Happy weekend everyone and hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!
As always, come link up any cute or funny post. Definitely check out the other blogs who link up as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary.
My top five laughs:
5. Taylor is definitely saying the word mama now. However, whenever my husband picks her up, she says mama too! Girlfriend is confused!
4. Zane got in trouble at one of his nature classes last week. He thought since he was in nature, it was okay to just pull down his pants and pee. His response was “It’s nature!” That kid!
3. Hayley is a really good reader. Like real good! However, she is a not so good writer. So I ask her to spell things correctly and she tells me, “Let me be…I am a good reader..I don’t have to be good at writing too!” One thing at a time Hayls.
2. Hayley is so excited to see Tomorrowland. I ask her why and she answers because I get to go on It’s A Small World Ride. I think she thinks the movie will have the ride there, lol!
1. Love this pic:
Tomorrowland featured the ’64 Worlds Fair, which I thought was cool because a. my dad actually went there (it was in NYC and he was like 19 and living in RI) and b. my mom’s FAVORITE Disney ride is It’s a Small World
which was in the movie.
(but won’t be AT the movie theater – sorry, Hayley! lol. Cute.)
Oh no, I hope Halyey’s not too disappointed in the film- no worries, I hear it is exciting enough without the ride! Haha, my niece is a good reader and a terrible writer- she tells me her ‘tests’ are on comprehension, that she can worry about ‘writing’ when she’s in high school…uh, okay!