*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.*
Hayley and Zane are amazing kids and I am so lucky to be their mom. While they are fantastic kids with great personalities, I have one big problem with my daughter and that is her SLEEP! She has been a horrible sleeper since she was 3 years old and now at 5 ½, her sleep has been getting slightly better but we do still have a few bad sleep nights in a row. Having Zane and another little one in my belly, this mom needs her sleep. I tried it all the remedies I found online to help her sleep better but it seems to backfire on me, until recently! Lately, I have tried Zarbee’s Natural Children’s Sleep and it has worked incredibly well for her occasional sleeplessness.
As I told you last month, Zarbee’s is an all-natural line of cough and cold remedies for kids and even adults. We have had great successes with all of his products in Dr. Zarbock’s line so I was more than excited to try his Natural Sleep Aid. I decided the best time to start it was right after Daylight Savings, when her sleep was even more messed up then it was previously- if that could even happen! Daylight Savings night and the following night, I knew it was time to start using something with her. Being up all night dealing with her, I knew things needed to change. Ultimately while I wanted to sleep again, the lack of sleep for her, was affecting her attitude and the way she concentrated in school.
Thankfully though Zarbee’s Natural Children’s Sleep really helped get my Hayley back on track with her sleep and I am so unbelievably grateful. The reason it works so well is it contains just 1 mg of clinically proven melatonin, a hormone that our bodies naturally produce as part of the sleep cycle, promoting restful sleep in children 3 years and up. I gather from meeting with her doctors in the past, she was lacking on melatonin, and in tern had trouble falling and staying asleep. With just this little bit of melatonin on her occasional sleepless nights, Hayley was able to get into a sound sleep and was so rested for her school days ahead. Best of all, as a mom, I am very nervous about giving my children medicines that I am not sure are 100 percent safe for them. Their bodies are so little and I, along with my husband, are just not a fan of giving them medicines we are not familiar with or may contain unnatural ingredients. With Zarbee’s Children’s Sleep, I know I am getting a natural, non-habit forming sleep aid that will allow my kids to function the next day, without a bit of grogginess.
Zarbee’s Children’s Sleep can be used for short term sleep problems such as change in routine or settings, time zone changes during travel, and Daylight Savings time. Give it a try and I can assure you, your child will wake up feeling rested and ready to start the day.
On each box of the Zarbee’s Children’s Sleep remedies, Dr. Zarbee includes a “None Steps to a Good Night’s Sleep” booklet to help parents create healthy sleep habits for the whole family. There are a lot of tips I follow, such as making sure constistency is key. Dr. Dr. Zarbock recommends making sure to adhere to a sleep schedule and avoiding letting kids stay up late on the weekend. Every night, Hayley and Zane are in bed by 8 pm and we make sure not to deviate from this schedule, by more than 15-20 minutes.
While we follow many of the other tips, one we are very firm on is not making going to sleep a game. Zane and Hayley love to call out for us for the first 20 minutes and I realized going in there, was making it a lot worse. Now, I wait about a minute before answering and reiterate to them, that it is now sleep time.
One of the tips, I am going to be using now in my life, to help my kids sleep better is going “e-free” in the evening. I am so guilty of letting my kids use the phone or watch TV right up to bedtime. Dr. Zarbock reminded me that the light emitted from these devices can interfere with normal sleep cycles. In my household, we do follow a strict bedtime routine. Constistency like Dr. Zarbock relays is so important to getting good sleep. At night, we start our routine at 7:15. We bathe the kids, put them in PJ’s, brush their teeth, read them each a book, and then sing a lullaby. I do bathe the kids every single night because the warm bath, gives a nice soothing feeling to calm them down from the chaos of the day. After this, it signals that it time to turn off the lights. We have been doing this routine since they were both babies and it seems to work out well!
Be sure to check out Zarbee’s Natural Children’s Sleep and follow along with the sleep tips Dr. Zarbock will be giving all this week on his Facebook/Twitter Page. Let’s get those kids into a great sleep schedule so they will be rejuvenated to start their days off on the right foot!
For parents who need a little extra help, Zarbee’s Naturals is sharing a coupon code for $1.50 off Zarbee’s Natural Children’s Sleep (and free shipping on all orders over $10). It’s available online at www.zarbees.com using zarbeessleep at checkout.
I never knew they had something for sleeping. We use their cold medicines. Luckily we have not has issues with my kids for sleeping but glad to know this is there if we do.
I’m lucky that all 3 of my kids have been good sleepers and all slept through from only 6 weeks old! but my sister’s 2 boys are terrible sleepers, so I’ll have to tell her about these
I feel for you! I was very fortunate to have three good sleepers, so I can’t imagine being up night after night. Sleep deprivation is the worst!
Oh no that must be hard for you – its good to hear you have hopefully found something that will help
Oooh, this might come in handy when we go to California next month. Last year when we went, the kids sleeping schedule was all messed up from the time change!
I have used this product and it works great. I love that it is all natural.
Cocaine is all natural but i wont be giving it to my kids anytime soon !Sounds iffy to me consult your pediatrician first.
I wonder if this is sold in Canada. So many good products from the states and I cant get my hands on them.
That is great! I would like to try a natural product like this.
Didn’t know they had things to help the kids sleep. Sounds like a good natural product
My girls are Autistic and NEVER sleep! We have been fighting this battle for years! I’m going to check out this product! Thanks for the info.
My sons name is Zane too! There is a cold starting in our household, so I may have to stock up on this because it sounds perfect for my little youngsters!
Never heard of this brand. I would be a bit weary of using any type of sleep medication on my son but I would definitely try their cold remedies. Being that he is in school sicks days are too often here. I will have to check out if they have it at my local pharmacy the next time I am there for a sick stash refill.
My daughter is sleeping really bad lately, and I could use some help with her sleeping better. It’s great to know that there are natural products for that.
I think I need this for my teen! She is always up so late and so tired in the morning.
I wonder if this would work on me? I take children’s doses of everything else, lol, so maybe it would. My son used to be a major challenge to get to sleep. He’s getting a lot better about it as he gets older though.
sleep isn’t something my family has ever had trouble with it’s staying wake that we need help with.
I guess my niece needs this too – it’s so hard to make her go to sleep lol
Have heard a lot about Zarbees and have seen them at Target as well. If I ever need something like this for my kid I’ll sure pick this one up. Thanks for the review.
I’ve give this to my daughter every nite for past year. She never slept before this. I break up 1mg into 4 pieces and give her one piece every nite. Lifesaver
My three younger children don’t REPECT DON’T SLEEP, Am a single mother who works n take care of three little ones who are night owls I get four hours of sleep and since these magic pills what we call them I get six hours of sleep. Thank u Zarbee
my son was just diagnosed with autism. It was very hard for him to fall asleep. I saw zarbees in walmart, and I must say it works great!! I give it to him around 7 hes usually sleep about 8 or a lil after. sometimes i give it to my other 2 kids as well.