*Melissa is currently on vacation and will not include a link up this week. If you would like, please leave your posts in the comments below. She will read all when she gets back. She will be back to her regular laughs next Friday night.*
Hello to all Mommyhood Chronicles readers! I am Cari and I blog over at Adventures of the Roberts, I am a SAHM to {an almost 2 year old diva}, Breanna and wife to my amazing husband Brad. I just blog about random things, our life and all the silly, cute and awesome things my daughter does! I am honored to be hosting Melissa’s Saturday Laughs this week! Lets get to some laughs
-We were watching Ellen on Monday and The Lumineers were playing and the rest of the day she kept walking around mumbling then yelling HEY!
-we have the little people castle that sings and talks, she now will put on the Rapunzle and sings the song as loud as she can
-anytime anyone coughs sneezes or clears their throats, Breanna makes sure to say bless you and if it is Brad or myself she always says bless you mommydaddy
-we are working on learning shapes! So we will draw them on her aqua doodle or magna doodle….well she has square, heart, triangle & star down anytime we draw circle she says ‘bouncy ball’ yes kiddo you are correct!
Have a great week off, Melissa!
Thank you for letting me in on a day in the life of your little Diva! Her quips made my day <3
Aww that’s so cute that your little one says ‘bless you’ for sneezes AND clearings of throats.
My daughter is 2 also – great age!!
Melissa – I hope you’re having a great time!!!
Here are my Saturday Laughs Thanks for guest hosting!!