*This post is brought to you by Munchkin LATCH as part of the #LoveLatch campaign. I am a big fan of Munchkin and happy to show my readers their products.*
One of my favorite times of day with my baby Taylor is when we settle in for a bottle. She snuggles into my arms in our comfy chair and looks into my eyes as she begins to eat. It gives me such a connected feeling to her as her little body relaxes and her eyes meet mine. It makes me smile widely at her every time, and she returns the favor, managing a smile still with the bottle in her mouth. The Munchkin LATCH bottles that I use have specially designed nipples that reach all the way back to the baby’s soft palate, which helps a baby to latch on just like in breastfeeding. This makes the LATCH on this bottle easy if you are transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding. With the special anti-colic valve in the bottle combined with the nipple design, the ingestion of air is decreased, so the LATCH bottle can really help with colicky babies. The right bottle makes a huge difference in colic, something that every parent wants to make sure to avoid if at all possible, and the LATCH bottle design has really helped us in that matter. It is just heartbreaking when your baby is crying in pain from gas and there is nothing that you can do about it!
Knowing how well the LATCH bottles work I am happy that I’ve been able to stick with the same bottles while Taylor has grown. She has come to love them too, and luckily there are different stage nipples for various ages of your baby that regulate the milk flow appropriately, so the bottle can grow with baby. They really do grow so fast, and by baby number three I truly treasure our quiet feeding times knowing how soon she will be squirming away and running off to chase her siblings. I need to savor these quiet moments with my sweet baby while I can. Lactation consultants helped to design the unique LATCH bottle with an accordion nipple that moves, stretches, and functions like a real breast. I have to confess that I am happy that it is not my breast being moved and stretched anymore!
Taylor loves the LATCH pacifier too, with the same natural shape and design input from moms, and pediatric dentists tell it is a perfect fit. As a kids dentist, this is of the utmost importance to me! Of course both the LATCH bottles and pacifiers are BPA free, and always easy to find at my nearest Target or Babies R Us, or online, and you know how important that is when you have a baby that depends on their pacifier when it gets lost! There is nothing worse than that frantic pacifier run when it goes missing, meanwhile the baby is screaming for it the whole time! We try to keep spares on hand, but somehow they manage to disappear at critical moments, only to be found when you have five pacifiers rolling around the bottom of your purse. I know I said I am trying to savor this stage, but there are a few things like that frantic search that I won’t miss! Meanwhile tonight I’ll snuggle up with my sweet girl, and we will look deeply into each others eyes, and relax while she drinks her LATCH bottle before I put her down to sleep. I am already looking forward to that moment in my day.
I would love to hear about your special moments when feeding your baby!
*This post is brought to you by Munchkin LATCH as part of the #LoveLatch campaign.*
This sounds like a great bottle. It makes sense that a bottle that’s most like a breast would be the easiest for a baby to use.
This sounds great. I imagine this would drastically reduce gassiness in a little one.
These sound like great bottles and pacifiers. I wish I had this brand when my son was little.
Aww how precious. I must pick u up a few of these for my God son. They have the best baby products.
That does sound like a great transitional bottle. It really would have been a useful tool to have.
Your little girl is adorable! I especially like that these nipples protect against gas, since all three of my children had an issue with that as infants.
Munckin products are great! I’ve used their soothers in the past! Great quality and products!
Taylor is such a little cutie. We have used the Munchkin sippy cups and those are great too.
I have been hearing such great things about these bottles lately. While I don’t have a need for them, I know plenty who might.
I used to love feeding time too. It was priceless for getting that snuggle time in.
I have a few friends that are pregnant. I will have to share this post with them. It looks like a great product.
I love that Munchkin cares about the more natural shape for both pacifier and bottle. Looks like she loves both!
Aw!She is adorable! I have heard great things about these bottles.
This is a great bottle. Really neat shape.
I really appreciated being able to use the same bottles and other baby products as my children grow. Swapping out things like the nipples not only saved money, but storage! These look like great products for babies.
Aww, your baby is just so cute! I could just snuggle him up. There are so many changes and improvements in baby products since my children were born in the 1970’s.
What a great bottle. It would make a breast feeding mommy’s job easier when transitioning or so daddy can feed too.
I don’t have children but it sounds like I need to pick up some of these for expectant moms. Usually at work we make a big basket for an expectant mom and each of us bring something different to fill it up with, I will have to look for these!
Oh how sweet is she!!! Almost makes my ovaries twitch! So much has changed since mine were little!
It’s interesting to see how far things have come in such a short time since mine were drinking from bottles! She is adorbs!
I used to use the Munchkin products. My kids are outgrown when it comes to bottles but I am sure I will have grandbabies one day!