Happy weekend everyone! We are almost 3 weeks into having 3 kids and so far..so good! Taylor is a really good baby, and I truly hope it stays that way. Here is her most recent picture:
As always, come link up any cute or funny post and LAUGH! Definitely check out the other blogs who linked up, as they all provide a great laugh. Feel free to take my button or share on social media, although this is not necessary.
5. Zane is just about swimming which completely amazes me considering he is not even 3.5 years old. He started when he was 5 months so that might have helped. Anyway, he likes to play the game where he throws the fish and dives down to get them. I told him that he was too young and I was afraid of him doing this. He answers me, “Mommy…I can do anything I put my mind to”. I think I might have used that line one too many times! LOL! He did it though- he dove down (shallow waters) and got all the fish!
4. Hayley is a huge Mommy’s helper with Baby Taylor. The only problem is she sometimes wants to be the MOM and take control. She is very insistent that her and her sister dress the same too, which makes me laugh!
3. Hayley informed me yesterday that she wants a bounce house for her birthday. I told her, her birthday was a bit away and she told me, “No mommy… I am 5 years. and 3/4 old… My birthday is sooner than you think!” She got me!
2. Taylor makes the cutest little baby noises. I really need to record it. She sounds like a bird- no joke!
1. I officially came up with a nickname for her. I call her Tay-Tay! Now, Zane needs to stop me whenever I say that and insist I call her Taylor. He always tells me that I am saying her name wrong! The other day he told me, “Mommy… It is T…A..Y..L..O..R.. Get it right!” LOL
Now your laughs:
Your little ones are too funny and baby Taylor is so precious! I’m having serious giggles over Hayley’s birthday being sooner than you think and Zane telling you to get his sister’s name right, it’s so not Tay-Tay according to him!
Awww she is beautiful and what cute memories you have of the joys your children brought you this week.
Thanks for the great laughs. My little cousin has always been Tay-bug to me and she is now 23!
Awe she’s precious!! I was a HUGE water baby growing up I can share the love of the pool with Zane! LOL
So cute and I love her name… and nickname!
Congratulations on that new beautiful baby!!
Very sweet photo of Taylor, she’s beautiful!
Sounds like Hayley has classic firstborn traits!
Zane sounds like he is doing awesome swimming!
I had to stop at 1 kid. Couldn’t take having more!
This is so cute!
They are so adorable! Especially Zane saying that her name is TAYLOR!