Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend with whatever you do!
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary, just appreciated.
My top five laughs:
5. Hayley’s dance recital is this weekend and she is in 5 numbers. I asked her how I am supposed to keep track of all of it and her response was, “Mommy..because you are good!” LOL
4. Zane told me the other day that he was not going into time out and that I am being ridiculous. Okay Zane!
3. Zane has an incredible vocabulary for a 4 year old.. He told me that it was a very successful day the other day and that he is very excited for all the summer has to offer. LOL
2. Taylor is beginning to say mama and papa but reverses them for each of us. It is actually quite cute!
1. And not a funny one but huge CONGRATS to my hubby for winning top of orthodontists in RI! Proud of you!
Your laughs:
Your number 3 is so funny! I love it when kids use big words. My daughter is 2 and she is really into saying, “it’s delicious.” It is too cute!
I love your dress in the pic, Melissa!
That is funny about reversing “mama” and “papa.” I was a big reader when I was young and apparently I used to read the phone book, lol.
Congratulations to your hubby!
You guys look amazing. Congrats on the big win!
#2 is great…
I love your dress!!
And congrats to you both!