Happy weekend everyone! Sorry I am a few minutes getting this up. I am actually Hershey bound so I was packing last night.
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary.
My Top Five Laughs:
5. We went to Boston last weekend and the kids were so excited. The best part of the trip (they said) was sleeping in a big bed. I was laughing because they stayed up till midnight both days and were gearing up for the day at 7 Am. If you call that sleeping!
4. Hayley loves to play with little sister Taylor. Taylor just started walking and Hayley wants her to run. She would try to play all these games with her like catch me if you can and then always tell her that she needs to speed up.
3. I said a bad word this week and Zane felt the need to run to my husband and tell him. Then he proceeded to call my friend and tell her. Boy likes to get me in trouble!
2. Taylor looks like a drunk sailor walking these days. It is SO funny to watch her. If you put shoes on her, all bets are off if she is going to fall.
Your Laughs:
HAHA that is so cute and funny you got “Told on” and that your kiddo made the effort to CALL a friend of yours and tell her! Hahah love it!
This is so fantastic! I started my first blog as a way to journal my life in case (someday) my future kids wanted to know who their mom was before being Mama. As I actually had children my blog has had a few makeovers…. And how great if I now used it to journal my girls’ adventures more intentionally. I may have to piggyback of of this idea and do a weekly(ish) post of my memorable moments with my girls. So many memories to capture!