I will admit, I am a crazy person when it comes to my teeth. I am a dentist- what can you expect! Through my years, I have tried so many whitening products- some good, some horrible. Most of what I sample in terms of whitening comes from my dental job, but I recently got a sample of the Rembrandt Intense Stain Dissolving Strips that I was sent to review for my readers. I was so excited to try the Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips as I have never tried them before and heard great reviews of this product.
The Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips is enamel-safe whitening in 2 weeks. Yes, you read that right- 2 weeks, and your teeth are on their way to being brighter and whiter! It works to noticeably whiten tough surface stains, like coffee and wine, and protects against the build-up of future stains. I know I drink a lot of coffee throughout the day, so my teeth definitely get stained over time. With the Rembrandt Strips, I don’t have to worry anymore about walking around with stained teeth. You will only see my bright and white teeth!
The Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips are incredible because there is no need to take off the strips when you are done. Simply put them on your teeth-one for the upper and another for the lower arch- for 5-10 minutes and they will dissolve. I honestly was skeptical about this because I have never heard of whitening strips where you don’t have to remove them after. I was nervous that they wouldn’t really dissolve and I would be left with tons of gunk on my teeth. I am happy to report though that they do exactly what they say they do- dissolve after 10 minutes of being on. This is incredible because you can whiten your teeth any time of day and don’t need to run to the bathroom after, to remove the strips. Plus, 10 minutes a day to whiten teeth- I have never heard of this!
The Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips use the same enamel-safe ingredients that I have used in my offices in the past. They also dissolve new surface stains before they have a chance to set.We don’t currently have a whitening system in my office now (I treat kids, and they don’t need whitening at a young age) but I definitely plan to recommend the Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips to the parents of my patients I see.
My thoughts- I love the Rembrandt Intense Stain Dissolving Strips. While I did not see a difference in the first few days of using the product but after a week, I definitely saw my teeth were getting whiter. After the full two weeks, I had a bright white smile! I do drink coffee, as mentioned above, so that might have accounted for taking some time for it to work! I also had very little sensitivity with these dissolving strips, which is a huge plus for me! I have started some whitening products in the past, just to give it up after a few days, because the sensitivity was too much! I did not have this problem at all with the Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips! If you are looking to get your teeth brighter and whiter, the Rembrandt Intense Stain Dissolving Strips are for you! Best part of it all- it only takes 2 weeks to achieve your perfect smile!
Buy it: The Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips retail for $22.99 on the Rembrandt webpage.
Win it: One winner will receive their own Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips. This giveaway is run via comments, so there is no rafflecopter to fill out. Mandatory: Simply comment (+1 entry) and tell me why you want to get your teeth whiter in the comment entry proceeding this post. Optional: For an additional (+2 entries), tweet out this giveaway- please make sure to mention @dentistmel in your tweet and leave it in the comment section. The last optional (+2 entries) is to follow me via my email subscription. Please make sure to leave all comments proceeding the post and make sure you have a valid email address so I can reach you if you win. Giveaway ends August 1, 2012 at 11:59 pm. US only.
*Thanks to the PR firm I work with an Rembrandt for supplying me products to review. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
I am going to blogher and want my teeth to be whiter!
I want my tetth whiter to help me feel better about my smile. I shared on twitter and I already get your emails
I have never seen the Rembrandt brand Whitening Strips! Thanks for the info!
I would love my teeth whiter because I’ll be job hunting come fall and they are your first impression :O)
I would like a whiter teeth then what toothpaste does and in between regular dentist check ups to feel better about showing my teeth when I smile
Tweet tweet https://twitter.com/mellissahanks/status/224656441468911616 ;o)
I have always been self concious about my teeth. I am very pale so no matter how much i take care of them, they still look yellow. I am trying to quit smoking and would LOVE to have an incentive.. And pretty teeth is a great one. Thanks so much!!
I would love to try this product and have whiter and brighter teeth. That is one of the first things people notice about you.
Just stopped nursing my last baby and now I am ready to use all the beauty products I might have avoided while nursing “just in case”- and love whitening!
I want whiter teeth for BlogHer, too!!! These sound great!
I would love to have whiter teeth! That would definitely give this tired mama a boost.
i would love to have whiter teeth
I’ve never tried whitening strips, but I’d like to try these since they are easy and dissolve!
I subscribed to your blog via email
I wanna get my teeth whiter because I wanna be more confident about my smile & teeth (:
Moniquebbon at gmail dot com
My teeth could really use some whitening that isn’t harsh and painful. Thanks for telling us about this product.
