive a retro car, live in a loft with a view & rope ladder, I marry someone out of this world and I have naming rights to a star
hmmm not terribly off… hahahah no kids . drive a school bus. live in a tree house. not married. no assets….
Silly. The prediction was based on nothing and was totally meaningless.
I had 1 kid, Mappy Married, live in small house
Oh my! I will have 8 kids, be not married, drive a school bus and have no assets! We will live in a rustic retreat :/
I will have 5 kids, stately castle, distant property, over the moon in love, classic pickup. Right…..
I have 5 dogs, 4 kids, and a castle!
Yikes, I have 17 kids, drive a school bus and am married to a coconut. But on the bright side, I live in a mansion!. That was fun. Thanks.
It says I won’t have any kids, but will adopt a highway lol. Also I drive a stretch limo, live in a tree house & have a tropical wedding. With no assets! This was fun!
link didn’t copy!
I had 17 kids and have a circus family and live in an underwater city.
Well… I have 4 kids…. I drive a small and sensible electric car. I live in an old log cabin that i came across on a hike. I married someone who I just met. And my assets are naming rights to a star. LOL! Sounds like the life I would get…. hehehehee….
zero kids, live in a tiny house and have lots of money!!
LOTS of grandchildren in my future! Live in a big inviting home we all spend holidays in!
I end up single and ready to mingle and drive a retro car and have three super smart kids I live in a loft w/a view with a rope ladder My asset include a $25 savings bond from my grandmaw
I’m not married. I don’t have kids and I drive a red convertible.
17 kids, motorcycle, living in a castle, marrying high school sweetheart, and have a savings bond. wow i got some good and some bad haha the 17 kids are just…ouch…
Three kids, retro car, riverfront property, and married into money haha
8 kids, tiny house, electric car, honeymoon in las vegas
I had lots of cats, walked the red carpet,went scuba diving and had empty pockets.
My future: 17 kids, my house is a circus (given the 17 kids), drive a small electric car, loft with a view, and got married on the beach.
I have 1 kid, drive a school bus, live in a treehouse, had Vegas wedding and live on 401K!
I’m going to have five kids, get caught speeding, live in a treehouse and swim in gold
I DO NOT LIKE MY FUTURE!! I have **17** kids, live in a tiny house, drive an electric car, got married in Vegas, work in a circus and my assets consist of naming rights to a star.
I need a virtual hug.
I couldn’t upload the picture.
I live under the sea with 3 dogs and I’m a farmer
I have 8 cats, live under the water. It never mentioned a job but I have a vault full of gold!
Said, I have 8 cats, live in a tiny house, drive an electric car and married someone out of this world.
Hello! Thanks for the giveaway.
4 kids (umm. no), Electric car and a Mansion though!
I have 4 kids and live in a mansion with no assets. Sounds like real
I have 1 child, drive an electric car, live in a small riverfront property. I marry into money, and my assets include naming rights to a star.
Strange game–I can expect to drive a school bus, have some riverfront property and marry an alien. These predictions certainly make it clear it is a game!!
I have three kids and I drive a motorcycle. I lived in an underground water city and got married on the beach. I have exotic animals.
amazing :))
Am going to a singing artist!
I’m going to be a school bus driver living in a mansion…hmmm…
SEVENTEEN (17) kids, drive an electric car, own riverfront property, and NOT married and have exotic animals. Um, okie-dokie, lol!
You’re kids are so gorgeous and adorable. They should be on t.v.. <3 <3 ^_^
I have no kids, drive a pickup, live in a castle and get married in vegas, and I own a sheep farm.
5 Kids classic pick up riverfront property honeymoon in vegas 401K account
Kids: One
Auto: Motorcycle
Real Estate: Stately Castle
Marriage: Honeymoon in Vegas
Assets: Gold
I am going to have 8 kids ( I have 5 already lol) drive a red convertible. get married on a island to a coconut, live in some rustic house and have a 401k plan.
I live in a loft with 17 kids.
I have 4 kids, drive a school bus and married my high school sweetheart.
Hahahaha! I’m married to a circus performer!!
I will have 3 kids, drive a convertible, live in a mansion, marry someone i literally just met, honeymoon in vegas, and have a whole $25 savings bond from my grandma! LOL
1 kid, drive a stretch limo with a pop superstar client–live in huge mansion and get married on horseback on beach at sunset–no assets but excellent health.
17 kids? Ha! Only if they are cats!
Somewhat true! Lol. I want 4 kids and would love assets full of Gold. I hope to marry my highschool sweetheart one day as well. I will not be living in a old cabin or driving an electric car anytime soon though. 3 out of 5, not bad!
Seventeen Kids, how I wish that was true ! We are unable to have any.
Vintage wheels , yes would have to be a classic Mustang for me!
Real estate below sea level, marriage a honeymoon in vegas (we really did this!)
Assets Exotic Animals, Bengal cats I hope!
I have 17 kids, drive a tricked out supercycle, live in a small house,marry my high school sweetheart and assets include very rare collection of baseball cards that my mom threw away.
I will be married with four kids and no money.
5 kids, family band, drive a stretch limo, live in an underwater city, marry my high school sweetheart, and have a vault full of gold teeth
I marry a rich man, find a lost city under the water, have 8 cats and own a farm with sheep.
It even chose my favorite number! I got four kids, a stately mansion, stretch limo, tropical wedding, and no assets, really (I’m half thinking/half hoping none of it will be true)!
I have 8 cats, drive a motorcycle, live in an enchanted castle locked away by my evil step mother, got married in vegas to someone I didn’t know, and my assets include naming rights to a star.
I marry an alien, live in an enchanted castle, and ride a motorcycle.
My future says that I will have 4 kids, drive a school bus, live in a log cabin and I am single and my assets are gold
I have 8 cats, live in a castle, and marry a coconut on a tropical island while driving a limo…exciting stuff.
Ha! I live in a creepy log cabin that I found with my eight cats. Some days that might not seem so bad.
I will have 8 kids, drive a convertible, live in a mansion and have a romantic wedding.
I’m going to have 8 cats, drive a school bus, marry a coconut and have a robust 401K. (very strange)
Thanks for the contest.
My future isn’t great! I have 8 cats. (That is 7 too many). I will drive a small electric car. I live in a treehouse with a rope ladder. I marry someone I just met. My financial savings is a $25 /savings bond my grandmother had for me.
Haha, says I’m going to have 3 kids (which I have right now). Also drive an electric car!
I’ll have 5 kids, not married. I’ll have a classic pickup, The real estate is below sea and assets are gold.
Zero kids, not married, and living in a castle. That sounds like my absolute dream life!!
I tried. It never let me get past the point of uploading my photo. Guess I broke it with my picture! LOL
It told me I was going to have 8 kids, and end up with a savings bond. Not sure what the video had to do with those things, but an amusing game none the less.
5 kids, not married, castle, electric car!
OH my ..I will have 8 kids and drive a school bus and my assest is a savings bond..
I live in a tree house with 8 cats!!!!!! HELP!
Oh boy that went super fast. All I remembered.. 5 kids, rustic cabin, over the moon in love and something about a limo.
Five kids? A limo? Crappy house.. but I’m rich with a 401k!
Mine says I will live in a castle, have a vault full of gold, and have three kids that all go to graduate school. I can live with that!!
I saw lots cats and walked the red carpet
I will have 4 kids a retro car, live in a somehow affordable mansion an marry my high school sweetheart. LOL
I have 5 kids, drive a school bus, have a family band, live in a loft with a view, married a alien and my prize possession is baseball cards.
I have 1 child, drive a retro car (think Flintstones!), live in a small, riverfront home and marry a coconut.
I will have 8 cats, drive a school bus, live in a tiny house, have a romantic wedding and own a sheep farm.
i drive a classic pick up truck, i have 8 kids, married my high school sweetheart. it was fun watching that video.
17 kids, my house is a circus. I drive a very small very sensible electric car and the gas mileage is crazy good. I live in one of those tiny houses, it’s just plain adorable. You married this coconut, it’s very lifelike. My assets include naming rights to that star up there!
haha that was so fun!! 5 kids, enchanted castle, married on a beach on horseback, and more. Sounds good to me!
lol, Myfuture holds 17 kids, we are a circus family. I am single, drive a convertible, and live in a haunted mansion. Love it!!!
So…I have 8 kids (correction-cats). I drive a tricked-out supercycle. I live in an enchanted castle. I marry my high school sweetheart. I have a $25 savings bond from grandma.
Wow. Super depressing and untrue.
But it was fun to play! I could use the gift card $!
I got married in vegas, have a sheep farm, will have 8 cats, and stretch limo! HAHA
I have 8 cats, a school bus driver, a tiny house , I married a coconut. i own a sheep farm.
Yikes I have so many kids now it’s cats! I have eight cats and live in a underwater city and I am married to a coconut. I kid you not! That was fun!
According to the results I will have four kids, drive a super power convertible, live in a tiny house, get married on the beach at sunset, and my assets will include rare baseball cards.
i have no kids, drive an electric car, i’m not married, my status is single, and I only have sports memorabilia for assets but my mom sold them.
I get speeding tickets while driving my little red convertible, I married a little green alien in a spaceship, I have 4 children and am a sheepherder.
Single, 4 kids, drive a turbo powered convertible, live in a haunted mansion, and I own a sheep farm.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have 4 kids, drive a school bus, live in a castle with my awful step mother, marry into money and have an awesome 401 K! LOL.
I have zero kids, drive a classic pickup, live in a rustic retreat, a dream wedding and a savings bond
Married to an alien, one kid, drive a convertible, and be broke
I have 8 kids and drive a motorcycle….hmmm that’s a little funny. Ohhh and I have a vault of gold TEETH and married someone I just met in Vegas!! HILARIOUS!!!
I had 4 kids, an electric car, a tiny house & exotic animals:)
Thanks for the chance!
I will have one kid, a convertible and a small riverfront property.
It says i have two children, i drive a school bus, i play golf, and live in a mansion
I’m going to have four kids, get caught speeding, marry a King and swim in gold.
Video link
I have zero kids. A pickup, live in a statley castle. my assets are savings bonds.
A classic pickup? No way, not happening. I can see the tropical beach wedding, though.
Fun game, but way off. 1 kid, drive a rusty pick up truck, got married in Vegas, live in a Mansion, and my mom threw my baseball card collection away.
Says I have 3 kids drive a retro car, small house on river
I have 3 grad school kids, drive a convertible, living in a loft with a rope ladder and a view and married a coconut LOL that coconut better have money!
I will live in a hollow log, offering free insults. Better than now!
Mine said I will have 1 kid, a classic pickup, live in a tiny house and 401K asset. I completely agree with the last one which says my marriage is over the moon in love!
I have squatter rights to an old rustic cabin, a beautiful wedding , no assets but great health!
I have a tricked out supercycle and zero kids but adopt a highway. I live in a underwater city , married my high school sweetheart. and have a vault of gold teeth.
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