*This is a sponsored post with HoneyBaked Ham. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*
In about 9 weeks, I will be having baby #3, so I really want to enjoy the last few weeks with my two other little ones. My husband was asking how I wanted to celebrate Mother’s Day and it got me thinking of ways one can make Mom’s Day really special. I decided to compile a list of tips you can use to make Mother’s Day a success and some great gift ideas that might come in handy for her special day.
1. Let her have a morning to sleep in! I don’t know about you but my kids are early birds and I am usually the one who rises with them everyday. I would love to have one morning where I get delivered breakfast in bed and get to sleep as late as I want in my pajamas. I want all the kid duties to be done by dad for that special Mom’s Day morning.
2. Do something really fun, whether that be with the kids or without them. Since the baby is coming so soon, I want to spend time doing something fun with the family that I have not done in awhile. We decided this year I am going to take the kids to our local carnival and enjoy all the carnival traditions including cotton candy and popcorn. I might even go on a small ride with them! Whatever you do, it is all about having some fun and just enjoying the special day that happens once a year.
3. Give Mom some time off from her regular duties for the day. Perhaps agree to let Mom have no duties except to have a great day. For me, that entails dad food shopping, doing the laundry, and bathing the kids. During this time, I plan to sit with my book and do nothing at all!
4. Give Mom that special gift! I know for me, I would love to get a spa card, a certificate to a beauty salon, a spa pedicure, and a shopping excursion. I love all those “girly” things and I know receiving these gifts would make me extra happy. I am totally envisioning a day of beauty for myself, as a gift for my husband. I hope he is reading this post!
5. Make dinner an easy feat with HoneyBaked Ham and their Smoked or Roasted Turkey Breasts! No mom wants to cook on this day, so if you have HoneyBaked products, you can be sure to have a delicious meal on absolutely no effort on the Mom’s part! Honeybaked also offers a variety of delicious side dishes and desserts, all of which also come fully cooked as well. I look forward to my husband making me a delicious Honeybaked dinner, that is basically already made. Just throw the ham in the oven, and in no time at all my family can enjoy a delicious, affordable, and nutritious meal!
Be sure to check out Honeybaked to learn about their awesome products and find out where you can buy them for your upcoming Mother’s Day dinner. Talk about convenience of making an great Mother’s Day dinner at home.
Win it: One winner will receive a $50 HoneyBaked Ham Gift Card + a $50 Massage Envy Gift Card. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what you like to receive for Mom’s Day to make your day extra special! While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest filling them out to increase your chances of winning. US only.
I want to have a nice dinner prepared for both my sisters
Mother’s Day usually just ends up being another day around here. I am ok with that, though, as long as I get to spend the day with my boys!
comment at https://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com/2014/04/pregnancy-update-30-weeks-in/#comment-493322
I won’t be with my hubby and sweet lady this year… but a prenatal massage would be heaven! I’ve had such aches this pregnancy, I dream of an hour of bliss!
I would like time to spend with my twin 10 month old girls. My boys who are 4 and 5 are on the Autism spectrum and have lots of needs so the girls are often playing on their own, I don’t get any quality time with them. That’s what I want a mommy and girls day together.
I am hoping to go for a lovely walk this mother’s day!
I want to take my mother out for a nice pamper session by getting a mani pedi and the killer massages!
I would love to have my baby on mothers day! crossing fingers, he is due in 2 weeks
Congratulations and omg that ham looks delicious!!
I’d like to have breakfast made for me and maybe receive some homemade gifts from my kids.
Dinner with the family after I get back from SOfabcon!
I would like a nice spa day for Mother’s Day! Ahhhh ….
I’ll be traveling on Mother’s Day but I’m getting in early so I hope to have a nice sit down dinner with my boys when I get home.
I would like to have both of my kids call me on Mother’s Day.
I want to go to church, have a nice lunch at Outback, and enjoy being spoiled all day by my husband and children!
I just want to have a nice fun day with my kids.
Everything looks so yummy on your table! I’m going to eat out with my family on Mother’s Day, but will take advantage on the savings, because we looove ham!
I want to take my mom out to lunch.
I would just like to make sure my mom knows i’m thinking of her!
My own mother passed away a number of years ago, so the only thing I wish for this mother’s day is that I could spend the day with my three daughters. I know it’s not likely – my youngest lives too far away. I know I’ll have the day with my middle daughter, but my oldest will probably be spending the day with her boyfriend’s family. Having the three with me that day would mean more than any gift could.
