This month Dollar General, along with Procter and Gamble, is sponsoring the “Every Day Heroes” program celebrating schools and honoring teachers during the month of September. You can honor schools in your community by entering the “Write to Win” sweepstakes. Dollar General is offering the opportunity to win money for your school by visiting and submitting a brief essay about why your school deserves to win. Three essays will be chosen in the “Write to Win” sweepstakes and the winning schools mentioned in those essays will win $10,000 each! How great is that! I highly encourage you to participate and enter your chance to win for your children’s school.
Giveaway: Procter and Gambler and Dollar General is offering one of my readers the following prize pack which consists of Tide PODS, Prilosec OTC, Cascade Action Pacs, Ultra Downy, Scope Outlast mouthwash, Dollar General cosmetic bag, and Dollar General reusable sandwich container.
To enter this giveaway, simply fill out the rafflecopter below by clicking read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what your favorite P& G product from here: Procter and Gamble in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you fill it out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good Luck!
*P&G along with Dollar General has provided me the prize pack as seen above. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
I don’t know if I can pick just one! I love secret deodorant.
We only use and love, Charmin toilet paper; and when he was still in diapers, my son only used Pampers Baby Dry. =)
I like the Charmin the Braun and the Herbal Essence =]
to pick just one is really hard but Gain laundry detergent is the best
Fall is almost here
If I had to pick just one it would be Tide. Second would be Luvs
Love the quicker picker upper, Bounty!
Love Downy!
I love Tide
P&G has so many great products. I love Bounty and Pantene
I can’t pick just one either. LOVE P&G products!
I love Tide
I like Pringles and Pantene.
Cascade complete! I love those little packs!
I can’t say that I have just one but top on my list right now would be pampers!
Tide is a big one over here.
dawn dish soap
pampers and downy
Pringles, Pearls and Tide.
What a great thing Procter and Gambler and Dollar General is doing!
I like Tide
I love charmin, tide, and bounce…
I love Tide and Pampers Swaddlers
I love cascade dishwasher tablets
Gain, Bounce, Pantene….I could go on and on. They have so many great products!
Gain detergent
Cascade an Tide
Love me some tide!
Pringles and tide
I use all those!!
Gotta be the tampax!
We love Tampax Pearl!
My favorite product is Tide Free and gentle.
Tide & downy are my P&G favorites.
I love Tide products!
Pantene for my hair and Tide for my clothes!
I love Tide! It reminds me of Grandma’s home.
Love tide!
Tide and Downy!
Herbal essences none of your frizziness shampoo/conditioner!
Dolce and Gabana Fragrances
Herbal Essences is one of my fav shampoos….and who doesn’t love Pringles?
I love the P&G laundry products
Prilosec OTC really helps my husband but I love all the Proctor and Gamble products
Old Spice, Charmin, and Pampers.
Pampers & tide
I use Cascade and Tide!
I have 2 favorites….Charmin and Secret
I like Dawn (Love how they give back!)
Has to be Fabreze for us, especially with two dogs
Dawn, Tide, Scope!
cascade tide and all their products
I love Charmin and Tide!!
I absolutely love the Venus Razors and the Tide products!!!
I use Pantene, my husband uses Head&Shoulders, and we both use Gillette
tide always does good
I Like Tide
Tide and bounty
I think the question is what P&G product don’t I use? LOL! I use Dawn, Cascade, Puffs, Venus, Charmin, Head & Shoulders, Always, Aussie, Braun, Clairol Professional, CoverGirl, Crest, Dolce & Gabbana Fragrances, Escada Fragrances, Fekkai Fusion, Gillette, Gucci Fragrances, Herbal Essences, Ivory, MACH3, Max Factor, Natural Instincts, Nice ‘n Easy, Olay, Old Spice, Oral-B, Pantene,
Puma, Scope, Sebastian Professional, Secret, Tampax, Vidal Sassoon,
Bounty, Comet, Duracel, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Swiffer, Vicks!
Thanks for the giveaway!! =)
i love tide pringles and dawn
I love Charmin toilet paper. I know weird! But it’s my favorite because I’ve tried so many different toilet papers and i couldn’t find one that fit my personal needs, until I tried charmin!
Our favorite P&G product is Duracell batteries because they last a long time in my daughter’s toys.
Love Tide and Listerine!
Tide pods!
pampers, tampax, covergirl, gillete, pantene just to name a few
tuckersaver at hotmail dot com
I love covergirl mascara
Febreeze is my favorite
My favs are cascade and bounty
to many but huggies lol
I love pampers diapers and gain laundry detergent
Pringles is my favorite product.
I Love Tide!
Chsrmin and Tide
Tide Pods! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Pampers, bounty, cascade, febreeze.
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
Bounty , Cascade, Old Spice!
My favorite is Olay Regenerist Night Recovery Cream
*Thanks* for the giveaway!
There are so many, but I will have to say my favorite is GAIN.
I love Bounty and Tide.
Really just one? Tide, but I use alot of their stuff!
crest, Pantene, cover girl and ther list goes on…I didnt even know half these products were made by PG
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I love Charmin, Dawn, Tide, Bounce, Bounty… and so much more!
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
Cascade for sure!
Thanks for the contest.
