*I work with Water Savers on reviews. I was compensated for this post. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
It is almost summer time which means it is time to start washing those cars off and getting them summer ready! ICA, through its Wash with WaterSavers consumer awareness campaign, is committed to promoting the importance of using eco-friendly carwashes that use less water and return clean water back into the environment.
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home – it’s a smart thing to do for your vehicles, too. A few simple steps can help boost your vehicle’s integrity and beauty while maintaining its value, plus you might even regain that new-car smell.
I hope you enjoy these tips provided for us:
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are
There’s no question your car is a reflection on you. Whether it’s all about horsepower, efficient gas mileage or four-wheel drive, your vehicle represents who you are, where you’ve been and where you intend to go. The design, form and function are extensions of your style and personality. So, if you haven’t given it a wash in a while, what does that say about you? You wouldn’t walk out the door without a shower, a shave and a little spruce up. (Would you?) So why shouldn’t you show that same respect for your car?
From dirt and dust to grit and grime, give that car its reflective shine at a WaterSavers car wash. WaterSavers professional car washes use an average of 40 gallons of fresh water or less per car, according to the International Carwash Association. As a frame of reference, that 10 minute shower you took used 25 gallons of fresh water. WaterSavers washes also recycle and filter the water to prevent harmful chemicals from entering groundwater supplies that feed rivers and streams. To find a WaterSavers car wash near you, visit Washwithwatersavers.com.
2. Regular car washes protect your paint job
That beautiful factory paint job will dull and begin to chip away if you don’t maintain it. Regularly washing your car and waxing it will help keep your car looking as good as it did when you pulled out of the dealer lot.
3. Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
You might be more inclined to spend money on engine issues than the car’s exterior, but stains and rusting can drastically decrease the value of the vehicle over time. Especially after a long winter, exposure to the elements can cause damage. Professional car washes thoroughly clean the undercarriage of your vehicle, where there may be a buildup of road salt that could cause corrosion to the car’s exhaust and muffler system.
For more information about the benefits of keeping your car clean visit www.washwithwatersavers.com. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook to learn more!
Giveaway: One winner will receive the Water Savers ultimate prize pack including · Auto kit with jumper cables, gloves, flash light, reflective cones and other must-have tools ($45 value), Sun-shade for protecting your car from the blazing sun ($25 value), and $30 Visa Gift Card. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me which tip resonates most with you. Please put all comments in comment section proceeding this post. US only. Good luck!
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Yea car wash thing.
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
washing your car makes it look good.
Tip #1 Your car is a reflection of who you are resonates with me the most.
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle. I dont think I have had a prefessional do mine ever before but we do wash it because we have salt on the road on the winter
I think the regular washes protecting my paint job does.
I like that WaterSavers washes also recycle and filter the water to prevent harmful chemicals from entering groundwater supplies that feed rivers and streams.
3. Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
I like the tip that getting regular car washes helps protect your paint job.
I like tip 2 about regularly washing and waxing your car to protect the paint job.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
I like the tip about having your car professionally washed so that you can clean the undercarriage of your vehicle, where there may be a buildup of road salt that could cause corrosion to the car’s exhaust and muffler system.
This tip is so important- A Professional car washes thoroughly clean the undercarriage of your vehicle, where there may be a buildup of road salt that could cause corrosion to the car’s exhaust and muffler system.
I like the advice about having your car professionally washed. It’s true; nobody wants a rusty car!!
Regular car washes protect your paint job
The tip that resonates with me is Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.
#2 Regular car washes protect your cars paint job. We try to wash our cars often, especially in the winter when the cars get road salt on them.
I like the tip that professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle, because they protect the paint and prevent rusting.
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job. My husband paints autos, so this really resonates with me.
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular car washes protect your paint job really resonates with me.
I think the regular cleanings helping to keep the paint intact is a good one, especially in high sun areas where it will dry out the paint.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Tip 2 Regular car washes protect your paint job
That regular washes help maintain your paint job.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
I like the tip of professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.
pro car washes help maintain your vehicle’s paint job.
I think tip 3 Professional car washes help maintain the value of
the vehicle is my favorite.
Regular Car Washes Protect Your Paint Job Tip.
I like the tip about protecting the value of the car.
The tip I like is Regular car washes protect your paint job. This time of year pollen seems to overtake the car!
I’m very budget-conscious, so the third tip about maintaining the value of one’s car for the long term resonates the most with me.
I like the regular washes protect the paint job tip. I love washing my car regularly.
Regular car washes protect your paint job
The regular car washing to protect my paint job
2. Regular car washes protect your paint job
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
I like tip 3. Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Washing your car protects the paint job.
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Tip number 2. We wash our car at least once a week normally a family thing on the weekend.
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are
#1 because my car does reflect who I am. Affordable and great looking lol.
We took a trip a couple years ago and everyone got along great and we had a wonderful time seeing friends and family.
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are.
The tip to get regular car washes!
I like the regular washes protect your paint job tip.
