RSVP for the #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Party
Do you love a good Twitter Party? You know we do and we’re so excited to host a party that is full of delicious chocolate recipes using TWIX Bites. On Tuesday , May 13 at 1 pm ET, please join us for the #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Party, where we’ll be discussing chocolate (yum), to share delicious recipes, and giving you a chance to win prizes!
I don’t know about you but I absolutely love chocolate! Some of my favorite chocolate candies include MILKY WAY® Simply Caramel, 3 Musketeers® and TWIX® Bites. With Father’s Day and Memorial Day coming up, I can’t wait to do some baking with these candies and showcase my creations at our festive dinners. I look forward to hearing some ideas how to bake with these chocolates and I’m certainly looking forward to sharing TWIX® Bites recipes at the Twitter Party!
Join me and RSVP for the #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
DATE: Tuesday, May 13, 2014
TIME: 1 -2 pm ET
PRIZES: 5 – $100 Walmart Gift Cards
EARLY BIRD: 1 – $50 Walmart Gift Card
HOST: @dentistmel
CO HOSTS: @dodomesticdad, @WiCProject, @Miscfinds4u
RULES: #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Page Party Rules
RSVP & Party Grid: #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Party Page
Join #EatMoreBites #TWIXHadBabies Twitter Party 5/13 1pm ET. Bake with Bites! Prizes $550! Rules #shop #cbias
How To Participate In A Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
TIP: How to join a Twitter Party – sign in! Before party starts, click on the green “Sign In On Twitter” bar at the top of the page!
TIP: Who to follow at a Twitter Party? Follow the Party Team by clicking on the Twitter handle links on the RSVP page!
TIP: Want to win Twitter Party prizes? RSVP by clicking on RSVP button before you join the party, follow everyone on the Party Team, and tweet with the party hashtag during the party to be eligible!
TIP: How to win the Early Bird prize? Watch for chance to share a tweet when you RSVP for chance to win!
TIP: Special deals and brand coupons? Keep that options checked when you RSVP for the party!
TIP: New to Twitter parties? Watch your column and Party Team tweet columns – they are slower paced and easier to follow!
TIP: Where to find Twitter Parties? Check out the SoFabChats Twitter Party Calendar to find more fun parties to attend!
Find more helpful Twitter Party Tips on SoFabChats!
OMG – I love it!! Baby Twixes sound so good, especially with the higher ratio of chocolate coating due to the smaller size.
Sounds like a super fun party! I will try to make it.
Sounds like an awesome twitter party! I will try to be there.
Love Twix and love Twitter parties… This is for me, thanks for sharing, will be there and rock the party
Twitter parties are so much fun. Love them!
Twix bites look absolutely divine, to me!! YUM!!!
I am chocolate obsessed! Sounds like my kind of party!
I haven’t had these as bites yet, great for portion control!
I love this candy and Twitter parties..what a win/win!
who doesn’t love chocolate? YUM!
I’ll try to make it! Love twitter parties and this one sounds fun!
LOL, I am cracking up over that hashtag. #TWIXHadBabies I am putting the party on my calendar. Hope to make it!
Sounds great… I want to eat more bites… ha! I love that #TWIXHadBabies… I will definitely try to make it. Thanks so much
I am going to try to make it to the party, I love candy! What better way to spend an afternoon than talking about it? ha ha!
Oooh. I will definitely try to make this one. Don’t have to twist my arm to talk candy.
I seriously love that candy! I hope I can make that twitter party.
Ooh, I’d love to make it to that party but I’ll have to remember to buy candy ahead of time or else I’ll go crazy just talking about it.
I didn’t know they’d made bitty bites in those. I am such a Twix girl that I’m all over this. The party sounds fun!
Ohh baby Twixes sound great, a nice little bit of sweet but, not too much!