I was so excited when I heard about the Victoria Chart Company that sells kid reward sticker charts. We were at a complete standstill with Hayley when she was began being very defiant when going to bed. She would resist going to bed and then wake up consecutively every night. This all began to change, though, when we received the Victoria Chart Company Good Night, Sleep Tight chart. This is absolutely the ultimate sleep chart for children.
When I first set it up, I told Hayley that we would be using the stickers that came with it, and every night, she didn’t call out and followed what was on the chart, she would get a small prize in the am. If after a week she had the whole week with all stickers, she would get an even bigger prize. Sure it might be what some call “bribery” but in my eyes it was positive reinforcement. Guess what- it worked! Hayley began to get excited to put her stickers on her chart and then asked in the morning if she can get her prize. By doing this, we got Hayley to start sleeping through the night again.
On the Good Night, Sleep Tight Chart, there are the following where your kids can put the stickers on if they behave: I’ve put on my bedtime clothes, I’ve had a small bedtime drink, I’ve brushed my teeth and used the bathroom, I’ve read a book, I’m getting into bed. Then in the morning if she completed the following: I did not call out, I fell asleep by myself, I stayed in bed all night, I stayed in bed until it was time to wake up- she got to put a sticker on each and complete the chart. If she got one column of all stickers, that told me she cooperated with going to bed and staying asleep, she got a small prize. It truly worked like a charm.
The Victoria Chart Company comes with two complete pages of stickers as well as the actual chart. The stickers are reusable so once you are done, put them back until they are ready to be used again. You can also personalize your child’s name on the chart once you receive it.
The Victoria Chart Company makes many different types of reward charts for your children including potty charts and behavior charts. I know once you order The Victoria Chart Company rewards charts, you will begin to see a difference in your kids behavior. If you want to buy one now, they have a code of VCHART15 which will give 15% off all our products from their website.
Win it: One winner will receive a Victoria Chart Company reward chart. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so click continue reading to see the actual giveaway. In the comment section proceeding this post, tell me whether you would like a goodnight, potty, or behavior chart in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you fill them out to increase your chances of winning. US and Canada.
*I received the Victoria Chart for review purposes. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Potty Training pl!
Love the goodnight chart!
Good nig hr chart
I would like the Behavior Chart!
Those look neat!
I would love either the behavior or potty training one
Behavior chart!
Behavior, please
I love this idea! Hmmm…..I wonder if I can start this already with my 2 year old???
I would like the behavior chart.
Good night chart please
I’d love to win the behavior chart.
the potty chart
This is such a pretty chart.
I like the behavior and potty! Hard to choose!
After seeing your post on this it got me into thinking that since Aiden is going to be 4 very soon that he needs to start learning some more responsibility. So while we are not going to be reward chart for good behavior,(he gets to keep toys when he is good. When he is bad, we take something away.) I did order up a toddler chore chart. It has some of the same things as the one above only its magnetic. Thanks for the idea.
Behavior. Thanks for the chance.
The sight in unavailable at the moment but I think I’d pick the behavior
We are back up and running! Sorry about that!! Check us out at http://www.victoriachartcompany.com
The sight is unavailable at the moment, but I’d definitely pick the behavior! My boys are SO over Potty Training, and bed time isn’t a problem. But boy oh boy, the behavior, tantrums, fighting, etc..that’s a big problem! I need one of these badly!!
I love that the stickers are reusable too!
It’s working again now!! Sorry
We need the Potty Reward Chart!
I’d like the Behavior chart.
It would be the behaviour chart for me
The goodnight chart!
We are back online again- sorry to everyone who tried to visit our site. We had no warning that we had gone offline, but we are up again now!
Good night is NEEDED
The goodnight chart would help
I would love the potty chart as we are going to attempt potty training soon!