**I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for National Dairy Council and the LACTAID®Brand. I received product coupons from the LACTAID® Brand to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.**
It was the ice cream I thought I’d miss the most. When I thought I might be lactose intolerant, that was my biggest concern. I know it sounds silly now, but that was seriously the first thing that went through my mind. Summer was just beginning and that is one of those simple summer pleasures that I always look forward to. Lactose intolerance is when you are unable to efficiently breakdown lactose in dairy products, which causes abdominal distress.
I am far from the only one who has lactose intolerance problems. The National Dairy Counsel tells that about 30-50 million Americans believe they are lactose intolerant. In this way, they support wonderful products such as LACTAID® Milk, so people can effectively get their dairy in, without having their bellies hurt. America’s dairy farmers founded National Dairy Council® (NDC), the non-profit organization funded by the national dairy check off program, nearly 100 years ago because of their commitment to nutrition education and research-based communications. They are there to help you and I make sure we have the proper nutrition needed to sustain healthy living.
NDC educates health professionals, the media, public health and other thought leaders about the need for Americans to consume three servings of lowfat and fat free dairy products each day as recommended by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Children ages 4-8 are encouraged to consume 2 1/2 cups of lowfat dairy per day, while kid’s ages 2-3 years are encouraged to consume 2 cups per day. Through their partnership with LACTAID® Milk, they can effectively make sure people like me who are lactose sensitive, have the full dairy needed without causing any stomach irritations.
For months I had been having digestive problems and we were trying to get to the root of the problem. Lactose intolerance is a common cause of digestive discomfort, so I committed to go lactose free to see if it helped. Of course I was also concerned about not being able to eat dairy because I know how important dairy is in a healthy diet. As a dentist, I know how important calcium is for your teeth, and as a woman important for my bones.
I have milk in my cereal every morning, cream in my coffee and then there is my beloved summer treat, ice cream. I did not know what I was going to do! Thankfully the LACTAID® brand had created an array of products to allow people who are lactose intolerant to still enjoy the dairy products that they love without the discomfort. LACTAID® has been around since the seventies, so it is a brand you can trust, and LACTAID® Dairy Products are real dairy. The natural enzyme lactase is added to products so that it breaks down lactose making it easy for lactose intolerant people to digest. These days products such as tablets, 100% lactose free milk, and yes even ice cream have been added to the LACTAID® Dairy Products line. LACTAID® Dairy Products are also fully supported by the National Dairy Council.
I quickly learned that LACTAID® milk was real milk enriched with calcium and just 2 glasses provide me with 100% of the Daily Value of calcium, along with all the protein and vitamins of whole milk. Since switching, I have become a big fan of the array of LACTAID® products. These days in my refrigerator you will find LACTAID® milk, it really is delicious, and it was great to feel like I never had to sacrifice that great taste. I could even keep my favorite simple summer pleasure, ice cream!
LACTAID® has made it so easy for those intolerant or sensitive by having a full product line including: LACTAID® milk (fat free, low-fat 1 %, reduced fat 2% and whole), calcium enriched milk, chocolate lowfat milk, eggnog, lowfat cottage cheese, and Ice Cream (Vanilla Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Butter Pecan, Strawberry & Cream).
Here is one way I incorporate LACTAID® milk into my diet each day. I make a Strawberry Banana LACTAID® milk smoothie that is not only delicious but nutritious.
-1 cup LACTAID® milk
-1 cup strawberries
-1 small banana
In a blender, mix the above ingredients. Chill and serve! Simply delicious! This has been a staple in my household since the time the kids were born. Now with substituting LACTAID® milk, I am still getting my full dairy in! What could be better!
What would you use LACTAID® milk in? Share your recipes if you will…
Giveaway: One winner will receive LACTAID® Milk coupons. For this giveaway, let me know what you like best about this milk in the comment section proceeding the post. Giveaway ends June 13 so hurry up and enter!
I love that this milk tastes so good and doesn’t make me hurt!
We have a neighbor that uses this for her child, but I don’t think she’s ever thought of making smoothies out of it!
My hubby needs this. He has a very tough time with dairy products!!
My sister needs to try this
My daughter is lactose intolerant so we use it sometimes in cereal and smoothies too. It’s a great alternative.
What I like best about this milk is that it tastes just like regular milk! My son needs to drink it but the whole family enjoys it too! No one even knows its not regular milk!
i make smoothies w/ it every morning!!! i love that it’s like a replacement of milk, but without having to have the side effects! my father in law also drinks this every morning!
We aren’t lactose intolerant but a good friend of mine is, she loves this kind. I’ll have to send her this recipe, thanks!
It’s so awesome that this product is available for those with sensitivities.
My husband loves LACTAID. It’s such an awesome product for health reasons, but also tastes good.
I have a daughter who is lactose intolerant and love cereal so this is her choice of a great alternative. Thank you for sharing. I like the smoothie idea.
…I haven’t tried this yet… but a close friend swears by it!
One of my nieces had trouble with dairy. I’ll have to make sure her Mom knows about this.
I want to try lactaid. My youngest definitely has an intolerance to milk and I am looking for alternatives.
I’m so glad to see that the Lactaid is 100% lactose free. I’m Lactose Intollerant and the special milk I tried when I was younger was only 99% lactose free which wasn’t enough for me as I was SO sensitive to the lactose. I’ve improved since a child, I am still LI but its better. Oh and I missed the ice cream!
what I like best is that I can drink a whole glass of milk and not get upset stomache. I love to use Lactaid for chocolate milk.
My Mom has had problems with dairy in the past. I know she knew about the milk but don’t think she knows about the ice cream, I’ll have to let her know.
My dad is lactose intolerant. Every time I go to his house, I notice that he always has a pack of oreo cookies, but never has ANY milk in his house. He rarely gets to buy lactose free milk because of his fixed income. I just don’t know how he can eat those heavenly oreo cookie with NO milk! If I won this would definitely be for him!
My toddler is allergic to milk so we are quite familar with this brand. It has been a blessing because he was diagnosed when he was 1 and loved his milk. We tried other types of milk but he wouldn’t drink it.
I have been using Lactaid for years. My oldest son who is fifteen is completely allergic to milk. At first he had soy milk as his only other option to drink, and we were so thankful when Lactaid came out with milk that doesn’t bother him nearly as much as regular milk!