I have always had more yellow teeth and would love to be proud of my smile
I want my teeth to be whiter so they look better
email subscriber
email subscriber
Forget Still Blonde – she is already too pretty…and BTW, so are you!
Now, I’m old and fat, and need all the help I can get, and I want to have sparkling teeth for the NICHE MOMMY conference!
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this was a great review, melissa…i have always thought about using white strips. omygoodness, you have such beautiful WHITE teeth. my coffee and diet coke doesn’t help.
i hope you and your loves had a wonderful weekend <3
sending lots of love!
How do they feel?
Do they have fluoride in them?
I have been wanting to bleach my teeth so bad. i bought a Groupon thing for laser whitening but need something like this to hold me over. Thanks for sharing!
I just feel so embarrassed with my not so white teeth, i dont have dental ins. so its tough to go when im a stay at home mom, so money’s tight…this would be a wonderful gift to try!! thanks for the chance!!
sorry forgot to add the tweet…
I want to get my teeth whiter because the years of drinking wine and coffee have stained them and I love my Rembrandt toothpaste.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
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My adult daughter just bought white strips today from another company. When she can do it again in 6 months I would love to be able to give her these.
email follower
email follower
I would love to get whiter teeth because I want whiter teeth. Mine aren’t as white as I would like and it has been bothering me for awhile now.
I want to get my teeth whiter because nothing I use currently will whiten them enough!
I have a wedding to go to in Sept and would like my teeth to be brighter and whiter than it is right now – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I tweeted about this giveaway @emscout9 (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)…https://twitter.com/emscout9/status/225290206914416640
Email subscriber….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I want whiter teeth because I started drinking coffee pretty much out of the bottle and it has discolored my poor teeth after 20 years
A whiter smile helps your self-confidence
because i want to look good on my wedding day
https://twitter.com/HappyTina0115/status/225756735040794624 2
I love seeing my teeth white and shiny. It makes me feel better about myself
Honestly I just want to look younger!
I want to have my teeth whiter, so I can be more confidant about my smile!
1- Email Subbie
2- Email Subbie
I want my teeth whiter because white teeth are so beautiful! I haven’t whitened mine in 3 years now since having children and they could sure use it!
I would like to undo some of the stains I got from coffee and smoking.
I would like to do it because hubby loves my smile and even though I keep my teeth clean(no cavities) it doesn’t show when I smile.
I already subscribe with the email I am commenting with.
I tweeted- ana_davidson (7/20/12)
I drink tea all the time, so my teeth are pretty stained. I’d love to win a whiting system that actually works.
I’m an email subscriber too.
I would love to have whiter teeth! Years of coffee drinking has caused some yellowing =(
because when i saw a picture of myself, my teeth looked soooo yellow and stained and it was gross
I want to have my teeth white so when I get my picture taken my teeth are nice and bright.
I tweeted https://twitter.com/darleneowen1234/status/228611969794584576
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I just bought these because they were on sale at Target. I like the ease of use already.
I really want to try these! I haven’t whitened my teeth since before I was pregnant!
I’m an email subscriber-etherealbutterfly@zoominternet.net
My teeth are stained from coffee, so I’d like them whiter.
I would love to give this a try. I went WAY too long between cleanings (8 years?) after I lost my dental insurance and am now trying to get my smile back!
I just subscribed to your e-mails!
I want to try this because I’m illustrating books for my mom and i don’t want my teeth to look a mess in our promoting it
Would like to give them to my Fiance’. He is unemployed right now and we’re getting married in a couple months. His teeth are very yellow due to coffee. They are beautiful, just yellow. I have a dental plan. He doesn’t. Thank you. Ana
my teeth are not the whitest they can be everyone told me it was because i smoked or drank coffeeor because i dont drink enoughg milk. i quit smoking, i still drink coffee and im sure i could drink more milk. i also bruysh with teeth whitening toothpate but im still not happy about my unpearly white teeth.
I would love to win this teeth whitener because my teeth are so dingy and yellowed and it would make me feel better about myself.
I subscribe to you by email.
colljerr at comcast dot net
I subscribe to you by email. Entry #2
colljerr at comcast dot net
I want to get my teeth whiter because I drink a lot of tea and that makes my teeth less white!
i drink a lot of coffee and soda so it stains my teeth
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email subscriber #2
i want my teeth whiter because i drink a lot of coffee and my teeth arent in the best shape
I’m a smoker, so white teeth would be great
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