New Year’s Resolutions come and go! You know the drill- you promise to sign up for the gym, only to go for three weeks and never to return again until the next year. I have already seen it at the gym where people that I have seen on January 2, are no where to be seen anymore. Don’t feel bad because we are all guilty of it!
While I am also guilty of not keeping my New Year’s Resolutions in the past, this year, I am 100 percent keeping it. My New Years goal is to run my first 5K. While it might not sound like a lot to some, it is a huge deal to me. I am a tennis player and have played since I was a young girl, but I am not a good runner. I usually start running for about 10 minutes only to return back to my house! I give up every time I start running.
We’ll, this year is completely different. I officially signed up for my first 5K which is going to be held the first weekend of March. I got all my necessary gear including a heart monitor and workout clothes, and I am officially ready to begin. Just last week, I went for my first run in nearly 20 degree weather. Bundled up and totally miserable, I vowed that I was going to run for at least 15 minutes. That 15 minutes turned into 40 minutes, and I completed 3.2 miles! I was so proud of myself! I came back and told my husband how proud I was of myself.
I know my time might not be great completing my first 5K and I am fine with that. All I want to really do is complete it with whatever my official time is to be! I will continue training as soon as the snow dissipates and I will try my hardest. That is all I could ask for myself. Do you have New Years resolutions? Is it to run your first 5K? To try to lose weight with help of XLS Medical? To start going to the gym? To try to be happier? To read more?
Whatever your New Years resolution is, I wish you the best of luck!!
*This is a partnered post. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Best of luck with your resolution, you can do it!
Wow…5K is amazing…good luck!
I think that is a great goal! Good luck!
That’s awesome, Mel! Running my half marathon was an awesome experience for me and I know your 5K will be great for you! Running is such a great stress reliever and can be a lot of fun! Best of luck with your goals! This post helped me to remember mine and to keep them up! So thanks!
You can do it! That is a great goal to have & the best part of that resolution is that you have a concrete goal, which I thin kmaes it easier to attain. Good luck
Congrats and good luck! I’m am…was a tennis player too. I ran out of people to play with so I haven’t done it in years. I also used to run every day. I never made it very far (3 miles tops) but I’ve gotten lazy since having my daughter. I really would love to get back into both.