*This is a sponsored post with IntelliDent. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
Studies show that an exposed toothbrush, mouth guard or dental appliance is subject to multiple surface and airborne microbes. You are at risk for contamination when these items are not protected or stored properly.
As a dentist, I look at mouthes all day long and give my advice on what you should and should not do when it comes to brushing. Of course, the most important advice I give daily is to brush and floss twice a day. The mouth is one of the dirtiest facets of the whole body, so it is up to us to keep it clean. By brushing and flossing, you are exhibiting good oral hygiene and make your mouth that much more healthier.
A few weeks ago, IntelliDent contacted me to review their toothbrush shield. When I first heard of it, I had no idea what it was but when they explained it to me, and sent me samples, I was completely intrigued.
How many of us brush our teeth and put it in our toothbrush holders? I am guilty too. The problem is the air is filled with particles and dust, and these can get on the toothbrushes. What we do next is usually take the brush, place the toothpaste on it, and brush our teeth. What about all those particles that get on our teeth?! They end up in our mouth! This is not good at all!!!
With the IntelliDent toothbrush shield, you can have a protective shield on your toothbrushes that can be used for 7 days at a time. These disposable shields are placed on your brush portion and will save your toothbrush from all those germs floating around.
You will be protected against unnecessary contamination with the toothbrush shield. These shields are disposable and easy to put on. With each one lasting 7 days, you know you are putting all those germs out of reach. With the IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield, you are getting a breathable, quick drying shield that acts like a surgical mask for your toothbrush. It is laboratory tested to be a 99.9% effective barrier against surface and airborne bacteria.
Long gone are the days of plastic caps and holders. Hello are the days for the IntelliDent toothbrush shield. Great for travel, and home, or everywhere in between.
Be sure to check out the IntelliDent toothbrush shield and the new mouthguard shield today!
This is a great idea, I think I’m going to look into those, especially when we travel! Not to mention having the toothbrushes hang out in the dirtiest place in the house, the bathroom!
We need this for all of our toothbrushes. If you smell something bad that means there are molecules loose that I know can get on our toothbrushes, but we never think about this. It is time to buy these!
That’s a great option! My sonicare comes with a protectant which I appreciate.
interesting thoughts. we use the plastic travel kits when we are traveling, and nothing when we are at home, just the toothbrush stand.
I am guilty of this too. I never put it in a protective sleeve. I like the idea of disposable ones. I am more apt to use it at least when traveling!