* Melissa is currently on vacation so I am guest posting my Saturday Top Five Laughs.Please leave any laughs in the comments, as there will be no link up until Melissa gets back. She will have her regular laughs on September 13 (next weekend). She would love to read your laughs though when she gets back so leave any in the comments:*
Hello to all of Melissa’s readers!!! I am Cari and I blog over at Adventures of the Roberts. A little about me and my blog….I am a stay-at-home mom to my sassy 2 yo daughter Breanna and been married to my love {also known as B} for 3 years. I love me some Starbucks, fall is my favorite season{bring on the sweaters, jeans, boots and scarves} I love everything about it especially the smells and my newest passion is taking pictures! I started my blog to keep up w. out of town family and ended up getting pregnant shortly after we got married and it kind of turned into a way to remember all the stuff Breanna does! I hope you will come over and check us out!
Now onto my Saturday Laughs…
I was drying Breanna off after her bath and she grabbed my face and looked at me and goes “nice face”
We were watching one of Breanna’s favorite shows and in the beginning it plays a lullaby song she closed her eyes and started swaying back and forth getting all into it
We went to visit my mom at her work one day for lunch as soon as we walked in my mom was waiting for us and Breanna stopped put her hand on her hip and struck a pose
D.I.T.- diva in training!!
Lately Breanna has been sneaking back into the laundry/mud room…I asked her what she was doing, she said “let the cat out” sure enough she did! Thankfully he didn’t get far
I was changing Breanna and she said hi mommy…so I said hi pumpkin back to her and she was like “no pumpkin mommy I princess”
Loved #1. My daughter and your daughter definitely have something in common as she’s very clearly a princess as well – and she corrects me often if I try to suggest otherwise
I did my post here if you have a chance to swing by: http://babygatesdown.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/youre-gonna-need-a-bigger-boat/ – Have a great weekend!
I love the last one! She’s 100% correct! :0)
Hi, Cari and Melissa. I wrote something pretty goofy this week. I’m on a new quest. Chalk it up to lots of dental pain meds and a car accident that has me pretty crazy. (The valet driver where I parked my car!)
Hope you’re having a great trip, Melissa!