I’d love for my husband to make me dinner.
I want to make my mom a picture of her pets
Letting mom sleep in is one of the best ways for kids to celebrate Mother’s Day, in my opinion! Although I would not say no to a meal from Honeybaked ham.
They can let me sleep in!
I have just started following yesterday. I am a Grandma now, but had 3 daughters. It is nice following a family. Your interests are mine. I am a granny nanny who studied home economics in college and I want to pass on what I learned to my daughters and 3 granddaughters.
I would love a spa day to treat myself.
It’s just another day here.
I want my husband to take me out for lunch. My family does not live in the same town as I do.
This mother’s day, I would like to sleep in, then have french toast with my husband and kids at noon!
I would love to be able to spend Mother’s Day with my mom. The first Mother’s Day I ever had I was lucky enough to spend it with my parents. That was 19 years ago!
We are over due!
Great ideas for celebrating Mother’s Day. Congrats on your upcoming baby!
Loved your review about Dominos Pizza. My husband is going to love you for reminding me to get him pizza. My daughter worked at a coffee shop next door to Dominos and would surprise us with a pizza or two every once in a while.
I just want to have a nice lunch with my Mom and spend some time with her.
I would say one of these would make a great Mother’s day meal. Just reheat in oven.
I would love to be given tickets to go see a musical at our local Fox Theatre for Mother’s Day!
I’d love to have a good lobster meal and enjoy chocolate covered fruit!
Definitely breakfast in bed!
A perfect Mother’s day is going out to lunch with my mom and daughter and then go shopping.
i would like to take a bike ride with my daughter on mother’s day
These are such considerate tips that my family will have to implement often since we don’t celebrate Mother’s Day. Great ideas to get a relaxing day for you.
I would just like to plant flowers with my girls!
MMM That pis looks good.
I lost my mother, so the day will be in remembering all the good times we had together.
Fantastic giveaway! Thanks!
I commented on Pregnancy Update- 30 weeks in!
I would love a steak dinner and a night where he got up with the baby so I could get some sleep. Would also like something with the baby’s hand and hoot prints on it.
Yes, having honey baked ham do it all would be awesome.. what a great idea. I may have to start hinting to Hubby
I can taste the ham Dream of a massage
commented here https://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com/2014/04/pregnancy-update-30-weeks-in/#comment-493646
What a sweet picture of you Melissa with your kids! I have never tried Honey Baked Ham, I so have to, sounds yummy!
I plan on taking my mom for a mani pedi and for lunch!
Well, my Mom has been hospitalized for several months due to a bad fall, so the fact that she is home will make it a special day!
I really haven’t thought about it much, and my mom will be out of town. When you are a single mom, mothers day is just like any other day. Usually we would go to my moms house and honor her!
The nongiveaway post I commented on was “Make Sure to Capture Your Children’s Memories with Blinkbuggy.”
These are great tips! It’s so important to remember the little things that can help instead of only gifts or spending money.
What I would like for Mothers Day is my family to clean something, anything, their choice.
Definitely a delicious dinner that mom doesn’t have to cook is a wonderful thing!
That sounds like a great mother’s day gift idea! Cooking for mom is definitely one way to show her you care.
Great ideas and the ham would be perfect for a nice dinner.
I’d like to have someone do the dishes for me on Mother’s Day.
My Mother’s Day is simple. I usually go out to breakfast with my mom.
Sleeping in is heavenly on Mother’s Day! We are doing a talent show and dinner for my husband’s mom.
I would like to dine out at my favorite Italian Restaurant and then come home to a tidy house and watch my favorite tv shows
I would love to be taken OUT to eat for Champagne Brunch! Oh yes I would.. OR later on, for a fancy Italian dinner!
I just want to relax and maybe take a bubble bath. And not have to cook
I would love a relaxing day with no cooking involved!
Going to dinner and a movie for mothers day
This year I will buy my mom a nice bouquet of flowers and send her an ecard for mothers day.
Cute setting. Simple stuff for Mother’s Day is always nice too
I want to have a nice day with my 3 sons, husband, mom, grandma and other family members- with a wonderful meal and lots of laughs!
I would like to spend the day at the ocean with my family.
