***This is a partnered post with PediaSure. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.**
Last month, I told you that Hayley is my budding artist in the family. She draws pictures all day long and they always end up on our refrigerator by the end of the day. To make sure she has these Fridgworthy moments, we always have Pediasure on hand to provide complete nutrition to her. PediaSure is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and DHA to ensure that those Fridgworthy moments keep going strong.
Equally, my son is now beginning to write his name and every time he does it successfully, we tape his final products on our refrigerator. I love that at 3, he is spelling his name, and I could not be prouder of him. We also give him one Pediasure every morning to make sure he gets a good drink with full nutritional value. We make sure our cabinet is always stocked with Pediasure to give my kids the nutrition and energy to start the day.
Pediasure is a great way to promote healthy growth in both mind and body! Here is just some of the wonderful advantages of giving your children Pediasure:
-Clinically proven to promote growth and development
-Enriched with DHA (omega 3 fatty acids), an essential part of a growing child’s diet, which can usually only be found in fatty fish and nuts
-25 essential vitamins and minerals in a patented, easily digestible formula for optimal digestion and metabolization
Multiple formulations for parents who just want to be sure their kids get all the nutrition than need to parents of children with nutrition and weight gain issues
Pediasure is ideal for full health and growth in children. I am a huge advocate of giving my kids Pediasure to give them the nutritional energy so they can have a great day everyday and are able to create those wonderful Fridgworthy moments.
Win it: One winner will receive a branded mini-fridge filled with Pediasure. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me check out Pediasure and tell me what you learned by visiting the site. While the other entries are optional, I highly recommend filling it out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance. In other words, junk food makes your brain smaller and slower.
I love that your son can already write his name! We are working on letter comprehension a lot over here (my son is 3, as well).
Great giveaway! I gave my boys Pediasure when they were active toddlers to help supplement their diet.
I learned some ideas for rainy day activities.
I never thought of having a mini fridge just devoted to formula/etc. Would have been convenient having it close to the crib!
Wow what an incredible giveaway! My daughter is four and still drinks it on occasion when she isn’t eating well.
What a cool giveaway, when my girls were younger they lived on Pediasure because their doctor was worried because they weren’t gaining weight.
My kids like Pediasure. It tastes great and is good for them!
Great giveaway! I worked in a special day home while in college and we gave the children Pediasure to keep them healthy and I know it is a fabulous brand and product!
What a great giveaway. My daughter is so picky now that I should check out pediasure for her.
I learned about Cafemom. I have never seen this website and it is full of awesome information!
I learned that it’s okay to think a sport is too rough for your child because sometimes, it really is!! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
I learned you can win $500 in the Cover Their Butt sweepstakes.
I learned the six superfoods that have been shown to improve memory and concentration are fruit, whole grain foods, avocado, nuts & seeds, beans, and chocolate.
I learned about “Brain Building” foods for kids—and am pleased to know that mine like all of these. Unfortunately, the littlest grand-daughter has had many problems with asthma, ear and throat infections, etc. Pediasure is the go-to for making sure she gets the nutrition she needs.
I learned about Kids and Organized Sports: Don’t Push Them Too Early!
Interesting that you shouldn’t push young children into sports!
I learned that some sports are just too dangerous for kids …mentioned were boxing and football.
I learned they have an advice section as well as their informative articles.
I learned that they have a lot of health & kid related articles like “6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids”
I learned that they have a ton of great information on kids and health and a lot of great articles like How to Keep ‘I Quit’ Out of Your Kids’ Sports Playbook.
I learned that junk fod can damage toddlers brains!
I learned that about super-brain food
I h ave heard great things about pediasure. What a great giveaway!
Learned about Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids . There is a bunch of articles to read!
ive never given this to the kids before,but they have had the clear form when they were sick,,I think they would love this too
forgot to say that I learned junk food could damage toddlers brains,now that I did not know
I learned about “Brain Building” foods for kids
I learned that kids are like sponges
I really love the articles on kids in sports activities and not pushing them too early
I learned about another contest to win pediasure!
You know, I’ve never used Pediasure with either of my kids, but both can be semi-picky and it sounds like it would be a great and healthy alternative on those days when I’m just not confident they had well rounded meals!
I learned that junk food can damage young kids brains.
I learned that fruit, whole grain foods, avocado, nuts & seeds, beans, and chocolate improve memory and concentration.
My boy always loved Pediasure, but thankfully we didn’t have to use it too often.
Read junk food can hurt your children. Eating healthy can improve your child’s brain.
I know two brand new moms who could really benefit from this! Thank you so much for the information!
Junk food can damage your child brain. Wow scary and crazy. Its very important to give your child the right nutrition.
Clinically proven* to help kids grow i didnt know that one
i like the acticles you post and the ive been 2 yrs now
the right nutrition is so very important. especially when it comes to kids. great giveaway.
