I very much enjoyed being a Huggies Ambassador over the last three months. While I was a Huggies girl ever since my children were born, I never actually tested out their new product line until recently. I was so excited to test our their new Snug & Dry Diaper and their new and improved wipes: Huggies Simply Clean, Huggies One & Done, and Huggies Natural Care line. I have to say that I am completely in love with their new products for so many reasons.
The first of many reasons is the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers really work in allowing me to change much less diapers throughout the day. Zane pees a lot through the day and I used to go through about 7 diapers a day – crazy, I know! With the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, I probably go through a total of 3 diaper changes a day- one in the am, one before his nap, and one before sleep. That is incredible but it is the truth. These diapers really keep Zane dry and they fit so well that I have not had one diaper mess since he started wearing them. Well, I had one but that was totally my fault, because we were out all day and I forgot to change his diaper in the afternoon. He had a big poop after being wet all day- and you know how that goes! Again, this is mommy’s fault for being lazy, not Huggies! I also love the fact that I don’t find crystals over the diaper if I wait too long to change him. I am sure you all know what I am talking about, when the diaper gets so wet that crystals end up going all over. It is horrendous and causes huge messes. Not the case with Huggies Snug & Dry because these diapers are fantastic!
As for the three wipe lines, I love them all. I not only buy these wipes to clean Zane’s bum, but I use them for household cleaning. Many times Zane eats in his high chair and gets remnants of food all over. I simply pull out any of three wonderful lines: Simply Clean, One & Done, and Natural Care Line and I can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. My main worry with these wipes is how they would be on Zane’s skin. He has terrible eczema (which we are treating everyday) but I get nervous to use new products on him. I am happy to report that I had zero problems with diaper rash or any flare-ups in his skin. They definitely agree with his skin and I plan to continue using them until we are out of the diaper stage.
Now, since I am writing this on Father’s Day, I would be remiss not to give a special shout-out to my wonderful husband, Greg, who is probably one of the best dads I know. He is the dad to be the first in line to buy tickets for our daughter’s ballet recital. He is the dad to bring both kids to Hayley’s activities when I am working on a Saturday. He is the dad who will be my kids cheerleader year-round! He is truly the best!
In terms of helping out with the kids, he does it all! He does tons of Zane’s diaper changes since he was an infant. He has no trouble when I ask him to go upstairs and change Zane. I tend to think that we split diaper duty 50/50 and he has never argued with me when I ask him to do this. I know a lot of husbands give their wives an “attitude” when asked to go change a poopy diaper. Not Greg. He is just the best! I truly mean that and I am hoping he knows how much we appreciate him.
I recently asked him the opinions on all the Huggies products we tested and he agreed that they were all fabulous. He is also the money-conscious one in the family and he tells me to keep buying the new Huggies diapers/wipes since they are not only economical but extremely practical. He also loves the fact that he uses so many more wipes when he changes Zane. This is his #1 rave for Huggies but he really loves all the wonderful products that we got a chance to review including the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers and the Huggies new and improved wipes: Huggies One & Done, Simply Clean, and Natural Care. Huggies gets an A+ from this family!
To honor Dads this Father’s Day, Huggies is going to be picking a Dad to win a fully stocked Huggies Diaper Bag. If you think your husband is a great dad, why not go an nominate him to test out all of Huggies wonderful new products and enter to win this awesome Diaper Bag. Simply visit Huggies on Facebook and nominate the great Dad in your life. Good luck to all the fantastic Dads out there!
A very big Thank you to Huggies for taking the time to appreciate all the wonderful Dads out there and for selecting me to be a 2012 Huggies Ambassador.
*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating
WHat a great way to spend such an occasion and with a brand we all love! Happy Father’s Day to Greg!
Hope you had a lovely fathers day Greg ! Its great to get a fathers opinion on the products aswell.
It looks like you all had a wonderful Father’s day!
We cloth diaper but I recently started using Huggies Natural Care wipes and love them! I’m contemplating on trying the Simply clean ones next time! Thanks for the review. Happy Father’s Day you your hubby btw =)
Glad they don’t cause the ezema to flare up! We use babywipes for everything too! I sometimes keep a travel pack in the car for when we are eating and get sticky hands!
Love Huggies :)I hope your family had a great fathers day.
Happy Father’s Day!! Thanks for sharing about the products!! I hope Greg can enter the contest to win!
That is so neat that you got to do that. Thanks for the thorough reviews!
I hope you had a great Father’s Day.
awww, Happy father’s day to your hubby! Man, I am jealous you’ve almost s plit diaper duty 50/50,it’s like 99/1 in our house!
Sounds like you snagged a great guy
Happy Father’s Day to Greg!
I love when dads help with the everyday tasks. We are beyond the days of diapers, but still use huggie wipes as needed
Happy Father’s Day to your hubby. Hope he had a great day!
I love Huggies wipes and even though my daughter is 8, we still use them for everything!
What a darling family you have! I love it when you find a product that you like and it WORKS! Our family has outgrown diapers but we still use wipes. We keep a pack in our cars for emergencies.
My youngest is a teenager, and I still buy Huggies wipes–for me! Ha! I still love having them around for just cleaning.
My husband is a fan of Huggies! They are a brand that has worked for us when we started needing disposables at night because cloth just couldn’t handle my son at night!
Thanks for sharing!! I know that many people prefer Huggies for the reasons you mentioned. CUTE FAMILY!
Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers are the only one I use with my baby boy and plan to continue using them with my baby girl due Aug 2012. Thaks for sharing and have a great week =)
We are a Huggies family as well. Loved your review, and completely agree! We can get away with 3 to 4 Huggies diapers a day vs. the 8 to 10 with the “other” brands.
Well huggies aren’t in our lives anymore but a lot of great dads are!
Happy Father’s day to Greg! What great photos. I just bought some Huggies wipes to try!
I cloth diapered BUT I always used Huggies for outings – they really are a great diaper.
Thanks for sharing that great chance to win! Love the Daddy and kids photos- so sweet. Happy Father’s Day to your hubby!
Huggies is such a great brand! Happy belated Father’s day!
I love the picture of your hubby and kids! Too cute! Huggies is a great brand!
thnaks for this great giveaway
happy fathers day
Happy late Father’s Day!