I commented on the Kool-Aid review!
were going to have everyone over for a bbq
We have a tradition of going to a nursery and picking out a new special plant for the yard – last two years were a rose bush and a wisteria tree. I’m looking forward to doing that again this year
I would like my husband to take out dinner for us and have a quite meal on our patio.
I would love a nice massage on mother’s day!
i want to go to the beach and out for a nice dinner.
Thanks so much
Cooking for mom and cleaning up when your done is a great way to show mom you care. I will be doing just that this year.
I would love to have a big family dinner and take my mom to the spa
My ideal Mother’s Day, as bad as it may sound, would be renting a nice hotel room for the night and spending it alone. A nice hot bath, a good book and peace and quite.
My family has never been big on holidays, plus my mother works on Mother’s Day, so we won’t end up doing anything, but I at least want to clean up the house for her – we’ve had a lot going on recently, and we’ve all kind of let the housework slide.
Lately, time is the most precious thing – none of us have enough of it! So, I make time to spend with my mom and spoil her with her favorite chocolate and flowers
For mothers day the thing I want most is to be home with all of my kids for the day.
i am taking my mom to the inner harbor for mother’s day
i want to take my mom out to the beach and have a bbq. i want her to relax and have fun with the grand kids.
Tell me what you want to do special on Mom’s Day or what someone can do for you on this day?
mom needs some new shoes..i think ill splurge
Hi! The only thing I really want to do is have a nice dinner out. That would be lovely! Thank-you!
I Would Love To Treat My Mom To A Spa Day!
My kids are taking me to Universal and dinner at our favorite hole in the wall taco joint. Yes, I am spoiled.
For mother’s day my husband and kids bring me breakfast in bed and do all the dishes!
For Mother’s Day my husband always gets me a gift card to Kohls and lets me have a shopping day—ALONE!! But first we always go to brunch <3
I am taking my mom to church then to a Mother’s Day Brunch.
comment here
I would like to cook a nice meal for my daughter and her family – she just gave birth to my granddaughter on April 15, 2014.
I always take my mom to her favorite restaurant & buy her a piece of jewelry!
Time with my own mom
I would like to sleep in for once!
On Mother’s Day, my whole family goes out to lunch (my brother’s and their families, my parents)together. I love that we all get to celebrate Mother’s Day together.
We are going to a very small local zoo called CuriOdyssey. It has great views of the bay.
I just like to have my children and grandchildren over to eat and visit
Will do a bbq for mothers day with my mom and all the family we always have so much fun.
The family always gets together at Grandmoms house. Its nice to have 4 generations together. We get pictures taken to remember the wonderful day.
My Mom is passed away, and my two grown sons live in other states, so Mother’s Day is just another day. Both the boys do call and that is my Joy on that day.
I’m sending her flowers.
I want my little guys to make me something, a card or a craft that I will cherish and to spend some time with them and my own mom possibly at the beach if it’s nice enough!
I’d like to go on a trip for Mother’s Day…but I think we’ll simply have a nice lunch out
I would love to to the beach for mother’s day or have a bbq
we do the dinner and lots of presents!
The best gift I ever get is when my hubs takes my kids somewhere for the day. Silence is golden for this mom!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’d love to go out to dinner or have someone cook for me on Mothers Day.
i commented here: Saturday’s Top Five Laughs- Come Join Our Blog Hop!
I would love to take my mom and get a mani and pedi and my little girl would love to hang with us to..
I could make my Mom’s day special with Honeybaked Ham foods so she wouldn’t have to cook for days.
I would like to have the day to myself without any kids
I want to sleep in for Mother’s Day.
I usually take my mom out to dinner
I wish I was spending it with my family in Nebraska or Illinois.
I want to cook my mom a nice dinner!
I’m going to wake our Son up & help Him, MAke her Breakfast Repeat for Lunch & Dinner
I would love it if my family would bake me a rich fudge chocolate cake with lots of frosting!
We are spending it together with family & going out to dinner
I’d like to go to the zoo with my grandson.
This mother’s day I am going to pend time with my family.
My boys could take me out to brunch!
I want to take my mom out to a nice dinner for mother’s day.
My daughters and I usually go to a tea shop for lunch
I would like to take my mom dinner for Mother’s Day.
We will be going out to lunch and enjoy the day.
We are walking in a race
We have one of these stores near us and I’ve been wanting to try it.
I will be taking my Mother out for a special dinner.
Kohls daisy fuentes-line-now-available-at-kohls/#comment-495484 post