Hi everyone,
My name is Melissa Dell, and I’m jealous of Melissa on vacation! I hope she and the fam are having a great time and I’m glad she asked if I could guest blog for her while she was out! I have to tell you, since spending more time on Twitter, I’m amazed at how many Melissa’s are circling on the net. Growing up I knew one other one in school, and my mom had a friend named Melissa. But since then – not so many. At the BlogHer conference she (and I!) recently attended, I finally met 4 others I had chatted with online. So funny!!!
So what is there to know about me? Well, I have been married to Jon for almost 4 years – we were friends in high school but didn’t start dating until after college – and our daughter, Aubrey, will be one this October. I’m a blogger at heart – I’ve been documenting my life on and off (mainly on) for over 10 years. I also own 2 small businesses – one about weddings and one about babies. Bling Diva Designs I started after we got married {I make wedding cake toppers covered in Swarovski Crystals} and some of my recent projects have been Bling Mixers for DC Cupcakes on TLC. It’s a KitchenAid mixer COVERED in over 8000 crystals – all applied by hand, by me, one at a time. Bubbalooch {modern cloth diaper parties} is a new business run by my husband and I selling existing brands of cloth diapers by fun in-home parties.
I also maintain my own blog – and I write about anything I feel like. I document Aubrey’s growth each week with photos, just like I did for my pregnancy with my growing belly. I do that so our family can view her each week since we can’t always see them, but primarily for me. I love photos. I had the best time creating a photo album for our guest book for our wedding. The photos included a lot of our guests over the past 20-something years of our lives. And now each year I create an album for the grandparents (and us!) of Aubrey. I’m sure anyone that has a baby will tell you – your iPhone or Instagram feed are overtaken by pictures of babies. I take pictures of Aubrey playing on the floor, eating her food, laughing at our cat. Anything that brings a smile to her face does the same to me. It’s infectious!
I also write about cooking, baking, fashion, time out with girlfriends. Hence my tagline – a bit of everything. Isn’t that the truth of all our lives? We keep our selves busy with a million different things going on. But at the root of it all, is our dedication to our family and making our lives the best it can be. I hope you’ll come visit my blog and follow me on Twitter! Oh, and if you want to see all my photos of Aubrey, my Instagram name is Melissa_Dell. Bye!
Great to see one of my other Melissa friends over here! Hope you are having fun on Vacation!
Hey!! Fun to see you over here!! I can’t believe you have been making those blingy mixers for a show on TLC! That is so cool!!