Last week I told you that I am going to be participating in a cbias vlogging challenge. I will share some of my vlogs here and on You Tube. My goal in doing this is to open myself up to the camera and just be me. I do get slightly nervous in front of the camera, so I am hoping by the time I finish this challenge, I will be a rockstar vlogger! A girl can wish, right!
This week’s challenge is telling all about my Father’s Day plans. This vlog is somewhat personal to me, but hey, it is all about opening myself up! Hope you enjoy it!
I’m the same way
Not a fan of being in front of the camera. Good luck, I will make sure I stop back in and check your future videos out!
Great job!!
You have a lovely, calming, happy voice… perfect for vlogs! I love your story and am so relieved that all turned out well. And I love Thomas, too! I began collecting Thomas stuff when we first became grandparents 12 years ago, and to this day keep all of our Thomas stuff (A LOT OF IT!) in our front room coffee table drawers (3 LARGE DRAWERS!)… and the kids still gravitate to that room and build entire cities around our massive track ability. Have a wonderful Father’s Day, a day to celebrate… for sure! I lost my Dad 38 years ago and miss him every, single day. He is with me and my kids and grandkids all the time. I know it. Hey, keep vlogging!
Thanks so much Sharon! I appreciate it!! I will definitely continue vlogging! With 5 boy grandchildren, I am sure Thomas was a big hit in your household!
I have not been brave enough to get in front of a camera – I hate my voice.
You should!!! I bet you will love it!
Great job! A natural. You look beautiful too!
Thank you Melinda! I hope all is well with you and your beautiful boy!
I am terrible in front of the camera. Good for you!
I watched your video and you did great in front of the camera =) so happy things worked out with your husband and you can now have such happy plans this Fathers day. Enjoy.
Thank you!
You’re so cute! You are great!
You are so stinking cute! And beautiful too. You did so great. Much better than I do in front of the camera. But working on it. You are so brave. I need to just jump in and do this too.
Your father’s day sounds super fun! We haven’t figured out too many specifics yet, but we are still in the planning phases.
You look very natural in front of the camera. Great job!
You’re adorable!! Good job Mel!
You rocked the camera! Thank you for sharing your story. Happy Father’s Day to your hubby- and many many more
His train ride is going to be awesome!!!!
Your great and a natural! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am quite sure your hubby will just love another day out with Thomas. I am hoping that this year when Thomas rolls around to Southern California, we’ll get to go see him. Have a wonderful week!
I had never heard your story and what a great reason to be so connected to the holiday. Have fun at Thomas the Train!
Are you kidding!? You are already a vlogging rock star – a total natural! Thank you so much for sharing that personal story about your husband. That must have been such a scary time for you all, filled with high and low emotions between the birth of Hayley and your husband’s brain surgery. I’m so glad everything turned out okay! You have a beautiful family and I hope you have a great time celebrating Father’s Day with Thomas!!