I am a huge fan of Melissa and Doug! We absolutely love their toys in our household!
Did you know that Melissa and Doug is having a Terrific Twenty Promotion on their Facebook Page now. Each day until November 26, they will be giving away one of their terrific twenty toys. Sounds awesome, right! They have a wonderful selection of inspiring, educational, and fun toys that they will be giving out in the Terrific Twenty Promotion. Some of the toys include My Very Own Mailbox Set, tea set, Trunki, Magic Mine Train Set, and many more! Good luck to all and I hope some of my readers win!
Check back in a few weeks when I will be doing a Melissa and Doug Giveaway of one of the most popular terrific twenty toys- Stay tune…
I love these toys! I have one coming in the mail, and cannot wait for it to arrive!
I have known of Melissa and Doug for a while and really got into them when my stepdaughters were younger. I think they have grown out of most of what Melissa and Doug offers right now, but their toys are so cute and really well-made.