* I received the Swopper chair and compensation for review. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
I am so unbelievably excited for this review because it is one of my new favorite products in my house. The product is called the Swopper and it is the ultimate motion seating chair for improved health, wellness, and performance. I am going to be honest with you and tell you that on my blogging days, I spend around 8 hours sitting! If you have an office job, I am sure you can all relate. However, did you know that prolonged sitting is a major public health issue? Few people realize the consequences that can occur by sitting too much including high blood pressure, obesity, muscle degeneration, and other chronic diseases.
While exercise is extremely important, it does not reverse the harmful effects of too much sitting. That is where the Swopper comes in! The Swopper is a revolutionary and brand new product that challenges consumers to rethink how they do their office job work. With the Swopper, I can sit and move at the same time on one of the most cushiony seats I have ever encountered.
Setting up the Swopper, took no time at all. It features the body and wheels, that can easily be put on. It features an advanced, multi-patented, three-dimensional ergonomic technology that actually mimics spinal motion. It will allow you to sit and produce that natural, fluid movement in all directions as you sit.
This chair is not only extremely functional but it is gorgeous too. The unique design of the swooper helps position the spine properly and encourage movement throughout the day, resulting in a wide range of health benefits including improved posture, relief for back pain, strengthening and conditioning muscles in the back, core and legs, improving nourishments to the lower inter-vertebral discs, improving circulation in the lower extremities, assisting with lymphatic flow, and providing a fun sitting experience.
This chair is SIMPLY AMAZING! I use it as my office seat and it allows me to move and sit, all at the same time. Goodbye are the days of my back pain! Now, when my day is over, I have a hard time getting off the chair. I am able to move backwards, forwards, sideways, and up and down with this chair. It takes doing my work to a whole different level.
I have had so many office chair throughout the years but none as great as the Swopper! The only problem now is my husband wants to use the Swopper as his office chair. It has made my whole body feel invigorated even after hours of blogging work. I am huge fan for life!
Be sure to check out the Swopper today which is available in different colors and styles including the Swopper original, Air, and new 3Dee model. Give that person in your life the ultimate holiday gift. Here is a special coupon code for my readers: 15% off code: enter DUZVJ9O1CD8A for purchase on Swopper.com. Code set to expire 12/31/2014.
Giveaway: One winner will receive the Swopper office chair. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter, so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what style you like best on Swopper website. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” with wheels in black.
Tell me about this. I’m imagining that you tilt it and balance to roll.
I like the Swopper Air.
Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels
I like the 3 Dee Active office chair.
I like the Swopper Air
The Swopper Air in Silver would be my style.
3Dee Active-Office-Chair is my pick. thanks
I like the Muvman in grey with a grey base.
I really love the Swopper-AIR in lime green!
3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I really like the Swopper-Air.
Visited the site and I like 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair the best. Good luck everybody!
I like the Swooper custom with wheels
I like the Swopper – AIR the best but I would really need to sit in all of them to decide!
Swopper – AIR
I like the Swopper Air.
I like the Swopper – AIR
I like all the chairs, as they all have the same benefits, which is what I LOVE about the line. I like the black color, as it would match with anything. The Air and Classic are the styles that I like the best.
I LOVE the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like VSwopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels.
I like the 3 Dee Active office chair
I like the Custom with wheels the best.
i would like to have fun sitting and working like it says
you know..i had to refresh after every enrty so i could put another in….THESE NEW CONTEST FORM ARE WORSE…THEY ARE SLOWER…WHY IS IT WORSE!!
I like the Swopper Air in the Lime Green. These are so cool! Just what I need for an aching back.
I like the Swopper Air!
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the swooper classic in grey! I think it’d really help with the constant need to move due to a muscle condition.
I really like the Swopper Air. It says ou can add wheels to this one also.
I like the muvman
I like the swooper air chair.
The 3 Dee Active Office Chair would be wonderful for my desk
I like the
3Dee Active-Office-Chair!
Swopper Air… such cool, unique chairs!
I like the Air in Stone Gray!
I like the swooper classic.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the Swopper Air
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair the most.
I like swopper air the most. How neat.
Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels so cute love the colors it comes in too.
