I am so unbelievably thrilled to present to my readers, my newest and latest obsession- making coffee using my Tassimo T20 Brewing System. I heard so much about this amazing coffee, tea, and hot chocolate making system, I needed to check it out for myself. To say I love it is an understatement; I use my Tassimo T20 at least twice a day for the past few months! While I am a huge coffee addict and the Tassimo T20 makes truly delicious coffee, my husband, as well as my children (obviously), do not drink coffee. When we first got it, they kept saying, “Another gadget for Melissa.” Well, now they beg me to use it daily and rush in line to reach the Tassimo machine in the morning.
The Tassimo T20 Brewing System is the home brewing system by Bosch. The Bosch designed T-20 is designed with an eco-friendly, on-demand water heater for fast brewing. While I love the physical appeal of the machine, the ease of functionality is what makes me rave about the Tassimo T20. It is quite simple to use- simply pop in a T-disc and the T20 reads the barcode and brews the perfect cup of coffee, latte, espresso, hot chocolate, and tea. Just make sure there is enough water in the reservoir before brewing your coffee!
I was slightly worried that my coffee would not come out the way I like it. I like my coffee hot, but not extremely hot where it is burning my mouth. With the Tassimo T20, it will prepare each beverage with the exact temperature, pressure, water, and time duration so each cup it perfect. When you start up the machine, within a minute or two, the first cup of coffee is ready to be brewed. I had troubles before with other machines taking forever to heat up and in the morning, I just don’t have the time for this. With the Tassimo, I can have my morning coffee almost instantly without having to worry about time.
One can also customize how they would like there beverage. I have been known to like my latte with more milk and I can readily push a button on the Tassimo T20 to get just the amount of milk I like. Tassimo commits itself on being energy-efficient and with the T20, they use zero watt hours in standby mode which effectively cuts energy spending. One can also tell the Tassimo if they want their coffee weaker by pressing a button after the origin brewing cycle.
They also have an adjustable cup stand and pod so you can easily put your coffee cup or travel mug to make coffee using the Tassimo. Many times, with other machines I have to put my cup in, only to transfer it to a travel mug. With the pods, you can add/remove it, to make it the height that will allow your coffee to flow into your cup or mug. They also make the pods in the cutest colors such as blue, red, brown, and yellow. This will make your kitchen that much brighter!
You can check out the Tassimo T20 and how it works here:
I am pretty sure you realize how much I love my Tassimo machine! The Tassimo by Bosch makes more than 40 different hot and cold beverages and brings you your favorite drink in just one minute! You can easily buy one of your own at Target, Walmart, Bed/Bath, Amazon, and other retailers nationwide for $129.99
Win it: One winner will receive their very own Tassimo T2 brewing machine with colored pods. For this giveaway, it is run via rafflecopter so click read more to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me if you like coffee,tea, or hot chocolate in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you fill them out to increase your chances of winning. US only
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Thanks to the PR firm that I work with for supplying me a Tassimo system for review. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Coffee, definitely coffee!!!
I like them all! But my favorite is coffee.
I am a coffee drinker.
coffee and tea
Tea and hot chocolate~ I prefer my coffee iced, but I could always brew it and then put it over ice!
Neat, I have never heard of this before! I love iced coffee! It’s my new addiction!
coffee! (like all three though)
I love them all.
I definitely love my coffee!
I am a coffee kind of gal!
Tea is nice.
COFFEE!!! omg I think I’d die without it. Enjoying a cup right now
Mmm!! Coffee and tea lover here!
i love coffe ^_^
COFFEEEEEE! I have no idea what I’d do without it!
i love hot cocoa – but it isnt a daily thing. coffee – give me an IV drip!
coffee. 6 cups a day!!
That’s a hard one but I am enjoying coffee the most at the moment
It depends on my mood, but I always have Hot Chocolate on hand.
Me and my grandma LOVE hot chocolate!!
This is such an awesome giveaway, thank you so much for the opportunity
Hot choc
I’m a coffee girl all the way!!!
Hot chocolate!
Love all three actually!
oh tea for me always…then coffee
I love to make tea for sure!!
Hot chocolate!
Depends on my mood, but chai tea or coffee for me!
I really love them all! But sometimes I just need coffee:)
I’m definitely a coffee drinker but I have grand kids that love that hot chocolate and my husband loves tea.
Coffee…with chocolate in it.
I do not care for hot chocolate, more coffee. Thanks.
i like coffee best
tea the best
I am a tea drinker! What’s that old line? Coffee, Tea, or Me? Ha!:-)
Coffee is my favorite – although I love all 3!
I love both tea and coffee!!
Yumm, hot chocolate:)
I love all three, but coffee the most!
It’coffee for me as well!
I’m a tea granny, but I’d never pass up a mug of hot chocolate. Thanks for the great giveaway.
coffee yummy french roast
I’m a die hard coffee drinker!
Coffee, coffee, coffee!
It’s a toss up between coffee and hot chocolate!!
coffee 4 me
Coffee for sure..can’t survive without my caffeine!