The tip that resonates most with me is regular car washes protect your paint job.
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
I’ve got to get a grip on cleaning my car more often
so I’m going to have to say tip #1 Your car is a reflection of who you are
Definitely Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular car washes protect your paint job
I like the tip about regular car washes helping to protect your paint. I try to wash my car semi frequently, but this encourages me to do it even more
Definitely the regular car washes to protect the paint on my car!!
#2, regular car washes protect your paint job. I never knew that.
I love that they have slink for watersavers car washes in your area.
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job tip.
Regular washes protect your paint job.
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
That regular car washes protect your car. I always thought that skipping the car wash is better because it saves water.
Regular car washes protect your paint job. I love the color of my car!
The tip that most resonates with me is 2. Regular car washes protect your paint job. It’s not just about looking nice; it’s also about protection for the metal beneath!
I agree that your car is a reflection of who you are.
Regular car washes protect your paint job is the tip that I most believe in… I don’t believe that your car reflects who you are… My car is old and doesn’t run very well, so that wouldn’t be good, lol.
washing your car protects the paint.
The one about how regular washes protect your paint job
The tip that most resonates with me is #2: Regular car washes protect your paint job.
Tip #3 – especially living in New England. You have to get your undercarriage washed since salt eats cars!!
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
#1 because i’m a clean freak and can’t stand dirt
Regular Car Washes Protect Your Paint Job
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Regular car washes protect your paint job
I like this one!
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are
The tip that most resonates with me is Regular car washes protecting the paint job on my car.
that regular washing helps keep the paint job.. I haven’t washed my car in at least a year… *feels shame*
That regular car washing is sooooo essential to keeping your paint nice and new looking!
Regular Car Washes Protect Your Paint Job Tip.
The tip that really resonates with me is Regular car washes protects the paint job on my car.
I like the tip of professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are resonates with me the most because we can tell a lot about a person by what they drive and how they maintain it. How important it is to them
2. Regular car washes protect your paint job
Your car is a reflection of who you are!
Entered Teach my Kits, $50 towards Pacific play tents, & Rock N Learn DVDs
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job
I wash my car regularly so that tip resonates with me.
Regular Car washes protect your paint job.
Car washes protect the paint.
Your car does represent who you are. I like the tip that regularly washing your car protects the paint job. Great Tips here.
Tip 1 resonates with me the most.
Regular car washes resonates with me the most.
3. Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Just having bought a new car , I would say #2 resonates with me .. Regular car washes protect the paint job on your car.
professional car wash help maintain vehicle
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are I own a Mustang GT, that needs Cosmetic work..
Regular car washes protect your paint job.
professional washes!!! so gad ours gets washed 4 times a year when we get our oil changed! other times its just us
Which tip most resonates with you?
this one
3. Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
You might be more inclined to spend money on engine issues than the car’s exterior, but stains and rusting can drastically decrease the value of the vehicle over time. Especially after a long winter, exposure to the elements can cause damage. Professional car washes thoroughly clean the undercarriage of your vehicle, where there may be a buildup of road salt that could cause corrosion to the car’s exhaust and muffler system.
Regular car washes protects your paint job is a good one
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job
Your car is a reflection of you. LOL I keep mine clean, I can’t stand ill kept interiors! LOL The outside, well, I live on a gravel road and many times, no use cleaning it all the time.
regular car washes protect your paint job.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
I love that regular car washes help protect your paint job. thankyou, ken
Regular car washes protect your paint job.
#2 – Regular car washes are very important!
Your car is a reflection of who you are
Regular car washes are important. I didn’t know they could save you paint.
Regular car washes protect your paint job. I had no idea!
Tip 3 for sure. I love getting my car detailed when I can afford it!
I like-#2. Regular car washes protect your paint job.
Definitely regular car washes to protect the paint.
The tip that resonates that most with me is “Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.” I like to take tremendous care of my expensive purchases, so this really strikes a cord with me. Thank you for the chance!
That regular car washes protect my paint job. I learned this the hard way! :/
Regular car washing protects your paint job. (So true, especially in love-bug season!)
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Your car is a reflection of who you are. I have always believed this statement.
regular car washes protect your paint job
That washing protects your paint job
Tip 3 that mentions that professional car washes can clean the undercarriage of the car to protect from the build up of road salt.
a car tells a lot about you in so many ways
We are adamant car washers. We drive a lot of dirt roads, and we live in NY were we use salt on our roads during the harsh winters. So we keep our van as clean as we can.
Regular car washes protect your paint job….particularly in winter when you get a lot of salt on the car…that can do real damage.
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
2.Regular car washes protect your paint job
I would have to say I like the one saying washing my car regularly helps protect the paint job most.
Regular car washes protect your cars paint.
kport207 at gmail dot com
The tip that resonates most with me is regular car washes protect your paint job.
Regular car washes protect your paint!
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are
regular car washes
tip number one for me.
#1 your car being a reflection of yourself…I work at an auto care center in deep south Texas, and that tip is so true. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their car….Thanks!
