*As part of my partnership with GE, I received coupons for my GE light bulbs. All opinions posted about my GE Lighting experience are my own. Thanks to GE for helping me make a difference in kids lives*
I truly get so excited when Champions for Kids have SIMPLE Projects that I can participate in every month. Nothing gives me greater joy than making a difference in kids lives and seeing their faces light up. I also like to involve Hayley in these projects to show her the importance of giving back to her community at a young age. This month the Champions for Kids SIMPLE service project involves buying GE Energy Efficient Light Bulbs to support a local charity or organization to save money and energy!
Gather your friends, family and co-workers to switch out incandescent bulbs for GE Energy Smart® bulbs in your home, workplace and neighborhood. Challenge each person to bring an extra pack of bulbs to donate to a local charity or other community organization. Help families in your neighborhood save energy, money, and the planet!
We have been using GE Energy Smart Light Bulbs in our home for quite a while now. Not only is the lighting that they emit beautiful, but they will help save money on energy costs! I know for us, we have so many extras that we need to pay for such as heating and gas, so if there is a way we could save on our energy bill, I was certainly going to implement it! When I originally heard about the GE Energy Efficient lights, I was all for it, but my husband was not so sure. I remember him saying, “Can it really save us money?” After a few months of using it, we are both definitely seeing the savings and now he will only buy GE Energy Efficient Light Bulbs. GE gives you this really neat Energy Saving and Usage Calculator to see what you will save by switching to GE Energy Efficient Lighting. It is truly remarkable how making this small switch, will save you money!
Since I saw how much money switching to GE Energy Efficient will help out someone, I decided to take the jump and offer a package of the new GE Light Bulbs to help out the local children’s museum. When we recently visited I noticed how dim the lightening is when the kids are playing. The Children’s Museum does so much to help out local families in need, as well as providing a safe place of play for all kids, I knew that I wanted to help them out. Hayley and Zane have both been going there since birth, and I knew that they would be very appreciative of getting the additional lighting to help them save with their exuberant energy costs in the long winter months.
My first stop was to head to Walmart to check out their selections of GE Energy Efficient Light Bulbs. I could not be the diversity of Light Bulbs they had! They had basically every watt light bulb available, along with different types (halogen, led light bulbs, cfl light bulbs) to fit different sections of your house. It was incredible.
After thinking long and hard, I decided to purchase the GE Energy-Efficient Halogen -Indoor/Outdoor FloodLights. I went with this choice because in the museum, I always see big overhead lights and thought this would fit in nicely. I also thought that if they choose, they could use these lights outside to help guide people to the museum in the dark.
After I got home, I told Hayley that we were going to donate to the museum and all by herself, she decided she was going to donate one of her toys to the museum too. I was so proud of her- this came from a 4 year old’s mouth! She is still thinking about which toy she wants to donate, but she has some time before we do the actual donation. I know the Children’s Museum would be appreciative of getting toys as well.
I am looking forward to going to the Children’s Museum and getting my donation in order. I also think it is really important to make people aware of how important it is join me in the crusade of completing the #GELighting SIMPLE Project. It is truly so easy to head out to your local Walmart, purchase a package of GE light bulbs, and give to this wonderful cause. This is holiday season and with that comes giving. Why not give to this wonderful initiative and help people get new lighting, as well as saving money on their energy bills! It would be amazing if we could all do this!
I know I already started the initiative and I plan to pay-it-forward to my friends/families by giving them a coupon to allow them to complete their own GE SIMPLE service project. Here is a coupon that you could use for yourself or share to purchase the GE Energy Efficient Light Bulbs.
GE is also helping to see how important it is to contribute to this months Champions For Kids project, so they are giving us an incentive. By participating in the GE Energy Smart Challenge seen here: GE– they will enter you in a chance to win a $100 Walmart gift card for your classroom or charity of your choice! Be sure to check out GE Lighting on Facebook and Twitter, as well as Champions for Kids on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. You can see my full shopping trip to purchase the GE light bulbs here: Google Plus.
What a great idea – such a necessity for people and organizations that we don’t even think of!
Love this!! Awhile back we bought all new lights and replaced each room with new energy efficient ones!!
This is a great way for everyone to pay off from this amazing action! Great job GE by giving everyone a chance to help out.
How cool! Such neat idea.
What a great cause. Love what you’re doing with the lights and giving back.
Such a great idea – kudos to you and even more so to your sweet, generous daughter!
This is such a neat idea. I love seeing how many people are participating in CFK. You did an awesome job!
What a great cause ~ Love anything to be “more green” and save the planet!!!
I love the cause.
I love these simple service projects – they are such great causes. Thank you for helping those in need!
Great cause!! It’s so important to teach kids how to help out others.
That is so sweet of your daughter to want to donate! I love this initiative!
Wonderful cause! And I love that your daughter wants to donate
Such a wonderful place to donate. I love our local children’s museum and would never have thought of them as a place to donate. Great idea!