Last week, I told you all about the Nickelodeon Book Drive which is the SIMPLE Project for this month from Champions for Kids. To recap, Champions for Kids, is a wonderful organization that has SIMPLE Projects each month where people donate to help the cause of the month. In the past, donations have included food, healthy eating initiatives, school supplies, and so much more. The ultimate goal of people helping with these donations is to work to make the community a better place for the children of our generation and to help make it a better future for our children. It is really the easiest thing that one can do, by participating in the SIMPLE projects. Not only is it so rewarding, but it will make you feel so good! Trust me- nothing gives me greater joy! This month SIMPLE Project is the Nickelodeon Book Drive where I will be donating new, as well as, used books for kids in need. I love this initiative as it is focused on literacy and getting the love of books into young children’s lives, that may not have access to it before.
To start off, Hayley and I went to Walmart and collected some fantastic Nickelodeon books including her favorite Dora’s storybook that not only encourages reading, but allows kids to have fun playing with all the different music features at the same time. We wanted to get the Dora Gymnastic book, but it was not on the shelves yet. We are told it will be very soon though! We also found some Spongebob books and Thomas the Train books to add to our donation.
Our next step, was involving Hayley in the initiative and show her how important it is for her to help as well. I truly believe you can never teach your kids early enough about the meaning of giving. Since she receives so many books, she decided she wanted to donate books from her own personal collection. I didn’t tell her what books to donate- I left it up to her. She began to sort through her stacks of books and she came up many wonderful books to donate. I was so very proud of her!
After she picked out her books to add to our donation stack, she wanted to make a sign so they knew what the donation was going to be for. While she is too young to write (or I shall say write legibly), she did have a great time decorating the sign with her Dora sticker collection.
We then put together the sign with our big book collection and set off to do our actual donation. As I said last week, I decided to donate the books to the annual food/book drive that was at my temple. Since we just ended the New Year holidays, I thought it would be a great time to help out to their wonderful cause. They accept all donations of canned goods, books, and activities, and when they are done collecting, all of the items get donated to the Women’s Shelter in our local area. It really could not have come at a better time, because what better way to celebrate the New Year, then by doing a charitable donation and truly helping out the children in my area. I know the children’s shelter they donate to, and know that they have very limited amounts of books accessible to them. I truly thought nothing would give them greater joy than to receive a lot of new and gently used books. We delivered our donation to the temple this past Wednesday, and they will be bringing all the donations to the women’s shelter, this coming week. I can’t wait to hear all about how our donation (Hayley and I) put a huge smile on their faces!
I am so happy to have participated in the #NickCFK #Champions4Kids SIMPLE project. We enjoyed doing the Nickelodeon Book Drive immensely and enjoyed being able to make a difference in children’s lives, by giving them the joy of books! I truly hope you take some time out to do your own donations and participate in the Nickelodeon Book Drive. It is so easy to do and it will make you so happy- I can assure you of that! Don’t worry if you don’t have any money to spend on books… Just gather up some of your children’s older books that they no longer use! Help out your community and help kids enjoy the love of books in your community. You can be one of the millions and help Champions for Kids reach their goal of 20 million by 2020.
To find out more information about Champions for Kids check out their website, and find them on Facebook/Twitter. You can also follow Nickelodeon on Facebook/Twitter as well!
* I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Champions for Kids. #NickCFK #CBias
I love seeing people donate!
So great for Champions for Kids to make it easy and have easy tasks each month. 
I LOVE how you let Hayley choose what books of her own to donate. What a wonderful lesson to teach her, and so early! Kudos to you! And thank you for helping promote learning and literacy in kids
As a kid who started reading young and loved it from the get-go, I thank you!
Nice that Hayley is learning to give to others ~ It’s such a good feeling. LOVE CFK!
What a true Blessing you and your family are to others. So many kids will be very happy to have those books! There’s nothing like giving and helping others….Gr8 Job & Post!
I love how you are teaching your kids to be charitable. I also think this Champions for kids drive for Literacy is amazing!
It’s so exciting to see the kids participating in giving back. This is the perfect opportunity to show them how important it is. Especially with the holiday season right around the corner.
Nothing is better than teaching them young to do good things for others just for the sake of doing it, not for something in return.
It’s wonderful that you got your daughter in on the giving, and she picked out her own books to donate. That Dora book looks like fun to me!
What a great donation. Love that you brought your daughter along on the project.
It was great that your daughter learned to share her own books too! We did the big help book drive too and it really is a great way to share with our community!
I’ll have to check this out. We love helping others and don’t it as often as we should! I am also looking forward to teaching my daughter how amazing it is to give to people who are less fortunate.
Such a great cause! It’s great your daughter is learning to give back so young!
This is such a great campaign – I am so excited to see big companies supporting such a great cause
What great books you found for the children. I absolutely love your daughter’s sign! Thank you for sharing and for always putting children in need at the top of your list.
This is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing. It’s so great to involve kids in donations and helping others.
It’s wonderful to get your kids involved with doing good in the community!
Great idea for donation!
I love the idea of donating books! Every child deserves the right to read
What a great mother, child project! As someone who loves to read, this is a cause I totally appreciate.
I think it is so great that you are doing this with your daughter. What an excellent way to teach her the importance of giving back and caring for others. – Katy
Awesome! I love how Hayley was able to get involved!
That is an awesome donation and I love to see children getting involved with these types of things. You provided the kids in need in your community with the materials they need to succeed and you taught your own daughter an invaluable lesson. This is great!