Hot chocolate all they way!
I love tea the best but I still enjoy coffee. Hot chocolate would be last on my list unless you add some perfectly sized marshmellows then all bets are off
I love Tea, especially Earl Grey
I love coffee!!
Tell me if you like hot chocolate, tea, or coffee the best
drink coffee daily,but like both
I like Coffee!!
I love all 3. But, I love coffee the most!
tie between tea and hot chocolate!
I cant do without my COFFEE!!!
I’m a tea drinker.
like u on FB (carole c)
I prefer the yummy taste of hot chocolate, but I can’t function without COFFEEEEE!
I love coffee!
I love them all but I guess I would have to pick tea if I could only choose on
I’m a hot chocolate fan!
Hot Chocolate : )
Hot Chocolate!
Coffee for me!
Coffee from the coffee pot but I also love tea from my tea kettle! So it’s a toss up between the two. Another EXCELLENT review… I just wish I could afford something like this but not on hubby’s retirement and my disability check. Sometimes I buy the items I see on reviews… a couple so far! But only under $50.00 and only once a month… :o)
hot chocolate… but i always add a splash of coffee
Depending on time of day morning iced coffee all the way but on a cool night hot chocolate with marshmallows
All three are good but it would just seem strange if I didn’t have coffee in the morning, so that is my favorite!
I love iced coffee!
I love iced coffee and iced tea!
I am a coffee addict.
I really like coffee!
I love hot chocolate!
I like Coffee.
Coffee!! Definitely! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this!
Hot tea is my favorite so many flavors
coffee =)
Comment on any non giveaway post
I like hot chocolate the best.
Coffee for sure!
I don’t see my comment from yesterday so just in case I’m leaving another one.
My favorite hot beverage is hot chocolate.
Coffee addict here.
I like Coffee the best.
I love hot chocolate the most!
Tea & coffee are my faves!
hot chocalte
Hot chocolate
hot chocolate
I love coffee.
I like hot chocolate.
I love hot chocolate!
I like coffee
i like coffee the best!
Coffee! Drink it daily!
hot chocolate
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like coffee most
Like all of them , but LOVE coffee! grammypenny@frontier.com
I love coffee – but hot chocolate is my all time favorite!
I like coffee and tea!
I drink them all!!
Tea and coffee for me. I love each in its own way.
I like coffee best!
I love coffee!!
definately love coffee the most!
Coffee!!!!!! I need the stuff.
I like tea + hot chocolate but if I’m tired then its always coffee!
hot chocolate
coffee all the way!!
i have your button http://www.meandbella.com
alexa name- meandbella
COffee with a bit of hot cocoa
I like coffee the best.
How about chocolate coffee (mocha)???
I love coffee the best. I have it every morning.
I like hot chocolate the best!
Most definitely hot chocolate!
I love hot chocolate
I enjoy coffee the most. I have a cup every morning to start my day.
jjsell76 at yahoo dot com
Coffee all the way!!!!
I love tea!
We like Hot Chocolate
I like them all but coffee is my favorite for every day and hot chocolate for relaxing time
i left a comment on saturdays top 5 laughs
tea and hot chocolate
I love tea the best!
hot chocolate for me
Coffee’s my fave, but I never turn down hot chocolate
I like iced coffee the best.
love my coffee
Coffee all the way!
Coffee! Oh how I miss it.
I am a coffee drinker.
Thanks for the chance.
coffee for sure
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
I love coffee. Hot and iced.
Thanks for the chance.
I like Hot Chocolate best
I hate choosing between my three favorite hot drinks but i think tea has won this battle.
Coffee, but only if it is well prepared and has cream and sugar. I’d choose tea with cream and sugar, if the coffee is weak or stale.
I love hot chocolate and tea
hot chocolate
Love my COFFEE
Coffee!! I would love this and it would be perfect for my house!
I love Coffee!!
hot chocolate
Coffee is my favorite.
coffee=D =D
Like hot chocolate.
I love tea the most
Coffee for sure!
i love hot chocolate but my mother would love this for coffee!
tea for me
Give me coffee any day!!
coffee for me
I’m a coffee girl!
Love my hot chocolate with some mint. Thanks for the chance to win
(iced) coffee!
do i have to choose? i drink coffee every day but i really love them all equally!!
I’m a coffee gal.
i read your post on the international delight iced coffee. i really liked you recipe is called Tiramisu Parfaits….great pictures too.
i entered your P&G dollar store olympic giveaway.
i’m a tea addict and enjoy a good cup of hot chocolate in the winter.
Coffee drinker!
coffee, coffee
I LOVE coffee and a close second is hot chocolate!
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
Hot Cocoa
coffee, tea, hot cocoa…ummm
I am looking for something just like this! What I love is that it makes hot and cold drinks (perfect for me bf and I)
I love hot chocolate!
I love hot chocolate
I love them all and can be found drinking any of them on any day of the year!
I’m definitely a coffee addict. Thanks for the chance.
