I seriously can’t believe that I am going to be 18 weeks this coming Friday! Crazy how fast this pregnancy went! My friend Sarah from ItsAVol does some pregnancy features and I thought it would be cute to answer some of the questions she does weekly. We are both due one week apart of each other , so it is fun to see how our pregnancies compare and differ. The big day is this coming Monday- boy or girl??????
Due Date: July 11, 2014!
Total Weight Gained: +10 pounds
How big is baby? Hmm.. I am not really sure!
Labor Signs: None thankfully
Maternity Clothes: Not really yet. This week, I am going to whip them out!
Stretch Marks: None so far. I had none with either kid, so it best stick like that:)
Sleep: So good! I sleep 8-10 hours a night. I am not tired during the day but at night, I conk out!
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: No more sickness!!! No more sickness!! No more sickness! Since this is my last child, I will never have to deal with morning sickness again or in my case all day sickness!
Movement: I am told he/she moves a ton but I have felt very little. Maybe gas bubble type movements but that is it.
Food Cravings: Nothing really except diet soda! Bad, I know!
Food Aversions: Nothing at all!
Sex: We will find out on Monday
Names: We have them picked out but you will find out in July:)
Exercise: Double and single tennis
What I miss: No food but beer/wine. I promise you I am not really a lush!
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling the baby move! With Zane I had an anterior placenta, so I hope this time, it is posterior so I can actually feel the baby.
Me at 16 weeks:
Congrats! You look great for almost half way there. Cant wait to hear what the gender is
You are looking great! Almost half way there, congratulations.
Congratulations! So exciting when you get to feel the baby move!
Looking good. I hope you feel the baby soon too. I loved that part of being pregnant.
Aww congrats. It’s so funny that you say you miss alcohol – I’ve heard so many people say that they missed it while pregnant even though they barely drink. I think its just human to want what you can’t have, in a sense.
Wow, so exciting!! Man, I don’t look that good when I’m not pregnant.. much less at 16 weeks! Ha!! I was in maternity clothes at 6 weeks with this last one. That’s awesome that you’re staying fit and healthy. :)And yay for no more morning sickness!! I’m so excited to find out what you’re having!! Do you have a gut boy/girl feeling either way??