**I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Charmin. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.**
I can’t believe the holiday season is in full swing. For me, that means the next two weeks will be amazing, festive, and a lot of work since we celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas. There is so much excitement setting up our household including putting up our tree, getting all the presents wrapped, and bringing out the ‘infamous’ Elf on the Shelf. The Elf has been a tradition in our family since the kids were born and she flew in from the North Pole right after Thanksgiving. Along with all our fun traditions, we are also in full prep party mode. While Christmas is done at my in laws house, this year we will be celebrating Chanukah in our house with my family and friends. I am prepared though! I have my cookies baked, my menorah up, my latkes made, my Chankuah plates out, and my cabinets are fully stocked with Charmin toilet paper. Yes, you heard me right..toilet paper. You do not want to be that person who ends up running out of toilet paper for their party guests. There is nothing worse than sending a family member out on an emergency trip to the store because you are missing this essential.
In this season of holiday parties and entertaining, what are the little things that you notice when you go into someone’s home? Is it the smell of the scented candles they are burning, the way the festivities are decorated, or what the food is served on? Sometimes it is those small details that stick with you, and you are going to laugh when I tell you one of the things I noticed one time.
I first need to explain that I live in an area where many homes have septic systems which dictates the type of toilet paper people use to avoid clogging their system. So I remember using the bathroom during a holiday party last year and noticing the toilet paper of all things. I know it seems strange, but when you get used to using ‘flimsy’ toilet paper in the past, you notice the good stuff! I happily noticed that their toilet paper was thick and padded. It was substantial, but I knew because my friend had a septic system, she might have thrown extra caution to the wind just for her party. The reason I remember all of this is because I thought what a nightmare it would be if the toilet got clogged and overflowed because of it.
When I emerged I actually asked my friend if she was worried about not using septic safe toilet paper. I was so surprised when she replied that it was septic safe. I had no idea that septic safe toilet paper could ever be thick and luxurious like that! She told me it was Charmin, which I had thought it probably was because of the quality, but did not realize they had a septic safe version. It turns out that not only is it septic safe , but it also has a clog-free stamp of approval from Roto-Rooter. Yes, the plumbing company! The fact is that consumers use 4 times less toilet paper when they use Charmin because of that high quality. Less toilet paper going into the toilet is definitely better for the septic system, that I know. It also means that I can go to the store every other week to buy toilet paper, rather than the 2 times a week I was going prior to using Charmin. Nothing puts a damper on a party like a clogged toilet. Charmin and ROTO- ROOTER ensure your plumbing will stay clog-free even during the busiest of times.
Of course I switched back to Charmin in our home after that experience. I hated using the ‘filmy’ brand that I thought I had to as protection from clogs in our busy household. I was thrilled to learn that I could go back to Charmin, and now realized the toilet paper in your bathrooms is one of those little details that people notice. If Roto-Rooter is confident enough in Charmin to trust it not to clog toilets, then I think that is a pretty good guarantee. I look forward to entertaining this holiday season and getting together with friends and family, and you can be sure that I’ll treat them to the details they will appreciate.
Charmin has been a trusted name in millions’ of Americans home the last 70 years. Be sure to get festive this season but don’t forget to buy Charmin! I can assure you that it will make the holiday time a lot less stressful, when you are fully stocked with all the party essentials including toilet paper. They have two great types of toilet paper including Ultra Strong and Ultra Soft. We love both types although my husband prefers the Ultra Soft in our bathroom. Be sure to follow Charmin on Twitter and Facebook to learn more! After all, Charmin is the brand used by plumbers the most out of all the brands. That is saying something! Charmin makes this momma happy!
Sounds like a soft, septic safe paper for the tush! Thanks for sharing
Honestly all we use is Charmin. I had no idea it was septic safe. We have city sewer so I never really thought about it.
We only Use Charmin in our house. When it comes to TP, I want nothing but the best.
We love Charmin in our house! It’s so durable and soft!
This is great! I already use Charmin, and this is just another reason for me to love it. Clogged toilets are the grossest!
My Hubs always used Scott. Just a month ago… I told him I hated Scott tissue and to find something else. He came home with Charmin.
LOVE that you included elf on the shelf
This would be totally awesome to use – Seems like a lot of Charmin would be use for the holiday.
If it’s clog-free, it must be super awesome – my Mom will love this. I’m all for this product and definitely make a purchase if I see Charmin in my local supermarket.
Charmin is a great brand. Having the bathroom stocked up with this during the festive season is a must for all those guests calling.
I refuse to buy anything Charmin. They seriously have the best toilet paper!
My husband is a tp snob..he only lets me buy Charmin! It’s great to know that it’s safe for septic systems!
We love Charmin! My boys love it too because of the bear on the pack! Ha ha! We’re in the UK so I do’t know a great deal about septic systems but it’s good to know!
I’ve heard a lot of great things about Charmin. I will be sure to pick some up and try it for myself. =)
We also use Charmin at home. I’ve never looked at another TP brand.
Charmin is the softest! Good tip to keep extra on hand during the holidays
I just stocked up on more Charmin myself as the kids are out of school which means more TP over the holidays. Great tip.
We are Charmin fans in this household!!! Such a quality company!!
I don’t have that brand here where I am, but it sure looks like an amazing thing to have!
I was a part of this campaign too! Isn’t it awesome that Charmin is safe for the septic system?:) Nice video!
Charmin is soooo soft, and you can really tell the difference when compared to other brands. It’s cool that they are safe for the septic system, and that companies like Roto-Rooter acknowledge this.
I love charmin and to know the approvals on the paper & safety makes it even better!