I like all 3, however coffee is my first choice.
I am a hot tea and iced tea drinker
hot chocolate
I love coffee the best!
Hot chocolate is my favorite with a hint of mint!
Coffee! Hands Down!
Hot chocolate or tea as a second.
Because I need the caffeine, coffee!
im a hot chocolate drinker!
I like tea the best.
I love coffee the best!
coffee ithe favorite
I like coffee the most, but only if it’s decaf and flavored
I grabbed your button.
Wow, what a treat!
Coffee all the way
I’m a tea lover
i love all 3, but gotta have my coffee
i’m a coffee fan !
love coffee
Coffee is first, it is delicious & essential….Hot Chocolate is dessert like.
I super love coffee, and I love this quote “There’s no life without water because water is needed to make coffee”!
Thank You So Much for the chance to win an awesome prize!
I’m a big fan of coffee
Thanks for hosting!
I love Chai tea BUT Coffee is a must some mornings!! LOL
coffee is the best!
coffee … yum!
I like hot chocolate, but my favorite hot drink is Wassail!
like coffee the best
I’m a coffee hound!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I am constantly drinking coffee!
Full-on Coffee lover here! I drink it throughout the day followed by tea. Thanks for the chance!!
I love tea but my hubby loves coffee, my daughter 12 has to have her hot chocolate on the morning and before bed
Sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I like coffee best
Wow I only drink one cup of coffee a day, so would have to choose iced tea which I drink all day
I like hot chocolate the best
It has to be coffee, I have at least one cup each day
Coffee in the morning and hot coco or tea at night…
I like coffee.
I like hot chocolate the most, but drink tea more often.
Hot Chocolate
I drink coffee and tea, but HOT CHOCOLATE is absolutely the best
hot chocolate all the way!
thank you
Tea or Hot Chocolate, depends on my mood :]
I like coffee the best (in moderation though!)
Tea or Coffee.
I love coffee best!
I like coffee, especially in the morning
I love them ALL but Hot Chocolate is my fave. All year round!
gotta go with coffee.
I like hot chocolate the best and I am glad you can make it easily with the Tassimo.
coffee lady here all the way!
I love a nice dark coffee…
I love coffee.
well i like all three but i guess i like coffee the best
Hot Chocolate mixed with Coffee… That is the best!!
I like tea the best
Coffee Coffee Coffee then Hot C then Tea :o)
Coffee is my favorite
Tea is my favorite
I like hot chocolate the best.
I LOVE coffee the best!!!!!!!!!
I love coffee the best!
Coffee is my favorite!
I love coffee the most!
hot chocolate
I love hot chocolate any time of day!
Chai tea!
I love my coffee!
I’m all about the coffee
I like coffee the BEST!
I am a coffee addict. I am on my second pot right now
Hot chocolate..
I love tea the best.
I love hot chocolate. Thanks for the awesome giveaway
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I am a coffee addict
Coffee please!
Coffee for sure!
I like all 3 – depends on my mood.
liked on fb!
I like tea!
Peppermint tea is my favorite.
I like coffee
I like hot tea
I love hot chocolate the most
Coffee, followed very closely by hot chocolate.
Tea mostly, but during Winter I drink a lot of hot chocolate
coffee is my favorite
Hot chocolate
Tea is my favorite.
Coffee first, then tea!
coffee but i love the other two as well.
I like coffee the best
I definitely like coffee the best
Hot chocolate
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love tea!
Tea is the best !!
Am I allowed to love them all equally?
I love coffee the best
hot chocolate thanks
Hot chocolate,
Hot Chocolate
kate contest girl @ gmail . com
I am a coffee person.
I love my morning cup of coffee or five! LOL
I like Hot Chocolate
Hot tea
Hot chocolate is my favorite.
hot chocolate
like coffee the best. hot chocolate is close 2nd
brich22 at earthlink dot net
alexa user ardy22
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Coffee, for sure
coffee , tea, hot Chocolate… in that order.
main button http://ardy22.wordpress.com/
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I like coffee best.
Hot chocolate!
I am a coffee addict!
I like tea the best.
Is it possible to love them all equally? For the purpose of this question however I will say coffee.
tea and hot chocolate
I like Hot chocolate the best!!
i like coffee best
I can smell the coffee now. Thankyou, Pam
I like hot chocolate the best.
I like tea.
I like green tea and then Hot chocolate and then coffee
I’m a hot chocolate lover myself but my husband loves coffee.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
I like Hot Chocolate best. Thanks!!
I like coffee the best!
coffee. no doubt.
alexa username – laura l
Hot Chocolate for sure!
Coffee first, then tea, then hot chocolate!
I like coffee best!
Definitely hot chocolate.
Hot tea with milk and sugar!
Coffee is my favorite.
I like all three!
I love tea!
I like hot chocolate
coffee and hot chocolate half of each
i love coffee! Yum!
I love hot chocolate
Tea lover here!
I like tea the most!
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. Coffee is my favorite.