**I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.**
When my kids get sick, which I have to admit is not very often; I always make my grandmother’s chicken soup. I’m giving away family secrets here, but it’s the parsnip and dill that make it special, and I swear it will cure the common cold. Any sicker than that and I have to admit I’ve been confused about what is safe to give my kids to help them feel better. Meanwhile, Flu season is upon us again, and although I was sure to get flu shots for my kids to protect them as best I can, I know that one of them is bound to get sick this winter at some point anyways. I’ll tell you the source for my worry is the confusion over what to give my kids when they are sick.
Do you remember the report a few years ago of kids having bad reactions and then getting very sick from the reaction to a well-trusted big brand name kids medication ?! I remember the reports all said that is was because there were too many ingredients in the medication that treated multiple symptoms. There have been several other incidents since that one where big name brands that I generally trust have had reports of problems with medication for children as well. This has left me worried to give my kids anything at all to treat a fever, cough, sore throat or flu.
The reality is though, that when your kid is miserable and running a high fever you cannot just ignore it. Searching for solutions, I was really looking for something all natural, but had not found that any of the all-natural treatments that I tried actually worked to relieve symptoms. I figure that the fewer ingredients the better, and apparently I was not the only parent feeling this way. A dad who had the same concerns that I do came up Little Remedies. Little Remedies is made from the fewest ingredients possible that still provide safe effective relief from symptoms quickly. It was important to me that this product contains no added alcohol or unnecessary artificial flavors, and colors. Made for kids ages 0-11 years I can use it for my baby as well as my older kids with confidence.
Just this week, my little guy Zane had the worst cough I had heard in years! He was truly suffering and it was waking both of us up at night. Since I knew that Little Remedies works well (we have been a fan of the line for years), I gave him the Little Remedies Honey Cough Syrup and it helped soothed the cough day and night. With only three ingredients, honey, purified water, and E-polylysine (a natural preservative), I feel safe giving him this medicine knowing it is safe and will make him feel all better! Next up, I can’t wait to try the Little Remedies Gripe Water with Taylor to help her belly!
We try to enforce frequent hand washing, covering our mouths when we cough, and all of the ways we know to help prevent them from getting sick. The reality is that even just with the kids in school and trips to the grocery store it is impossible not to be exposed to germs. They don’t get sick often but inevitably someone in the family does every winter so it is nice to be prepared. I now keep my medicine chest stocked with Little Remedies products. Having safe remedies that work on hand to give my kids what they need provides relief for them but for me as well. From the pain relievers, flu medication, the gripe water for tummy pains, to the honey cough syrup, Little Remedies provides “everything they need, nothing they don’t.”
To learn more about Little Remedies, follow them on Facebook/Twitter today.
There’s nothing quite as sad as a sick kiddo! I’ll have to get some Little Remedies, my daughter would probably like it!
This is absolutely amazing. I LOVE all natural products for kids. I love it.
I hate it when my girls are sick. Little Remedies has helped them with their fever in the past.
This looks great. I don’t have kids, but sister is always looking for all natural products for her kids. Their growing bodies don’t need a bunch of chemicals inside them.
I totally appreciate the minimal number of ingredients in these. Natural is the way to go!
We have used some of these products in the past and were very happy with them. Love how few ingredients there were.
My son has a cough right now. I need to get something to help that cough go away.
I like the packaging. It’s very cute.
I’ll look for these next time we have a sick kid at home – it looks like a good alternative.
Horrible having sick kids. This sounds like a great safe product.
Have a sick kid is the worst! This afternoon, my little one woke up from his nap quite stuffy! Sounds like a product we need to try!
When my kids are sick I wish so badly to take it away as quickly as possible. I do find that Little Remedies works the best, plus, the ids like the flavor.
This is great. Both my kids were sick last week. My 3.5 year old had a cough, runny nose and fever and my 6 month old daughter had croup! It was awful. I like to steer clear of additives, artificial colors and flavors as well. Great to know there is something like this on the market that actually works! I hope that it’s also available in Canada!
So far my son hasn’t been sick yet this year. He went from an over 1,000 student body elementary school to a private (and very small) christian middle school, and I can tell a big difference, because he usually had at least one cold by now before. I always gave my son Little Remedies, it’s the best!
So far we haven’t had to deal with a sick kiddo this season. But, we are just getting started.
Not having kids, I’m not familiar with treating sick kiddos. I’ve heard other moms and friends talk about Little Remedies and how much they love it!
I need to stock up on these. It’s definitely cold season!
We always have their products on hand. Never know when we will need them!
We have tried Little Remedies before. The doctor recommended it and it worked great.
We’ve used this brand before and it works wonders to help our little ones feel better quickly.