I am slightly upset with myself in that I let myself “slip” with holiday eating. I am always so cautious but this year I went overboard and feel the unwanted tightness when I put on my jeans. I have yet to step foot on a scale but my jeans are definitely tighter which usually signals at least a 5 pound weight gain. I have told my story of how I lost 50 pounds 10 years back and I work very hard to maintain my weight. While I could easily make a promise to start the New Years’ resolution to lose the excess weight after Jan 1, I decided today is the day I am going to start back on track.
While I may have overindulged at Christmas, I have two New Years parties to go to this year and I vow to myself to eat healthier. If you are fighting the same holiday slump of feeling overweight and want to start losing, you can! If you are heading out to a New Years party this year and want to start eating and feeling healthy, I have a few suggestions. One is always eat before you go to the party! That way when you get there, you won’t have the ravenous feeling and then gorge on every type of imaginable food at the party. Second, make sure you get in some exercise. I can assure you by exercising you will feel better physically and emotionally. Lastly, and this might be a silly one, but I always carry sugar-free gum in my pocket. When I had my small taste of desert and I don’t want to continue eating it, I chew on a piece of gum- it helps satisfy my sugar crave without putting extra calories in my mouth.
I am also so excited that this year I found out about a site called Let’s Fight Holiday Fat- it is totally awesome and completely free! It is a great tool to start myself on my own personal journey to eat and live healthier. LetsFightHolidayFat.com is a new, free online guide for anyone interested in overcoming the holidays and being weight-loss ready for 2013, created courtesy of Alli.
LetsFightHolidayFat.com combines three core elements for the weight conscious during the holidays: diet, physical activity and motivation in an easy-to-use interface. It helps track goals and prepare for long-term success with features including:
– Follow-along fitness videos; from cross training to yoga / pilates
– Healthy (reduced calorie, low-fat) daily meal suggestions and recipes
– Custom calorie and activity tracking
– Community and social features and forums
– Smart phone accessibility
– Expert tips and tricks
When I went to the Let’s Fight Holiday Fat site, I was amazed how much you could do. One of my favorite features on the site is the full daily exercise routine they give. They have videos to show how to do the exercises and how long you should do them for. Each day, they give you a different exercise to do, so you don’t get bored. I love the variations they give and love the tailored videos to show me what to do with the exercises.
It will also give you the amount of calories you should eat in a certain day based on you imputing your current weight. It calculates the calories based on your current weight, target weight, and body type. I always have trouble figuring out how many calories I should eat, and this feature is very useful to me, and I am sure many others too. You can also track your progress and see your results of your weight loss, or perhaps weight maintenance.
I also love the fact that they feature delicious holiday recipes that are actually made more “guilt-free.” For example, they feature a “Guilt-Free” Egg Nog which sounds so good! To view the recipe along with all the fantastic features in helping one become healthier , simply register completely free for LetsFightHolidayFat.com! It is a has been such a big help to me in my quest to lose the extra weight!
Finally, I wanted to tell you about Samantha Harris take on LetsFightHolidayFat.com and some of her own holiday tips:
**As a TV Personality and busy mom of two, I understand the stresses and temptations the holidays can bring – especially for those trying to maintain their current weight. That’s why I’m encouraging those seeking support to visit LetsFightHolidayFat.com – a new, free online guide for Americans trying to squeeze in healthy eating and exercise this season. The tool, created courtesy of Alli® – the only FDA-approved weight loss aid available without a prescription – is for anyone interested in overcoming the holidays and being weight loss ready in 2013.
Here are some of my favorite tips to help you get started – be sure to visit LetsFightHolidayFat.com for more healthy diet, exercise and motivation for defeating temptation while embracing the holidays:
- Make healthy low-fat food choices. Swap out the high fat ingredients in your favorite holiday recipe for healthier options.
- Snack Often. Have healthy snacks at hand to help keep you from reaching for holiday goodies. Apples, low-fat string cheese and baby carrots are low-fat and easy to pack! Have a sweet tooth? Try a small peppermint candy (fat-free!) to satisfy your temptation.
- Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Finding small ways to fit in physical activity can help maintain your weight and energy throughout the season. Going holiday shopping? Park the car in the farthest spot from the store entrance. Cooking? Work your legs with squats while waiting for the water to boil.
- Plan Ahead. Going to a holiday party? Eat a low-fat snack at home to help you stay on track and avoid over-indulging in unhealthy choices.
- Keep Stress Levels Low. Eating healthy and being physically active can play a big part in keeping holiday stress at bay. Keeping stress levels low also may help prevent weight gain. Try to find a time in a busy day to take a few minutes for exercise, deep breathing, or eat a healthy, low-fat snack.
To learn more and to join, visit LetsFightHolidayFat.com for a comprehensive weight management resource.
*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for alli. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.
What a great website! I also love the fact that it’s free! While I can’t tell how much I gained from holiday eating, I will know how much weight I’d like to lose after I deliver my baby in two weeks.
This will be helpful for me in shedding those extra pounds. Thanks Melissa!
The website looks great! In my experience resources and support is definitely the key to weight loss!
I love the website. It’s always helpful to have a place for healthy ideas and to keep my food plan on track.
Your sugar-free gum trick works really well for me too! I need to check that calorie guide. I just finished losing all the weight I needed to drop and now I need to know about how much to take in to maintain.
Happy New Year!
Interesting! I am definitely going to check out this website – I need all the help I can get once baby is evicted! Thanks for sharing!
Yes my plan is to definitely fight the fat after new years!
Nothing like guilt free egg nog!
Oh thanks ! I love the calorie log. That is the only way I can seem to lose weight when I document every thing I eat and count them =)
that egg nog looks yummy!
You have some great tips here! Too bad I’m trying to put on weight, not lose it. >_<
I definitely need to get back on track and do better this New Year.
I am going to try this website out and get a grip back over the crazy eating I did during the past couple of weeks. GREAT POST – thank you!
Thanks for the tip – I can use all the help I can get this year!
That website looks awesome. I love that it gives you videos to follow! My hubby wants me to start yoga, but I don’t like following it from a book. I like videos better, so this is great for me.
I never knew Alli offered an online community like that. Maybe this will finally be my year to get healthy!
So hard during the holidays! It seems like you have it all way under control, though!
What a great post – love it.
I’ve heard so many great things about Ali! It’s time for me to focus on health… Maybe I should give alli a whirl
Glad to know about Lets Fight Holiday Fat – better later in the holidays than not at all! thanks!
i love the help of the calorie log
Excellent tips! I need daily reminders to help keep me on track. I love to exercise, but tempting treats can be dangerous. Thanks for the suggestions!!
Great site! This is the year I vow to lose that baby weight finally and get myself in shape! LetsFightHolidayFat.com is definitely an informative and helpful tool to get my a*s in gear!