**I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Orbit for Kids. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.**
All day long, I treat kids in my dental office and stress to them the importance of brushing and flossing. I then go home and do the same stressing (or perhaps persistent nagging) to my kids of how important brushing and flossing is. I am at the point where I am still 100 percent taking care of their oral hygiene needs but pretty soon Hayley is going to start brushing herself. At home we face so many obstacles of them not wanting to brush/floss twice a day and it is a constant upward battle. Even having a dentist mom, they are just like every other kid who rather watch Dora than sit and brush their teeth. Do you have the same problems as I?
The way I get around my constant struggles with getting them to brush is to set up a sticker chart. If they allow me to brush their teeth for the full 2 minutes, they get a sticker. 7 stickers at the end of the week=a small prize. We also sing the Happy Birthday song twice during each brushing since that will equate to around 2 minutes- a good tip for you all! While this is working great for Zane, Hayley is not really falling for it. So, instead I thought of an ingenious idea! Every time she brushes/flosses, she gets a piece of Orbit for Kids Gum. While she thinks the gum is a totally awesome treat, I know the real deal about Orbit for Kids Gum, in that it is actually fantastic for them to incorporate this gum in their oral hygiene regime. In just about 24 hours, Hayley was back to brushing/flossing with no complaints at all!
So you may be thinking, did she just say that I should incorporate Orbit for Kids in my kid’s oral hygiene? I thought she was a dentist- is she really advocating letting my kids chew gum? The answer is an outstanding yes- allowing them to chew Orbit for Kids sugar-free gum will improve their oral hygiene and help them clear steer of coming to visit me for the dreaded C word- cavities!
Orbit for Kids chewing gum is a fun and easy way to help protect kids’ teeth throughout the day. First off by your kids chewing Orbit for Kids, they are readily cleaning their mouth of food debris after meals and throughout the day. Chewing Orbit gum will help rid the mouth of those food particles that are known to stick around and be one of the actual culprits of cavities. Also it contains Xylitol, which helps in the stimulation of saliva. By causing increases in saliva, this will help to reduce plaque acids and overall strengthen the teeth. This is by no way trying to say that brushing/flossing is not necessary, but rather by incorporating Orbit for Kids you will be allowing your kids to achieve the ideal and perfect oral hygiene regime. Orbit for Kids has received the ADA seal of acceptance, which is the bible to dentists around the world and assures products help achieve good dental health in patient’s mouthes.
Orbit for Kids sugarfree gum gives parents a fun and convenient way to protect children’s teeth between brushings. While it is known to be great to chew, the best news is the tastes of the Orbit for Kids gum is simply delicious! It is currently available in two sugarfree flavors including Original Bubble Gum and Strawberry Banana. Hayley absolutely goes gaga over the Strawberry Banana. Once she has it, she never wants to spit it out. The girl seriously loves the Strawberry Banana Orbit for Kids gum. She also really likes the Orbit Original Bubble Gum (my favorite flavor of adult gum choices), but she prefers the Strawberry Banana. It is currently available in two size packages including 14- tab envelopes and Multi-Pack bags of 10, six-tab Micro-Packs. Packaging will feature new, fun designs and color schemes to get whole families excited about oral hygiene on the go.
By allowing your kids to chew Orbit for Kids Sugarfree gum, it provides the perfect compliment to the everyday oral hygiene regime including brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Be sure to keep your kid’s mouthes protected with Orbit for Kids Sugarfree gum. Trust me not only is it a wonderful addition to the oral hygiene regime, but your kids will think you are the best by providing them with a delicious tasting gum.
****I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Orbit for Kids. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.**
I given this brand gum to my kids too! I love that they can keep their teeth healthy by chewing this gum!
I havent tried this for my kiddo yet but need to start buying this instead of the other gum we buy
Luckily the boys enjoy toothbrushing time, but this is a great incentive to keep that motivation going during those phases of resistance! Thanks for the suggestion!
We love Orbit, every since the kids did the Orbit Challenge we have since dropped all other gum.
I’ve never heard of this brand, I wonder if it is just American. my kids wold like the gum
This is awesome that they Orbit now for kids. I love the cooler they gave you too.
My daughter would love this gum!
I juts found this gum at Blogher and am excited to be able to give it a try. Thanks for sharing this. I did not know you were a dentist. It’s pretty cool to see that as a recommendation here from not just a dentist, or just a Mom, but a Mom who is a dentist. Very very cool.
Luckily, so far at least, my kids don’t care about gum, but my nephew who is 11 loves it! It has always been a special treat that I buy him once in awhile when he is at my house for a few days. He isn’t really picky about the kind of gum he chews, so I may have to pick this up for him as a better option for his mouth.
My kids are a little young for gum – but I really like your tips on helping to keep them brushing!
My son gets gum when we’re out and about and he can’t brush his teeth. Sugar free gum is a great way to include great oral hygiene habits when you’re on the go.
So glad my dentist approve of this for my teen daughter as well. These have great flavor and are sugarfree. Win -Win for both of us!!
I know my grandson will love this.We haven’t had the difficult time with him and he loves brushing, flossing and using his rinse so we are lucky with that part.
Orbit is a good gum, I will share this with my parent friends.
OK, maybe now I’ll believe that gum chewing can be good for kids teeth (after hearing it from you). Growing up we were told that chewing gum would rot out teeth. Now I know it was the sugar, not the gum.
My daughter loves gum, I have to try this one!
What a great way to provide instant incentive!