Hayley is just about four and one of her favorite ways to learn and have fun is by way of computers. She hogs my computer all day trying to play her games and see her videos. This creates a problem as we only have one computer. Lucky for all of us, we found about the incredible Vtech MobiGo 2. We do have quite a few Vtech items but we have not tried any learning systems yet. When my mom suggested getting her the original MobiGo, I thought she was too young at the time and would not have much use out of it. With her being almost 4, I knew the time is now to start using these special handheld learning systems. I was so glad we received the Vtech MobiGo 2 and I now have a chance to tell my readers all about it!.
If you are not familiar with the Vtech MobiGo 2, it is a touch learning system geared towards kids ages 3-8. It is similar to the original MobiGo, but it includes some awesome new features including motion and sound activated games, as well as new apps that you can buy for relatively inexpensive prices. Hayley loved the feature of the motion games because it allowed her to shake, tilt, pat, or turn the MobiGo 2 to play the game with all new motion-sensoring technology. My husband bought her first motion game on the MobiGo 2 and I had no idea what she doing. She was shaking the MobiGo 2 up and down, and I told her to stop because I thought she would break it. Just as I was saying this, both of them simultaneously said to me, “No, that is how the game is played. It is meant to shake the MobiGo 2.” I went over to confirm what they were saying and I was amazed. I have never seen a learning system like this and it brought an additional level of fun to playing and learning. The NEW motion sensor provides total game control, allowing kids to create action movements within games and programs while playing . The sound activated games were also fun and include a built in microphone to make the play experience that much more special. The NEW microphone provides different methods of game play. Blow into the microphone to move objects or initiate other special effects. Or speak into it to give a command or trigger an action- pretty awesome if you ask me!
I also love that you can use it as a touch screen by allowing your kids to tap, flick, spin, and drag their fingers to play the game. Hayley is very used to playing with my phone’s touch screen, so she had no trouble figuring this out. It also has a keyboard where you can pull it out and allow your children to become familiar with the computer keys. Hayley is too young for this now but I am sure in another year or two she will thoroughly enjoy this feature.
Some of the features of the Vtech MobiGo 2 are the games and apps that teach basic learning skills. We downloaded a game that teaches just about numbers and counting which Hayley loved. Hayley loves anything dealing with numbers, letters, and matching, so we are grateful that Vtech has so many great apps that correspond to what Hayley likes right now. If your child is beginning to read, spell, and work on vocabulary, there are so many apps to help.
While Hayley loved just about everything dealing with the MobiGo 2, her favorite feature was the e-reader. When I was searching through the books I could buy, we came across so many wonderful Disney stories that Hayley was so excited about. Don’t worry though if your child is not into princesses like my obsessed daughter right now, as they have just about any e-book you can want for your children. Since Hayley is not reading, she could readily touch the screen to hear the words. As the e-reader tells the story, it highlights the words on the page and tells the word too! I believe she is picking up words from seeing the spelling and hearing them on the screen. She LOVES it! She wants to listen to her Beauty and the Beast e-reader story all day long!
Another cool feature is the Photo Viewer where your child can view photos and apply fun effects on the pictures using the microphone and touch screen. Hayley loves playing around with this feature and I enjoy seeing her creations. It also features a photo album, art studio, and coloring book in addition to the games/apps.
Some developmental benefits of using the MobiGo 2 include letters, names, and phonics, math skills, problem solving, science concepts, reading development, cognitive development, visualization and memory, independent play, creative play, and motor skills. This is the ultimate learning system for your children and allows them to have fun as well!
We take the Vtech MobiGo 2 whenever we are in the car on long trips. It keeps Hayley occupied for hours. We just went on a four hour trip this past weekend and thanks to the MobiGo 2, we had one really quiet kid. Now Zane, hurry up and get older, so you can use it! We will be packing up the Vtech MobiGo 2 when we go away on vacation at the end of the month. We have a couple of flights and I know the MobiGo 2 will come in very handy. It is small and compact, so it travels very well. I highly suggest if you are in the car a lot and don’t want your kids watching constant TV on your entertaiment system (if you have one), to check out the Vtech MobiGo 2.
The MobiGo 2 is available at Vtech for $59.99. It is loaded with three games but there is a plethora of downloaded games and e-books available ready for purchase for reasonable prices. A lot of the apps are $2.99 and the e-readers are around $4.99. I will definitely be buying a whole bunch more games and e-books over the years- I am sure of that! We love the MobiGo 2 and highly recommend it.
*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for VTech. I received product samples to facilitate my review.
How cool! I think kids would love this — and parents too! I’d get my phone back – lol. Great review!
What a neat toy!
This toy looks really complete! So many fun features for children to interact with! And for what it offers I think the price is pretty decent!
we LOVE our Mobigo even I like to play the gameS!
I’m not too big on vidoe games but does sound neat. Thanks for the review!
this looks nice! my daughter has the little leap pad but i think she would enjoy this a lot more!
I love that you can download and not buy cartridges. Very clever!
That looks wonderful and great for on the go!
That looks like a great way to entertain on one of our many car trips, dr appts, etc… Technology is a big part of our lives so I think we should embrace this fun way to educate them.
That looks like so much fun.
What an awesome toy! Can’t wait till my son is old enough to play with it
I remember my daughter loving this toy when she was younger. It kept her quite entertained and taught her lots!
Oh how fun and wonderful does this look? I definitely want to get one for my 2 year old! Thanks for sharing!
This would be great for long road trips or moving across the country!
My kids would LOVE one of these! They are always wanting hand held gaming devices for long road trips. This would be perfect.
I’m always wary of too much technology for kids, but this seems to be age appropriate. Great review, thanks!
My son loves to “touch” anything. He knows that when he touches the Ipad it moves. Just yesterday, he tried to touch the pictures on my blackberry….THEy do not move….
This game seem awesome!!
This looks like a lot of fun. JDaniel loves the iPad, but this could easily catch his attention.
We have the Mobigo in pink and my daughter loves it!! The Dora game is A+
This looks like such a fun way to keep kids busy! Thanks for sharing!
this looks like fun and educational for the little ones, plus kid friendly for dropping and spills etc
This is AWESOME! My sister’s kids have them and love them!
What a great product! My sister’s little boy would love this.
I really need to buy this for G. Maybe then she won’t be grabbing for my phone and iPad!
Can I ask where you downloaded the e-reader books? We have this and when I went to the Learning Lodge it says that e-books are not yet available. Thanks for your help!
Were you given ebooks for this review? As of right now there are no ebooks available for the Mobigo2, so I was wondering how you obtained them. Thanks!