#2- Regualr washes protect the paint job.
The 3rd tip about getting professional washes to keep up the value of your car resonates with me most. I agree with that because like it says the undercarriage needs to be washed too.
#3 because you need to keep your investment maintained so much longer these days
Regular car washes protect your paint job.
It has to be your car being a reflection of yourself.
The tip that I agree 100% is the one about your car being a reflection of who you are.
Regular car washes protect your paint job. I agree it helps the car to look like new.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle. I’m totally a cheapskate and always wash my car myself. Lesson learned!
I like tip #2. It is very important for the life of the looks of the car to wash it regularly.
Your car is a reflection of who you are resonates with me the most.
Regular car washes protect your paint job.
Number two regular washes protect the paint
The tip stating “Regular car washes protect your paint job” is something I didn’t know was true.
I think tip #2 Regular car washes protect your paint job resonates the most with me
#2 tip…I agree that a regular car was protects the paint on your car and it makes it look so shiny and bright
I love protecting my paint job
This is awesome and so very true. I have to say that the first tip resonates with me most. Your car is a reflection of who you are! I take pride in my purchases and such a huge one such as a car- for sure. I am thankful for my car- and I like her, so I keep her in style and clean. I take care of the items that I own!
Your car is a reflection of who you are
I like Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle.
Thanks for the contest.
The tip that most resonates with me is: Your car is a reflection of who you are. I like to keep my car clean and I take good care of my car. I don’t wash it much in the winter because I feel like it would be a waste of water because of the dirty snow/roads getting on my car while I drive.
That regular car washes protects the paint
I like the tip that regular car washes protect your paint job.
Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle
Your car is a reflection of you. I hate keeping my car in shambles for this reason.
I like the tip that regular car washes protects you paint job.
The tip that resonates with me is that regular washes protects my paint!
protecting the cars paint
Regular car washing protects your paint job. (So true, especially in love-bug season!)
The one that sticks with me the most is Regular car washes protect your paint job! A car is an investment and you should take care of the outside as much as the inside!
Regular washing makes the paint job last.
Regular car washes protect your paint job – I need to remember this!
Living in the north, I know all too well how much car washes can help with salt and rust on your vehicle after the winter! They really do help keep your car functioning.
regular car washes protect your paint job!!
Regular car washes protecting the paint–I never thought of that.
I should take as much pride in my car as I do with myself
im glad i learned that regular washes help your paint job
Not getting oil into the ground sounds lovely.
Regular Car Washes protect your paint job
Regular car washes protect the value of the vehicle. So true.
“Your car is a reflection of who you are” sticks with me the most.
To do regular car washing which we do 1/2 times a month.
Regular car washing protects your paint job.
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular car washes maintain vehicle
Regular car washes protect your paint job (and it makes me feel better about driving my car too!)
the tip I like is professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle, this is true if you keep it clean it helps make the value go up when you trade it in
Regular car washing protects my paint job is a tip that resonates with me.
Regular car washes protect your paint jobis what i agree with but i also agree with the other tips!!
Regular car washes protect your paint job I would say resonates with me the most.
Regular car washes protect your paint job. I need to wash my car more often.
hadnt really thought about the outside being as important to the value of my car as the inside
My car is a reflection of who I am? Oh boy. It could definitely use some help then! haha
I didn’t realize regular car washes protect the paint.
Your car is a reflection of who you are.
Regular car washes protect the paint job
2. Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular washes protect your paint job. Which is probably why my Jeep is rusting out. I don’t give it car washes frequently. I’ll soon be getting a new car, I may do it more often with the new one.
I did not know that cleaning the outside can help the value of a car.
From tip #1, I like that they recycle and filter the water to prevent harmful chemicals from entering groundwater supplies that feed rivers and streams.
I didn’t realize that regular car washes protect the paint job. That is an interesting tip!
Regular car washes protect your paint job. I try to wash my car at least every other week.
Keep it valuable, to be awesome, and for it to smell good!
Tip#3 Professional car washes help maintain the value of the vehicle. I like to go through the car wash because it cleans underneath the carriage where I can’t. It also gives the rest of the outside of the car a better wash too, in preserving the paint and finish!
Use a good shower head that can save water while taking a shower.
Tip # 3 is best: Professionals already know that saving water is a problem, so by going to them, you in the long run save water for the environment.
1. Your car is a reflection of who you are…whhich means I am pretty messy (like the inside of our vehicle)! Thanks and God bless!
Honestly the tip I like best is that the water is sanitized and reused. I don’t like to waste water.
That cleaning your car protects the paint
Regular car washes protect your pain job. This is so true.
Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular washes protects the paint.
2. Regular car washes protect your paint job
Regular car washes protect the paint.
I did not know that having a professional car wash would help my vehicle’s value.
no resonance … no car
I like the tip Regular Car Washes protect your paint job
The tip that resonates with me is #2: Regular car washes protect your paint job