My kiddo loves her Pediasure and I love that she gets DHA!
learned about Kids and Organized Sports: Don’t Push Them Too Early
I learned about some great rainy day activities!
I learned junk food and fast food can make your brain smaller and dumber due to trans fats
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Dark chocolate, in moderation, is good for your brain.
I’m so beyond happy to know this!
I learned that Pediasure is clinically proven to help kids grow!
Kids and Organized Sports: Don’t Push Them Too Early.
I learned several things but the overall message is that kids need to eat healthy.
I learned Fast food can make you dumb
I learned that it is clinically proven to help kids grow.
i learned how damaging junk food can be for a toddlers brain and that their are great super food snack options to give them instead
We really use this in our house! My daughter is such a picky eater!
I learned Pediasure comes in a powder and in an added fiber version.
I learned about good snack foods to help your brain
My daughter is almost 2 yrs and we give her Pediasure every other day… She is small for her age and the doctor recommended.
I learned anout a kindergartner who had to sign a suicide contract for making a crayon pew pew. Also anout brain foods.
They have a section to meet other moms to chat, trade stories, and swap advice in our parenting groups. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I learned they have a lot of great articles including one on harsh sports for kids and 6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids.
i learned you shouldnt be forcing sports on your kids too early.
Left a comment on your post: Seriously… The Cutest Cards for Kids!!!
I learned the Pedisure has DHA.
I learned that you need Brain Food.
I learned the six superfoods that have been shown to improve memory and concentration are fruit, whole grain foods, avocado, nuts & seeds, beans, and chocolate.
I learned that junk food can damage a child’s brain.
Visited the site and learned about the 6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids
I love the rainy day activities!
I learned that junk food can damage your child brain. Did not know that it hurt the brain.
Avocados are full of healthy antioxidants as well as healthy monounsaturated fat, which boosts satisfaction.
I learned that junk food makes your brain smaller and slower.
Nuts and seeds are also full of healthy fats, as well as vitamins.
If your kid is not enthusiastic about playing a sport, don’t push them! It’s okay to not be so rabid about sports.
I learned that Fast food can make you dumb. Seriously. Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance. In other words, junk food makes your brain smaller and slower.
I learned that fruits and nuts are good snack for a good brain!
Avocados are fatty, but they are the good kind of fat!
I didn’t know pediasure was available in such great flavors! My kids might actually like this!
I learned that there is a Pediasure Powder that you can make a shake with. This would be a great way to get children to drink it.
The best age for kids to start playing sports is when they really want to play. Normally between 6 & 12.
I learned about pushing children into sports
Loved the rainy day activities my son has been so board lately I will have to try some of these
I learned that you’re not supposed to force kids to play sports when they’re young
i learned that pedisure can in a few different flavors I need to start buying it to supplement my picky eaters esp for in the morning!
I learned all about the superfood brainbuilding snacks for kids. It was great to read about it. Fortunately, my kids already eat all of these foods and they love them!
I learned about super foods for kids, such as beans, fruits and avocado that will help their energy and concentration.
I learned about all the junk food being so bad for toddlers..
Kids and Organized Sports: Don’t Push Them Too Early
i disagree..if they are good at it..let em go
I learned about rainy day activities to do
This is an amazing giveaway. My family has loved pediasure for years!
I learned they have tips for kids nutrition.
I learned that too much junk food will damage a childs brain.
I learned a bit about how diet may be related to some effects of autism.
I learned that Pediasure can help kids grow. So cool!
I learned about all the junk food being so bad for toddlers..
I learned that junk food can damage a toddler’s brain
I liked the post about not pushing kids too hard too early in organized sports. It’s not about not encouraging kids to get into sports. It’s about not pushing the kids way too hard at a time when it might be too early for them or when they’re not yet ready for it. Encourage, yes. Push too hard, no.
I learned about not pushing kids to hard when it comes to sports.
I commented on the Halloween post regarding safety and flashlights
I learned that it’s important if you enroll your kids in organized sports at an early age to not push them too hard. You need to be sure that the kids associate fun with sports rather than feel the need to be so competitive at an early age.
I learned some tips on eating a healthy diet.
I learned some tips on how to Keep ‘I Quit’ Out of Your Kids’ Sports Playbook.
I did not know Pediasure had a Shake Mix formula. Healthy milkshakes!!!
Junk food can damage your babies brain.
Pediasure can also be used for people who have electrolyte issues…it’s better than G******e.
I learned that A handful of pumpkin seeds gives you your daily requirement of zinc.
I learned about Kids and Organized Sports: Don’t Push Them Too Early.
I learned about some great Creative rainy day ideas
I learned that Avocado was a superfood! Which is great because I love it.
I learned that their a lot of good group and discussions on the site!
