Happy weekend everyone! This weekend we are doing a little staycation in Boston so I am excited!
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Definitely check out the other post who link up as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary, just appreciated.
5. Taylor started walking officially this week. She totally looks like a drunkin’ sailor! So cute!
4. Taylor is just the cutest thing. She has roll after roll on her legs. I will take a picture next week!
3. Hayley went to a friends house for a sleepover. I asked her if she needed help packing and her response, “Are you kidding me..I am a big girl”!
2. Yesterday morning, I heard rumbles in the kitchen. When I went to look, I saw paint EVERYWHERE. I asked Zane what happened and he told me he was painting a pretty picture for me. It was crazy how much paint was all over!
1. I told Zane we are going to Hershey Park next weekend and his response, “Oh I can’t wait to see Mickey again?”! Kid is so confused!
Now your laughs:
LOL! Zane will soon find out there’s no Mickeys there :P. Taylor does seem very cute/chubby legs too!