This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of a Blog Blast for Influence Central.
It is 2016 and now is the time to put your New Years Resolutions to the test. If you are like me, one of my biggest New Years Resolutions was to learn how to live a healthier, and in turn, happier life. I fully believe in order to be happy in your life, you must be healthy!
Here are my top tips for living a healthier life:
1. Make sure each and everyday you take your vitamins! I start everyday off with Nature Made® vitamins and I have found it definitely helps support my immune system, even through the most challenging conditions such as when my family is sick or when it is absolutely frigid out. It provides me the boost I need to get my New Years Resolution back on track.
Nature Made is the nation’s #1 best-selling brand for quality vitamins, minerals and supplements* to help support nutritional gaps*
(*Based in part on data reported by Nielsen through its Scantrack Service for the Vitamins Category for 52-week period ending 9/26/2015, for the xAOC, FDM, and FM Markets. Copyright © 2015 Nielsen.*)
I absolutely love their whole selection but I am a big Gummie vitamin person and Nature Made has a large selection of these adult gummies. Their selection includes gummies for Energy B12, Calcium, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, and so much more! Their selection of vitamins is truly out of this world in terms of cost and variability.
Nature Made is also the #1 Pharmacist recommended supplement brand in 9 categories** ( **Based on US News & World Report – Pharmacy Times Survey, Nature Made is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand in Nine Categories – Letter Vitamins, Omega-3/Fish Oil, Coenzyme Q10, Flax Seed Oil, Herbal Supplements, Cholesterol Management-Natural, Garlic, Diabetic Multivitamins and Mood Health Supplements***)
To get me started on my New Year’s Resolution, I tend to stock up on my Nature Made Vitamins and Supplements at Walmart. I get the best prices without ever waiting for a sale. Along with getting your vitamins, I highly suggest signing up for the “Nature Made Daily Boost” program today. You can find out about simple and easy daily boosts you can do every single day that will help you take your health to the next step.
2. Sleep more! They say it is an old wise tale that people need 7-8 hours of sleep a night but I can tell you that is no tale! Your body MUST get the recommended amount of sleep to be able to function with your cognitive and physical abilities each and every day. At night, I tend to read a bit before bed and use the bed only for sleeping. I try not to watch TV in bed or else it can prohibit me from getting a good night sleep.
3. Eat Healthier! You hear this over and over but eating healthier is a necessity for feeling better. The two go hand in hand. If you are eating unhealthy, guaranteed, you will feel sluggish and not your overall best. Make good choices from all the various food groups!
GIVEAWAY: I-C is hosting a contest through which you can enter to win one of 20 $50 Walmart gift cards. I-C will randomly select 20 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes. Enter here: