*This is a sponsored post and giveaway with Tom Tom! All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Traffic. We all know it. We all hate it. Traffic sucks up so much time. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be at home with the family than out on the road. Thanks to the TomTom Go, driving has become far less of a headache. With the TomTom Go and its extensive database, getting home is easier than ever before.
TomTom Go Takes the Pain out of Travel
You know how it goes when you’re on the road. Everything’s fine, then suddenly you’re in a traffic jam. Or maybe there’s a road closure you didn’t know about. Whatever the reason, it seems like there’s always something to delay you when all you really want to do is get home to your family and relax a little. That’s where the TomTom Go comes in. This navigation system is top of the line, and it’s designed to take the pain out of travel for everyone.
I live in Rhode Island. It’s a tiny state, but you wouldn’t know it with all the traffic. I’ve been using the TomTom GO for a while now, and it’s made a huge impact on my driving experience. Even when I know where I’m going, I program my destination into my TomTom Go. I do that because it can tell me about any accidents or traffic congestion on my route and offer alternatives which is really great. That alone is a huge time saver. I’ve actually been saved from extra time on the road a few times already. I love that because at the end of the day, I just want to get home to my three kids and my hubby.
What Makes the TomTom Go Stand Out
The TomTom GO 500 or 600 is far and away the best GPS system out there. With its amazing map coverage and its smart technology that can detect possible traffic blockages and redirect you to a faster route, this device is a must have for anyone who just wants to get home.
- Serious Technology: TomTom is the preferred traffic intelligence resource for local governments and traffic agencies to solve mobility issues. That’s serious clout.
- Massive Database: The database used by TomTom Go and other TomTom devices covers 99.9% of roads. That’s more than any other navigation system on the market.
- MyDrive Cloud: The MyDrive Cloud allows you to plan your route before leaving your home or work and send it directly to your TomTom GO device, saving you even more time.
- The Best of the Best: MyDrive Cloud technology has been recognized by multiple tech magazines such as ZDNet as “one of the best available”.
TomTom Go Saves Time and Your Sanity
I love the TomTom Go. Both the 500 and 600 models offer advanced technology and features that make driving a much simpler, more enjoyable experience. With the TomTom GO, everyone can #GetHomeFaster than ever before, and I can’t think of too many people who wouldn’t love that. I know I do.
Giveaway: One person will receive the TomTom Go. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what you like about TomTom Go by visiting their website. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
I learned about all the accessories I can get for this like the High Speed Dual Charger
You can get it for your smart phone or tablet
I learned I can use it with my iphone.
I learned that all TomTom’s come with lifetime maps.
I learned that it is
I learned I can order it on my phone.
They have TomTom Speed Cameras
I learned that with the TomTom My Drive you can plan a trip on your phone or computer, and the device will automatically plan the route for you when you step in the car. Very cool!
6″ Touch Screen, Advanced Lane Guidance, 3D Maps
That it covers TomTom devices covers 99.9%, previous devices had roads missing and even taken me in the wrong direction.
I learned that it has 99.9% of roads covered which is extraordinary!!
I learned that all TomTom GPS’ come with lifetime maps.
I could really use a TomTom. Can’t tell you how often I get lost. Thanks for this chance.
I learned that I can use the TomTom on my iPhone.
I learned that they have 3 options. Also that they have a traffic option!
I learned that you can use TomTom with smart phone or sm card. they have a lot of accessories
I learned you can use it from your smart phone or tablet.
I like the tom-toms speed cameras
I learned that TomTom has a Bean Bag Mount as an accessory. Very Handy.
i learned that the TomTom has a Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe
I learned they offer real time traffic updates
That it comes with a fully interactive screen to pinch, zoom and swipe.
This is super valuable for road trips! I’d love to have something other than my phone!
My husband has NO sense of direction AT ALL. He would be lost all the time without his GPS.
I am horrible with directions so gps is a must have for me. I love that this one has traffic blockage detection to avoid long traffic delays
i love my navigation in my van but this would make a great gift for my friend who doesn’t have a built in gps!
I learned that you can get alerts for speed cameras
I learned you can Drive with real-time traffic information via smartphone for the lifetime of your device.**
I learned that there are different products for different type of drivers, occasional, daily commuter, and the explorer.
I’m definitely considered the daily commuter. I commute about an hour from home each way. I am always looking for ways to shorten my commute so I can come home to my babies faster!
I like the TomTom High Speed Dual Charger so I can quickly charge my TomTom device and my smartphone together
I learned on the GO 6100 you get real-time traffic information built-in, for the lifetime of your device.
I learned that all the TomToms come with lifetime maps.
the go 510/610 has lifetime speed cameras.
I learned that is comes with a High Speed Dual Charger that Quickly charges your TomTom device and your smartphone together. Awesome!
I also commented on your, “Your Kids Heading to Camp this Summer- Try Mabel’s Labels! #ICCAMPMABEL #IC” blog post.
lifetime maps make this a winner
This TomTom sounds awesome. I used to have one years ago until my car was broken into. I have learned that you can bypass traffic and get onto a different route to get you home quicker!
I learned that all of the models come with Lifetime TomTom Maps
I learned they have different gps to fit the needs of every driver.
I learned that it offers lifetime maps.
Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe becasue my old gps you had to use buttons and driving and button are not good. You get distracted when you drive.
Sweet post!!! thanks for sharing it.
I learned you can get world maps on it.
I learned that they have great accessories like the bean bag holder
I learned that one of the most popular accessories is the high speed dual charger.
I learned it comes with Lifetime World Maps.
I learned they have different models for your driving needs.
I learned that you can get Lifetime TomTom Traffic via smartphone
I like the plan your route before you go feature.
I learned that they all come with lifetime maps, some models with lifetime world maps.
Lifetime maps!
TomTom offers lifetime maps!
Their maps are updated four times a year with TomTom’s map update service.
Visited and learned it has the Lifetime Maps (World)
I learned the TomTom gps has Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe
I like the speed cameras.
I learned that I could get a heavy duty travel case to keep all the things together.
I learned that they have unlimited data!
I had no idea there were apps for Tom Tom that could be downloaded on phone/tablet. That’s pretty convenient!
I learned that the Tom Tom Go has three different levels of options to pick from depending on what type of driver you are.
It has lifetime map!
I learned that TomTom Go 510/610 has a fully Interactive screen to pinch, zoom and swipe.
I noticed that all TomToms are supported by lifetimes map updates.
i learned that the GO 5100/6100 has Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe.
I learned that you can also use it on your mobile or tablet! I didn’t know that actually. I know, pretty silly…but I really didn’t! haha
I would use this thing like crazy! I am an explorer!
I learned that they have different variations for different drivers.
I learned that they offer a traffic map that’s in real time….so it can reroute me if there’s a jam or accident. Lots of awesome features come with this product for sure.
I learned the GO 510/610 comes with Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe.
I learned that all TomTom GPS’ come with lifetime maps.
I Learned That The GO 5100/6100 Model Has A Interactive Speed cAmera.
I learned that it has 99.9% of roads covered!
i love the Fully Interactive Screen to pinch, zoom and swipe
I learned that TomTom has lifetime maps.
I learned that the Daily Commuter one offers lifetime speed cameras.
I found out it covers 99.9% of roads, which is great since I go to some out of the way places.
I learned Tom Tom has lifetime maps and speed cameras
I learned that it gives traffic updates!
I learned you will get to your destination faster because it gives you the shortest route.
i learned it comes with lifetime maps
learned you can get speed camera alerts
can be used with iphone!
I learned that its fully Interactive Screen allows you to pinch, zoom and swipe!
I learned they have a whole line of products for sports.
I learned I can use it on my smartphone.
I learned that they have a heavy duty travel case.
You can install and update maps from around the world at no extra cost, for the lifetime of your device! Wow that’s awesome
I learned it has accessories like a high speed charger and a carrying case.
I learned it comes with life time maps .
Lifetime maps! That is great.
I learned about it’s compatibility with phones and tablets! Chillicious!!
I learned that you can see real time traffic info. so you can avoid delays! I also love that it is voice activated!
I learned that it has 99.9% of roads covered which is amazing!!
I learned that it has real time traffic updates and has a near 100% road coverage mapping, which far beats what I have now
I learned it can help with basic navigation and tons more.
They have liftetime maps for all the products1
I learned that the GO 5100/6100 is perfect for explorers….that is totally us!
Users/owner of units with LifeTime maps updates always have an accurate updated map being able to download 4 latest full map downloads a year!
Word up dawg!!!
I learned that TomTom comes with lifetime maps which is great.
I also learned you can charge your TomTom and smart phone at the same time.
I can use it on my phone!
I learned it covers 99.9% of roads, that was a concern of mine and I am so excited to learn this.
I learned that all the quoted prices are in “pounds sterling”!
I learned that they have a navigation app I can use on my iphone available in the App store.
I learned there’s tons more to it than just bacis navigation!!
i LEARNED THAT THE TOM TOM Covers 99.99% of the roads. Thank you for the entry.
I learned you can get lifetime tomtom maps
learned that they have mpas from all around the world
I learned that you get the Lifetime TomTom Traffic via smartphone and
Lifetime TomTom Maps with their products.
I learned that roads change by up to 15% every year. To ensure the best navigation experience, TomTom does everything in its power to create the best maps. Your reports help to detect changes in your area and keep future versions of their maps as accurate as possible. Thanks.
I learned I can use it on my iphone!
I like that you can get lifetime maps on your smart phone.
I learned that the GO 610 is for the Commuter and it’s best feature is that you can drive with real-time traffic information through your smartphone.
I learned you get lifetime maps. Thanks for the chance.
The Tom Tom GO 5100/6100 offers unlimited data and roaming at no extra cost!
Lifetime maps! Can use it on Iphone.
I learned that it has lifetime maps!
I learned that their navigable maps cover 126 countries reaching more than 4 billion people.
I learned that with the High Speed Dual Charger I can quickly charge my TomTom device and smartphone together
I learned that I can use voice commands to set my desination on the device.
I learned there is an available Magnetic Click & GO mount option
it has lifetime maps and I love that I can use it with my phone
I learned more about the tomtom gps systems. I learned that there are different systems that will better meet your individual needs. I never knew there could be such variations in a gps.
I learned and liked as well that is can be used with Smartphones and Tablets.
I learned that they offer different siE screens.
You can use TomTom on your iphone. Cool!
I learned you can get if for your smartphone that is super cool.
i learned that they have 4,5 and 6 inch maps
I learned on the GO 6100 you get real-time traffic information built-in.
I did not realize that they offered different ones like the one for the occasional driver, the commuter, and the explorer. That makes sense though as you should invest in what you really need.
You can get lifetime maps.
I learned I can use my smartphone with the Tom Tom.
i learned that the GO 5100/6100 has data included.
I learned that their new models come with lifetime updates of the maps. This is awesome compared to other systems.
I learned that they have an app, too! I like knowing that I could try their map system before I buy to see if I like it (for example, I like google maps better than my friend’s GPS).
I learned there are different GPS systems like 1 for those who commute, so cool
I like the Lifetime maps and the magnetic click and GO mount because our old GPS kept falling with the suction cup mount we had until it finally fell and broke
I like that this GPS comes lifetime maps.
I learned and liked as well that is can be used with Smartphones and Tablets.
I learned that tom tom has life time maps, what a great thing
It can be used with smartphone.
i love that it has lifetime map updates!
I learned that you get Lifetime TomTom Traffic via smartphone.
they have different GPSs based on what type of driver you are! i think that’s pretty cool!
I learned that you can get it for your smart phone or tablet.
I learned that they come with lifetime maps
I learned the GO 510/610 includes Lifetime Maps (World)
It’s great for traffic!
I learned that it can be used with my iPhone pretty neat…
I learned that their maps are updated 4 times a year with TomTom’s map update Service.
ooh the explorer would be great for our family! i love that the maps keep updating!