*This is a sponsored post with Merry Maids. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
We are half way through what is supposed to be the leisurely summer season. Though as I suspect any mom knows, there is not much actual leisure time with the kids around. Little kids are just so busy! I find it’s a matter of moving them around from activity to activity to keep them occupied and maintain our sanity. Water-play to arts and crafts, playground to baking to backyard, then throw in a trip to the beach or pool.
By the end of the day I’ve not only reached my goal of exhausting the children, I’ve worn myself out too. Meanwhile, the problem with all of that running around is that by the end of any busy summer day my house looks like a tornado has torn through it. I am just too tired at that point to clean. The reality for us moms is that we are working twice as hard. I have tried the brilliant idea of cleaning up after each activity before we move on to the next, ha!
They are on to making the next mess before I’ve even begun to straighten up the last, and I must supervise as we go along for damage control, so that idea has not worked for me. I have resorted to calling in the professionals. This is the only way I can get what I call my little “Mom-Cation” moments. Merry Maids is empowering us moms by offering brilliant cleaning tips for summer messes that have saved me this summer. Debra Johnson is Merry Maids home cleaning expert, and she encourages and shares ways to get the kids involved in the cleaning process as well.
Summer is all about making messes and while that is fully understandable, I hate the fact that I have to deal with the messes. One of the biggest messes I deal with, is when the kids eat Ice Cream and pops after playing in the hot sun. My kids are not the neatest when they eat and it leaks all over them. With the Merry Maids way of cleaning, I no longer have to deal with the mess though on them or inevitably on the furniture that is ruined when the juice pop spills all over. Merry Maids best home remedy for removing an ice pop stain from upholstery or carpeting is to dampen the stained area with dish washing liquid solution. From there, I place a white terry cloth towel over the solution and run over the towel with a hot iron – this will help transfer much of the stain to the towel.
For me, living in the ocean state where we have access to beautiful beaches nearby, the biggest problem is all of the sand. I swear we bring half of the beach home with us! Last time we went I tried Debra Johnson’s tip of bringing baby powder along to help get the sand off, and wow did it work wonders! What a brilliant solution, and certainly one I would have never thought of! The baby powder absorbs the moisture and causes the sand to just wipe right off the kids. We also do the little silly dance she suggested on the door mat before entering the house to make sure we are not tracking the sand in with us. These simple tips have really helped with what in the past has been my biggest cleaning issue to tackle. I love the fun of the beach; I just hate the mess of the sand!
You can check out the Merry Maids Facebook page to get more great summer cleaning tips and find your own “Mom-Cation” Moments. If you have photos and stories of “Mom-Cation” moments to share on the Merry Maids Facebook page use the hashtag #momcation, and you will be entered for a chance to win prizes and gift cards.
Oh, nice tips! We may be near the beach soon, and the sand is always a problem. I can’t wait to check out their FB page to see more tips. Thanks!
My mom uses Merry Maids and loves them! I have someone who cleans for me, but it’s a friend.
I need a momcation! I had cleaners once while I was pregnant and it was fantastic!
Powder to get the sand out.. i had no idea.. i am going to check out their fb page for more tips.
I SO need Merry Maids! My house is a wreck, I clean and the kids mess it up again, I guess that’s what kids do!
I want to go on a mom-cation. And a house cleaner
I’m not even a mom yet and i know i need some merry maids in my life! I love the tips you shared! they are very helpful!
I’m a mom and I’ve never used merry maids. It looks like I need some!
With the baby, I can see how Merry Maids would be a huge help! You’re so right about kids making one mess and moving on to the next thing immediately.
I wish I’d have known that baby powder trick when we lived by the beach.
And BIG hurrah for Merry Maids!