I learned that A new study on food and your brain just came out with disturbing results: Fast food can make you dumb. Seriously. Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance. In other words, junk food makes your brain smaller and slower.
rainy day activities are nice
When kids want to quit sports, try to find out why before reminding them how much it costs for them to play. Thank you!
I learned Junk Food Could Damage Your Toddler’s Brain
I learned why oranges are such a good snack. I also learned about the site, I hadn’t heard of it before!
I learned that nuts and seeds are a super food snack for kids and healthy one too.
I learned that junk food can damage your toddler’s brain. It’s probably too late to do anything about mine.
I learned they have printout for fun
I learned that Pickup basketball games, playing catch with a friend or soccer matches where the goals are shirts on the ground are sports, too.
I learned pediasure is great for your kids, super healthy and can add extra wegith on them!
I learned they offer advise on their site that is great . My kids like pediasure
Junk Food can damage your kids’ brains.
always glad to have something to feed the kids so that on the long roadtrips junk food is not the alternative
oops, forgot to say that i am glad for the inclusion of omega 3 fatty acids. Very important to build a basis for cardiac health.
I learned that Junk food can lead to brain damage in toddlers.
I had no idea about the Omega fatty acids. They had my daughter on Pediasure when she was young due to being born premature and she has always been small in size and they wanted to be certain she was getting all the nutrients necessary!
I learned that fruit promotes alertness.
Ilove that you can make popsicles with Pedisure
I learned that trans fats are real bad for our brains.
I learned some great ways to keep my son entertained during the rainy days.
I learned about some sports being to rough for any kid!!!
Pediasure is a great option for kids to help them gain weight and be healthy.
I learned that Pediasure is clinically proven to help kids grow. My daughter has a hard time gaining weight, this would really help her out.
Never heard of super brain food before. Interesting!
My kids really love Pediasure. It tastes great and is good for them!
I left a comment on “im a tommee tippee mom”
Thank you for the giveaway!
I learned that they have a lot of tips and tricks there not just nutritional discussions.
I learned that it’s not always a good idea to push kids into group sports while they are still very young.
I’ve been a follower for at least 2 years!
I learned that it can be harmful to push kids into sports early
I learned that they have Xpedia Sure shake mix and Xpedia Sure with fiber. It helps kids get propernutrition.
Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance
Lots of great sports info. Having older kids I used a lot of tactics they mentioned, never pushed them into it and made it what it is suppose to be, Fun!
I learned that junk food can damage a child’s brain and that seeds, nuts, and Pediasure can help them develop and stay healthy.
I leanred not to force kids to do extracurriculars if they dont want to !
I commented on Joovy
I learned that this is a site where people can join and post ideas such as “Favorite Rainy Day Activities”.
Junk food can damage your toddlers brain
I learned you shouldn’t force your kids into sports I let my daughter choose which ones she wants to do
Pediasure is great stuff and who can’t use an extra fridge in their house.
On the article of healthy snacking I learned a little more about good-for-you snack tips: Try to balance protein, carbohydrates, and fat in each meal and snack, which will help increase satisfaction and decrease hunger. And don’t overlook hydration — kids don’t get a lot of opportunities to drink anything during the school day, so make sure they get plenty of water or milk along with their snack.
I learned about PediaSure SideKicks which I have never tried before. What is good about them is that they have all of the vitamins of the original but less calories which is good if your child is a picky eater but actually eats enough calories but not the right foods.
I learned about the 6 Superfood Brain Building Snack for kid. Nice to know this.
I learned about 6 brain building snacks for kids including dark chocolate!
i learned some great rainy day activities
I learned to try not to organize your kids too much too soon!
I learned about some fun and easy rainy day activities!
I read the article “6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids” and read why certain foods are better choices as snacks for kids.
My son always asks for Pediasure! His favorite flavor is vanilla. Thanks for the giveaway!
I learned about superfood brain-building foods I can incorporate into the kids’ snacks.
I learned that junk food can damage my toddler’s brain!
I learned that Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance.
The first thing that caught my eye when I clicked the link was “Junk Food Could Damage Your Toddler’s Brain”. YIKES! The article I read was very informative. I learned that Trans Fats can cause a reduction in brain volume, and it can make cognitive functioning slower. To quote the author/authors, “if there’s vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated anything … just put it down.”
I learned that junk food can damage your toddler’s brain
That among the superfood is chocolate it may be dark chocolate but still it is chocolate.
I like the rainy day activities ideas!
I learned that all PediaSure drinks are kosher and gluten-free. Thanks.
I learn that they make a version of PediaSure that has extra fiber.
I learned about some rainy day activities we can do this weekend!
lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
I learned fruits and nuts are a good snack for the brain however I already knew that but I do know that my kids love Pediasure although it is extremely expensive and I buy it when I can.
I learned do not push kids too early with sports.
I learned that there is a version with fiber.
