As promised, I will be showing pictures from part two of my big Hawaii trip. For the second part, we took the Norwegian Pride of America cruise through the Hawaiian Islands. We started out from Honolulu and went onwards to Kona, Hilo, Maui, and Kaui. My favorite is Kaui- such a beautiful green island. I will be writing a review on CruiseCritic for those that are interested. I did add my review from last week to the Aulani Disney resort if you want to go back and see more. I hope you like my pictures this week from beautiful Hawaii!
Melissa, you look amazing in a two-piece. I am so jealous that you can still pull it off after two kids! Kudos to you! And Hayley is so adorable I can’t stand it. Hawaii looked pretty great too
I have always wanted to go on a cruise! It looks like you had an amazing time. Beautiful pictures.
Wow, breathtaking scenery and it looks like you had a fantastic time!
Such an amazing trip you had!!
Paula {Linky}
Wonderful pics! Looks so relaxing and fun. Everyone I know who has been to Hawaii absolutely loves it and always go back
Such fun!! And Hayley is smiling so brightly in all the photos
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
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So beautiful, what an amazing vacation!
I looks like you guys had such a wonderful time and the pictures are beautiful. Look at you rocking that bikini too!
What an amazing trip that will last with you forever. Someday we’ll make it there…. someday!
great photo’s – I would love to zip line!
It looks like you had such a great time. Thanks for sharing so many of your pictures. I could sit and see them all.
you are so lucky! I am happy for you and your family….beautiful pictures!!
wow – so many great pictures!
what a fun time! It looks amazing!
Beautiful pictures! It looks like you had a fantastic time. You are gorgeous, my friend!
Wow – it looks like an amazing trip! How neat that your daughter got to go with you. Beautiful!
How fun!! Gorgeous shots. Looks like so much fun!
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing, it looks like an incredible trip!
Stunning photos! It looks like an amazing time!
i LOVE every single one of your photos. there’s so much to comment on…you got so many adorable shots of hayley…i love her hat and big smile.
you’re so pretty in every picture…love the patterned dress and you are one hat mama in your bikini!
you all look like you had such a blast.
whatever that colorful thing you and hayley are eating, looks amazing
Wow! It looks like you had an amazing family vacation! It looks like a gorgeous place to visit!
Hot momma :). Looks like such an amazing trip. When we went, my favorite was Kaui too!
It looks like you had a great time! Beautiful pictures.
you look like you had an awesome time
spaceship tank
Oh, what wonderful pictures! It looks like you all had a fabulous time! I’ve been hoping to go to the islands and this gives a great feel of what to look for and plan. I LOVE that towel bird
Beautiful shots! That is my dream vacation right there, so I get to live it through your pictures lol. Looks like you had such a great time!
Wow! What a fantastic time for your family!
You got amazing shots! I love that last photo! Breathtaking! I am so glad you had such a great time on your trip! Hope little man did okay
Great pics! Looks like you had fun in Hawaii. So many familiar places in these photos! I’m going back home to Hawaii in a few weeks. I can’t wait!
so pretty!!! I love your black/blue/white dres!
Beautiful Pictures!!! Love them!
Wow, amazing pictures! I can tell you had so much fun!!!
awesome. beautiful. wonderful. super. LOVE THEM ALL
It is just absolutely gorgeous there!
Oh wow…what a trip of a lifetime. Great shots… Your daughter is beautiful!!
You are so pretty! You look amazing and looks like the 3 of you had a wonderful time! I bet H loved that special time with just the 2 of you!
You all have such big grins on your face! I love the towel animals, I bet those are hard to make. Ziplining looks fun!
I love Hawaii we went there for our honeymoon.
Looks fabulous!
Pictures sure tell a story and your story looks like a blast! Wow you have such a cute family and looks like a wonderful time! I agree you look smokin’ in your swim suit
Looks like an amazing vacation! One day I’ll go on a cruise lol
HAppy WW!
You guys look like you had so much fun and I am majorly jealous right now
Look like you had an amazing time! I love Hawaii…so jealous!
What a treat it was for me looking at those awesome pics.!!!
Great pics
I seriously get goosebumps looking at them, because I love it so much there. My favorite is Maui. It looks like all of you had a great time!
I hate that I missed sneaking into your luggage before you left. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
That looks amazing! Your daughter looks like she had a great time. What did you think of zipping? I love it!
Wow!! That looks like so much fun! I’m so jealous
Great pictures. Looks like an amazing cruise!!
I love all of the pictures, looks like a great time was had by all!! I want to drink out of a pineapple!!!
Great pictures! Looks like you had a blast. I love Hawaii
It looks like an amazing trip!
Dang, Melissa! Looks like everyone has already said everything I was thinking as I looked at your pictures. But in sort, you are gorgeous! Your family is so adorable! And I am so jealous! So there you have it! I am glad you had fun! Hope all is well! Have a great rest of your week.
Looks like a great trip! You look great!
STUNNING Pictures!! You look fabulous! Looks like such a fun time! xoxo
Beautiful family, beautiful location! Looks like you had a wonderful time!
1. You guys are AH-dorable! 2. I couldn’t possibly be more jealous of your beautiful vacation. 3. I love that 50 shades made it into a pic
Thank you so much everyone! I really appreciate the sweet comments.
Oh my gosh! It looks like such an amazing trip! Is it okay to say that I might be the teensiest bit jealous?!
Seriously, your family is SO cute and you are one beautiful momma! I don’t know how you do it all, but good for you! <3
Hope you're having a good week — and that your weekend will be FABULOUS!
Great pics! Looks like you all had a great time!!