Happy weekend everyone. I know there are a lot of fesitvities towards Halloween this weekend, so I hope everyone enjoys.
As always, please link up a funny, cute, or top five laugh post. If you want to take my button or share on social media, please do so, although this is not mandatory obviously.
My top five:
5. Hayley had a sore throat last night. She woke me up telling me that she has a funny feeling in her throat. I asked her if it was sore and she said, “No money.. my throat can’t be sore… only my arm can be sore.” She related being sore to the time she hurt herself when falling.
4. I had my babysitter take her to the doctor this am to check it out. She was just at the doctor yesterday (see #3) but I wanted to make sure she didn’t have strep or anything. When the doctor asked her what was wrong, her answer was “Nothing”. He said, “Hayley, does your throat hurt”. She answered it did but it is all better now. The doctor must have thought we were nuts for bringing her in- I had no idea her throat felt better.
3. Hayley had her 4 year old shots yesterday. She had 4 of them plus the flu mist. Hayley did awesome and after said to my husband, “Look how brave I am Daddy”. Her father said he could not have been more proud of her.
2. Zane is a rockstar eater. He eats EVERYTHING in sight. You name it, he will eat it- sausage, chili, vegetables, sushi, fish. I have not found one food, he will not eat. Hayley hardly eats ANYTHING. How different they are in this respect.
1. I put this one of fb but will tell it again. And I do hope to get video of it soon:) We were driving home and Usher came on the radio. Hayley yells from the back seat, “Mommy, you need to pull over.. this is my hip hop dance and I need to show you my moves”. So I pulled into our local grocery store parking lot, let her out, and she did her impromptu hip hop routine. It was so wicked cute!
Now your laughs. Can’t wait to read:
Pleeeeaaase get a video of the hip hop routine. It sounds so cute!
I love the hip hop one too! I hope you can put up a video. She is too cute for words!!
sounds like a great mix!! a brave girl and a great eater…most parents only dream of that!!
happy weekend!
Yea Zane for already loving sushi! He has great taste!! Hayley is so so funny…I would love to see the video of her dancing and jammin’ to Usher!! So cute and sweet that you pulled over!! Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing weekend, Melissa!! Xoxox
Lots of love
I need to see video of her dancing- so cute.
kids say the cutest/funniest things for sure!
Sounds like you have got quite a little dancer on your hands! Your kids sound so adorable, Melissa!
I agree with Cari, we need a video of Hayley dancing! Oh, if Hayley still has a sore throat, I just found out that marshmallows can help soothe it. That’s probably something she doesn’t mind eating.
Ha! That Haley sure cracks me up! I would love to see her hip hop impromptu dance! lol
#1 is awesome! There is nothing cuter than kids dancing. Looking forward to seeing the video!
Number 1 is so funny! Girls gotta get her groove on!