Junk food could damage your toddler’s brain
I learned that when your child is in sports and has a problem if you can not get the answer for the problem from your son then to talk to their coach like you would their teacher.
I learned that junk food can damage a child’s brain. I never knew this.
Junk food and fast food can make your brain smaller and dumber due to trans fats
I learned that cafe mom is a resource for moms that includes videos, chats groups, etc.
I learned that junk food can damage your toddlers brain. That is scary.
PediaSure products sold in the retail market are designed to provide a source of complete, balanced nutrition for children 2 to 13 years of age for supplemental oral use. In the hospital setting or under the care of a physician PediaSure may be used as sole-source nutrition or as a supplement. PediaSure is designed for both short-term and long-term nutrition support. As with any nutritional product used as sole-source nutrition, a child using PediaSure in this way should have close medical supervision.
How to keep kids healthy!
I learned that pediasure is Clinically proven* to help kids grow
I learned about brain building foods for kids.
I learned you should not push your children in organized sports.
Pediasure is great for growing children!
I learned junk food can damage toddlers brains
I learned about rainy day activites
Win $500 in the Cover Their Butt sweepstakes
I learned that some of the benefits of drinking water include:
Digestion support
Constipation prevention
Proper blood circulation
Water also helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, regulate body temperature, and maintain electrolyte (sodium) balance.
I learned the Pediasure has lots of nutrients for the grandkids. We keep it for when they are sick.
I learned they have tips for kids nutrition.
I learned that junk food could damage my son’s brain.
what an awesome giveaway, we use pediasure all the time, my granddaughter loves the flavors
that junk food can damage a toddler’s brain
I went to their site and I learned that junk food can cause brain damage in toddlers.
I learned the 6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids are Fruit, Whole Grain foods, Avocado, Nuts/Seeds, Beans and Chocolate!
I learned that Pediasure also comes in a powder form that I can mix in milk.
I learned that a handful of pumpkin seeds gives you your daily requirement of zinc.
I guess that I should have realized it but kids really don’t drink much during the school day. Basically maybe a few drinks from a fountain or such between classes, or a small snack time or lunch, so they need to drink more water at home. I also didn’t know that orange slices are a classic and good halftime soccer game snack bc of the water content and the quick energy boost they offer.
I didn’t know there were different flavors.
I learned what a difference giving them healthy food instead of junk food can really make:)
I learned that junk food can hurt your kids brains and they actually list foods that can boost brain power instead of hurting
junk food can actually hurt my kids brains. wow.
I learned that pumpkin seeds contain your daily requirement of zinc.
I knew that junk food wasn’t the best choice for a toddler but I didn’t know that it can actually damage the childs brain.
Beans, fruits, and avocado are super fruits for kids… Also, there is a part of the site for exchanging info with other parents
I learned why toddlers shouldn’t be given junk food
There’s rainy day activity suggestions.
i learned that you shouldn’t push kids too early with sports.
I learned that my eyes are fryed from lack of sleep last night…
Trans fats — the kind found in fast food and processed food — are tied with lower brain volume and worse cognitive performance. In other words, junk food makes your brain smaller and slower.
I learned that avocado is a great superfood and “brain building” snack for kids. Avocado is full of healthy antioxidants
I commented on the toysRus gift guide post.
I learned a lot – the information on organized sports was really interesting.
I learned that you shouldn’t push young children into sports.
I learned that beans are a brain building food for kids
I learned that it has 25 essential vitamins and minerals
I learned a bunch of rainy day activities!
I learned about 6 Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids
I learned that Pediasure is clinically proven to help kids grow. I daughter was a picky eater so I used to give her Pediasure to help her grow and same with my son now
I learned about “Brain Building” foods for kids
I learned that junk food is not good and thtkids should eat “brain building” foods
I learned that Pedisure has 25 essential vitamins and minerals and is clinically proven to help kids grow.
I learned that junk food can damage my toddler’s brain.
It’s okay to let your baby cry- one mother said you are teaching him/her to self soothe and helping to set limits early. I also liked the article about rainy day activities- as silly as it sounds I have never thought of baking as a rainy day activity but it’s the perfect one!
I learned I can make Superfood Brain-Building Snacks for Kids.
I learned (relearned) the terrible effects of junk food on a childs developin brain.
I learned that pediasure has 25 essential vitamins.
I liked reading about the fun ideas to do for a rainy day
I learned not to push kids in organized sports too early!
Chocolate: Yes indeed, dark chocolate is actually good for you … IN MODERATION.
I checked out all of the rainy day activities! I’m actually saving some of the ideas for this winter!
Superfood Brain-Building for children, how awesome!
I learned that junk food is harmful to your child. Which is why pediasure is a great option!
I learned some sports are even too rough for kids who are tough.
Makes it real when you see in writing that junk food can damage a toddler’s brain.
it is great nutrition for kids