I absolutely love learning about new apps and games for my children and I to try out. The new app I was sent to review was the Give a Dam free iPhone/iPad app by Chupa Chups. Chupa Chups (http://www.chupachups.com/) is a lollipop company founded in 1958 in Spain. Chupa Chups lives by the “Life Less Serious” philosophy to sit back, relax and take time to enjoy all the quirky and funny things in life while enjoying a Chupa Chups.
Chupa Chuck or simply “Chuck‟ is the fuzzy, living embodiment / mascot of sort to the Life Less Serious philosophy. He is the perfect example of the chilled out existence you can lead while enjoying a Chupa Chups lollipop. What better way to do that than enjoy the games that Chuck Studios has to offer.
In this game, we are introduced to Camp Chupa Chups where all the Chupa Chubs gather together for all things wacky. After I first signed on, I was given a balancing game to arrange the Chupa Chubs on the river and to earn points as I went.
In this dam building game, save the Chupa Chups flavors in Give A Dam by guiding them down an extremely dangerous river! One wrong step in this great touch physics game and the flavors will submerge in the deep end of a waterfall. Only you have the power to help the campers sink or swim! I had a few turns where I actually sunk them and the sound went on, that I was doing something wrong. Once I got the hang of it, it was very fun! Hayley likes playing along too. You can put the sound on or off, but we preferred the sound on to hear all the things we were doing right and wrong.
Some additional game features include:
Game Features:
- 120 ultra-awesome levels to be unlock!
- Specially animated Chupa Chups flavors with long rotating limbs!
- Challenge your creativity as you help flavors to keep afloat in a millionpossible ways!
- Nice brain teaser with hours of fun!
- With no definite way of solving each challenge you can test your skillsby tweaking, exploring and replay levels!
- Be rewarded with lollipop sticks to complete the whole dam so that theflavors can swim freely!
- Kid friendly and enjoyable for adults as well.
- Very cool and funny music that was specially composed to accompanythe game.
- Free updates!
- Available on IOS – iphone, ipod touch and ipad.
- Game is available for free on the Appstore – with some locked levelsthat could be unlocked by sharing the game on facebook, writing a review and by simply liking the fan page.
The game sort of reminds me of tetris but in this case you are stacking the Chupa Chubs together. You are trying to put together blocks to block the bottom and stop the raft from sinking, and it uses the characters on the rafts to block it from going through. In the visuals, you will see fish, boats, and other sea visuals and when something is wrong (aka dies) you will see a beaver pop up and tell you to start again. It is actually really cute! I also find the graphics and sounds much better than the older tetris games. It has a similar feel to tetris but much more exciting! The water graphics when you are trying to stack together is amazing and the water sounds are equally so. It is a really neat game available free on the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch so make sure you check it out today! You can also check out Chupa Chubs on Facebook.
*I was compensated for this post but all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
It’s funny I was just reading about the logo design for the Chupa Chups lollipop company! This looks like a cute app, but not available for Android
Never heard of this before. If it’s an app you bet my kids will like it!
This looks cute and fun. I can hear my kids giggling now about being able to say give a dam