I like the 3 dee active office chair the best.
the swopper classic!
I like 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I like the Swooper Air.
I love the Swopper air in stone grey!
My favorite Swopper chair is the Lime Green AIR with no wheels.
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair
I really like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I like the Muvman tall and the swooper classic.
the swooper air is my absolute favorite
I like the muvman =)
I really like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. Thanks.
I really like the Swopper AIR
The classic looks comfy
I love the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair the best, but they are all pretty cool!
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” with wheels.
3Dee Active-Office-Chair would be a great addition to my office.
I think I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair and the Swopper Air the best.
The swopper custom on wheels
I like them all but I like the Muvman Tall 23.5″- 36″ best.
I like the 3dee swopper chair. I am a little afraid to give up a back rest.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
My office chair is almost as comfortable as the recliner
I like the green Swooper custom with wheels.
I like the 3 Dee Active office chair. This would be great for my husband
I like the swopper air.
I like the Swopper 3Dee Active chair. Looks extremely comfortable.
Swopper AIR looks great.
I like the Swopper Air.
I like the Swopper Air.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I posted on the top 15 holiday pies.
i like the Swopper – AIR
I like the Muvman one.
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels. That looks like it would be really comfy
the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair looks like it would be the best fit for me
I really like the 3-D Active Office Chair since it has a back to it for added support.
I like the muvman chair in normal or tall height.
The swopper air!
I like the Silver Swopper Air with wheels.
I’d love the 3D Active Office Chair!
Commented on your Toys “R” Us Thanksgiving Weekend Deals and Black Friday Made Easy post!
I think the Swopper – AIR would be interesting. These chairs look like they will be comfy
I love the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair.
The swopper-air
Swooper Air in Silver so nice
The 3D active chair for an office is so great, love the look of it.
I like the swopper classic with the back on it in black. I like to have a back to lean on for extra comfort
3Dee Active-Office-Chair is my pick since it has a back.
I like the Swopper – AIR
My favorite chair is the Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels in Night (color).
I like the Swopper Air!
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair!
I’d LOVE the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair for my office! The kids would like it too! And working from home, I spend a lot of time in my chair!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I would prefer the 3D Active Office Chair for my 10 hour shifts.
Swooper custom with wheels in Hue Black.
Swopper Air
They all look pretty interesting, but I would pick the Swopper Air first.
I like the Swooper Classic with the Backrest Insert, no wheels!
I like the muvan tall.
I think I would like the Swopper air the best.
I need this
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” with wheels
Love love love the look of this chair! I want it!
I like the green Swopper – AIR with no wheels
Love this!!! want one so bad
I like the 3D Active office chair
I like the Swopper Air
I spend allot of time in my office. I take classes online and I’m working on my home based business so I would have to say I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair the best
3Dee Active-Office-Chair
3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
The Swooper Air
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair the best.
I like the SWOPPER Air chair best of all.
I would pick the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I have never seen these before looks cool
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. I like it because it has a back.
Muvman because it has a back on the chair.
I like their muvman chair
I love the Swopper Classic
Swopper Air is awesome!
I like the Swopper Air.
I like the swopper Air
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
swopper air for us
I would like to try the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
Great Contest
Got to try it to know for sure, but looks interesting.
Well that’s a pretty cool chair! I like the red one, no wheels. Not sure I could do wheels on this chair.
The Swooper Air would be ideal in our 3X5 cube we call an office at home.
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels in the night blue color
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
3 Dee Active Office Chair!
The Swopper – AIR with wheels would be great for my home office
3 Dee Active Office Chair for me
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair in all black – Motion Office Chair.
swopper air
I like the Swopper air in silver!
I would love to have the 3 Dee Active office chair.
3Dee Active-Office-Chair
$1,379.00 Like this best
These are great chairs — really like the 3Dee Active Office Chair
I like the Swopper with wheels in Salsa
the original swopper
I like the Swopper – AIR
Swopper Air <3
Swooper custom w wheels.
I like the Muvman
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. I can see why it is out of stock!
I like the Muvman.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair…don’t know if I’m ready to go backless.
I really like the 3Dee Active Office Chair. I would love that for my office!
