*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Well.*
In January, I had the worst month to date. While I was visiting Disney, I developed severe chills and fevers up to 105 degrees F. This all started in the middle of the night and I had no where to turn except going to the dreaded ER, which would probably result in a 5+ hour wait to be seen. The very next day, I went to an urgent care but again proceeded to wait a long time, feeling basically like death. After this long wait, the diagnosis came: I had the Swine Flu! Oh yes, I was also in my second trimester of pregnancy. I remember vividly complaining to my mom that why is there not an easier place to turn to when one is sick and may need advice, medicine, help, or truly anything! Well, it turns out that now there is a place you can turn to get 24/7, 365 day a year medical advice right from the confines of your home or office, without ever having to get dressed to see a doctor. This online office is called American Well and you can talk to trained professionals any time you need medical advice, prescriptions, or to just talk to someone.
What is so convenient about American Well, is you never have to leave your home to subject yourself or your kids to germ filled doctor offices. Truthfully when I go to doctor offices for an appointment, my kids inevitably get sick. Now I can talk to a trained pediatrician or MD for myself right on my computer, iPad, and phone. They are able to write a prescription (if they deem necessary) and have it ready for you to pick up at your local pharmacy of your choice in minutes. It is pretty awesome to be able to search out the doctors in my area who are U.S. trained, Board certified, licensed and credentialed and typically have been practicing 10-15 years in private practice. They also have specialists, who are there to meet the requirements of patients.
I really wish I knew about this service when I had the flu. It would have made things a lot easier on me and I would have been able to get my medicine in about half the time. However, now that I know about American Well, I plan to use it every time I have a medical problem or need advice with anyone in my family. American Well is there to provide convenient care for acute conditions and/or chronic conditions, triage, refills on prescriptions, and general advice. They are also developing speciality care, wellness, and and chronic disease management offerings.
Just last week, Zane came down with a horrid ear infection. He was hysterical crying most of the night and was in severe pain. My husband was adamant we take him to the ER (he was inconsolable) but I suggested we try American Well. We were able to find a great physician in our area and talk to him online via our computer. Thanks to American Well, I felt a lot better about what to do and he went on the right medicines to make him feel better. It was a tremendous service and a caring doctor that turned our night completely around! I would completely recommend American Well over and over, and plan to use their services for the future!
The best part is you can access American Well through basically any technological device such as your smart phone, tablet or computer. If 2 Am hits and your computer is not readily available, do not fear as they have a free app, where you can talk to a doctor right through it. This has and will be a real lifesaver when the new baby comes too and I have lots of questions. While I tend not to be neurotic, I still have lots of medical questions and babies do get sick. This will be an easy way to talk to a trained doctor, without having to bring the baby in. You can get personal and dedicated face time with a doctor, where you are able to get all your questions answered.
The best part is all the information you input to your registration and all the advice they give, is kept strictly personal. They are HIPAA-compliant which means all of your health information will always be safe and available only to you and your doctor. Do not worry that any of your information will ever get leaked out! Also, do not worry that your regular physician will ever be left in the dark about your online visit. All of the information can readily be transferred to them, so they will have access to your online visits to American Well. As an added bonus, many insurers are beginning to cover these telehealth visits for the same or lesser co-pay than a traditional in-person visit.
Being online is the way of the world and what better way to receive medical advice and help then to bookmark American Well now, so it will be there when your next medical problem arises. American Well offers convenience, reliability, and security to all its patients with trained physicians ready to assist. Be sure to check out American Well today to see how great their services are! Be sure to use coupon code “SPRING” for a free American Well visit, and good for a year if you enroll by end of April.
Have you been sick this year? Have you tried American Well?
*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Well.*
Sounds like such a convenient service!!!
This sounds awesome! I avoid dr’s offices at all costs because, well, with two kids I just can’t handle it when I’m sick! I’ll have to try this out the next time I need a doctor.
Those offices are breeding grounds for more sickies — we avoid! American Well sounds like the perfect solution!
This is an awesome idea, one which I wish we had many times before – I hate sitting in germ-infested offices! Hope they announce this here soon!!
How convenient, easy, and affordable. I usually call my mom when I have a medical question. Of course, she doesn’t always have the answer. It would be nice to have someone to call that I can trust.
Interesting! I’ll have to give it a try one day.
I have the flu in February and I agree, this would have such a great service to have!
I definitely need a service like this! I have medical issues and often need advice at odd hours.
I have not heard of American Well. Last year, I had the worst flu and was out of work for almost 12 days. I have been lucky this year!
that is great that they are always there for you. there are many times where i can think of where this would have come in handy.
No major illness for me yet this year, knock on wood. This sounds like a great resource, particularly on the holidays when a doctor isn’t in anyway.
This is the future of basic medical care and I can’t wait for it to become more accepted.
I love this!Great for when you can’t get to your doctor or your doctor isn’t in.Thanks for sharing!
I think telehealth will be the way of the future for most people, especially in rural areas.
This sounds incredibly convenient! I agree with some other people too, I think health will be going more virtual as time goes on.