I love Tide
My favorites are the Luv’s Diapers, Bounty Paper Towels and Cascade
I love charmin, tide, and bounce…
Tide, Downy, and Charmin!
I love the Tide detergent.
My favorite is Pantene Aqua Light 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner. Thanks.
I love Tide and Pantene!
tide is my favorite
I love Pantene products
My favorites are Tide and Dawn.
I like Dawn Power Dissolver and Charmin Ultra Soft.
Tide, Always, Mr. Clean
trulywaiting at
I do like Tide, the best laundry detergent ever! Also Charmin, Pantene and so many more.
Thank you.
Gain liquid laundry detergent, Dawn dishwashing liquid and Ivory soap
ky2here at msn dot com
Cascade and Tide
Charmin rocks! I love their softness!
i love bounty and bounce!
I love Dawn
I like Pampers and Charmin.
I love Tide!
Dawn & Charmin
My favorite is Tide.
I love Tide Pods!!
We use A LOT of Luvs diapers!
i like tide
Olay products! I honestly would not know what to do without Olay products! I use a lot of them. That original Olay fluid is so perfect, what would I ever sub for it?
The list of P & G products I use is soooo long.. I have tried SO many shampoos, but Pantene is the one I go back to ALL the time. I gave up on others now. I did not know Cover Girl was from P&G! My makeup drawer is FULL of cover girl!
I would like to win this pack!
I like Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System
i like tide
I like Pantene.
i LOVE tide laundry soap.
Bounty paper towels!
I love Olay products and Pantene!
my fave is tide
I love using Gain!
I love tide and pampers
Luvs diapers
I love tide!
My favorite product from P&G are the Pantene products.
I love Tide it is all I use
Charmin Ultra Soft
I like dawn.
I like Tide Liquid.
like Cascade complete
I love cover girl products
Herbal Essences! Best hair stuff!
I am a P&G junkie …I love Secret, Oil of Olay, Dawn, Cover Girl products, etc.
annae07 at aol dot com
Tide is my favorite.
I love Tide!
i love those tide tab things.
Love Tide
Tide and downy unstoppables
I like Tide a whole lot…..
Mr Clean Erasers and Dawn are two of my favorite P&G products.
Bounce Bars and Dawn:-)
Cascade…I use it all the time.
Crest 3d white toothpaste
I think the Pantene line of products would be tops.
Love many many many but favs are Luvs and Tide
I like tide the best.
i love tide and cascade
downy unstoppables.
Tampax is my favorite.
Bounty Paper Towels (I especially love the Select-a-Size)
…Tide, Dreft, Pampers and basically anything with the P&G logo on it:)
tampax and cascade
Pampers and Charmin
tide w/april fresh downy, fekkai products, venus products, pantene, natural instincts.
love so many of them
My favorite is Tide unscented powder laundry detergent.
I love the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!
Tide and Pantene are my favorites.
i like mr clean products
Gotta go with Tampax.
I love Olay!
So many to chose from…ill go with the iams dog food. Years of use.
If I have to pick just one, I’ll say Tide
Charmin… Tide… Bounty… the list goes on and on!
Pantene shampoo and conditioner have used them for over 20 years
I love the Cascade 24 hour stuck no food
I love the cascade and tide products best
I love Clairol haircolor and Pantene shampoo, Thanks!
wrote an Alexa review under Ann Heilman Parker
Bounty paper towels
for me,my fav is gain laundry detergent,thats all i use!!!!
cascade complete is my favorite
gilette venus are the only razors i use!
Gain and Bounty
Gain laundry detergent!
Tide and venus razors are my favorite. thanks!
Cascade, Iams, Charmin
Love Tide, Dawn and Viva
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Has always been Tide detergent..
Tide, Downy, Pantene, Head & Shoulders
Tide and Cascade are my favorites
Secret and Head & Shoulders are always at our house!
Gain is awesome and good for your money
I love me some Bounty!
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love and always use cascade!
Tide Detergent is my fav!
I love secret deodorant
tide works nice
I love Tide Pods!
I love tide bounty and listerine, but they have so many good ones!
Tide for sure…but my gosh, there are so many good products!!!
I have so many lol…Tide, Dreft, Bounty…
I like Tide
I use Luvs and Dawn.
i like the tide
my favorite are the pantene shampoos and conditioners
Tide is mine.
chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
I like pringles!
Tide, bounty, pringles
I LOVE Dawn.The best dish soap EVER! The original blue Dawn. NO flowery smell. I use it for everything. Dog baths, husband degrease r, carpet stain remover (a couple drops, scrub with a toothbrush, pour on peroxide about half a cup and sop up right out of the carpet) clean paintbrushes etc. I want them to make Dawn laundry soap unscented.
I love the new tide pods.
Olay and tide thanks
I love Olay body washes.
Tide and Downey!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
Tide and Downey always smells good!
I am a pantene fan. Thanks for the chance.
downy unstoppables are my favorite p&G product
My favs are tide and scope
Tide, Tide, Tide.
Downy Unstoppables
I love Olay, Secret, Cover Girl and Pantene, and many others!
I like Secret deodorant.
Dawn dish washing liquid
Tide is my favorite product!
Aussie conditioner
Downy and Tide
Bounty & Charmin
I really love Tide! And Dawn!
Tide is my fave!!
sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com