Swopper “CUSTOM” With Wheels
I commented on the non-giveaway post: Hayley is Stylin’ in Biscotti and Kate Mack Clothing!
I love them all, but probably the Swopper Air in Stone Grey would be my choice.
I like the muvman
I would probably go with the swooper air in green, although I would also be interested in the muvman.
I like the Swopper Air in grey! It’d look awesome in my front room or in my husband’s office!
Swopper – AIR
I love the Swopper AIR
I like the Swopper Air chair.
The Swopper AIR
It is hard to know without trying them out. My guess would be the 3Dee Active Office chair. I really need this. I am on the computer 8 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it is taking it’s toll.
I would really like the swopper air. I sit for a long period and this would be lovely.
i like the lime green swooper air
i like the muvman
I like the 3Dee in black. Now that’s a chair I could stay in for a while.
I really need a 3Dee Active Office Chair, working a seated job with a herniated disc isn’t comfy at all, but I never miss work and I suffer greatly but I have to work pain or not..
I commented on 15 Apple recipes
i absolutely love the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. i also love the lime green swooper air model.
The 3Dee Active-Office-Chair! So sleek!
I like the 3-d Active office chair
I like the 3Dee Active Chair best.
Thanks for the chance.
I like the Swopper Air Chair best.
I like the classic in orange
I like the swopper custom with wheels in red.
I like the Swopper “custom” with wheels the best!
I like the swopper air the best
Swopper classic with wheels in black.
15 Delicious Cookie and Bar Recipes for the Holidays! @Foodie @FoodiebyGlam
Loving the Swopper “Custom” With Wheels in Night color
The 3 Dee Active office chair.
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair the best.
I need the 3Dee active chair.
Looks bouncy!
Air is my fav.
I also like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. These chairs look so unique and cool.
I like the 3Dee Active Office Chair
The Swopper Air sounds great!
I would love the 3Dee Active Office Chair
The Swopper chair offered in this sweeps is pretty sweet!
I like this one.
I like the Muvman!
The Swopper – AIR in green
3Dee Active Office Chair is the one I would buy
I would pick the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair because it has a back.
3Dee Active-Office-Chair
The Swooper Air!!!!
I like the 3 Dee Active office chair
I like the Swooper Classic in blue!
i like the 3 dee active office chair
Swooper with wheels
I love the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair, would be perfect for my office
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair. My hubby’s chair needs replacement!
i like the 3 Dee Active office chair
Ok, just started working from home full time, on the pc all day! Back is so stiff from traditional office chair, doc says something more ergonomic is in order! I think this is just what the doctor ordered! Yay!!
I like the 3 Dee Active Office Chair. It has a back, and looks modern AND comfortable.
red swooper
I really like the lime green Swopper-Air.
This is tough, because as a writer / collagemaker I spend A LOT of time sitting at my desk and work table and have had life-long back, neck & shoulder pain even before and without all that sitting. Now my doctor is also concerned because my blood pressure has gotten a little high, my HDL’s (GOOD cholesterol) is down and heart disease runs in my family so it really concerns me.
Since I HAVE to spend a lot of time sitting ~ the RIGHT chair would be a true godsend. I must say I had never seen or heard of the Swooper ~ but I am very impressed with your review (and yes ~ I agree it is a BEAUTIFUL piece of furniture (sculpture!) to look at when one is not sitting on/swaying on it!
Since it’s hard for me to imagine a COMFORTABLE that does not have a backrest for lumbar support…so I did look at the more expensive and (on long backorder) 3DEE ACTIVE OFFICE CHAIR ~ and others ~ but found myself always returning back to the SWOOPER: both the AIR and the Classic models.
Right now I leaning toward the Classic (in either Salsa or Cherry) with wheels and maybe with the detachable backrest. Sounds like a potential life changer. Thanks for BOTH the Intro and this very generous giveaway!
The Swooper Air is nice.
I just love this chair. it would be so handy in my daughters dorm room/
I like the Swooper Classic chair in grey.
I like the Swopper “CUSTOM” with wheels in black.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I really like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I like the Swopper Classic in Black.
I like the look of the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair
I like the Swopper Classic.
I like the 3Dee Active-Office-Chair.
I like the Swopper Air.
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