We are so close to being done with bottles! Zane has now officially transitioned to only one morning and one evening bottle. This is a huge improvement over the seven bottles he was taking a little over three weeks ago. When I was beginning to start the transformation process, I went to Babies R’ Us and was looking around for the best sippy cups. As you can imagine, with a three year old as well, I went through tons of sippy cups. However, all of the ones we have tucked away in our cupboard leak, and leak bad! I needed to search for the perfect sippy cup that would not make a mess when a 13 month-old starts drinking out of it, as well as for my three year-old, who is no where near ready for a big girl cup. Where do I start?
It could have not come at a more convenient time, when Mom Central invited me to participate in the Tommee Tippee Explorer Sippy Cup review program. I heard about the Tommee Tippee brand before but never purchased their products before, so I was intrigued! My friends swear by their bottle and sippy cups, so I had to find out for myself. I had two excellent reviewers to do the job- Zane and Hayley! When we first got the package, the packaging said the sippy cups were truly spill-proof drinking cups. How could this be possible? I never witnessed a truly spill-proof cup in the three years since I had Hayley. Could it really be spill-proof?
(Hayley- Please let me have your Tommee Tippee Sippy Cup! Thanks Sis!)
Well, the answer is an outstanding YES!!! While Hayley is older and could probably control the leakage in cups, my little guy Zane is not as coordinated. I was hesitant to start him with this sippy cup because it says 24 months and up, but he excelled in using it! After we received the first package to review, I went out and bought four more sippy cups. Why you might ask? Well, the answer is there is no more mess when the kids drink. You have to try these yourselves- there is absolutely no leakage when your kids drink from them! They contain a super sensitive active sensor valve that is truly non-spill yet allows liquid to flow on demand!
The Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups have a unique drinking spout for kids on the go and advanced flo-technology for easy drinking. The magic is in the liquid flow, ensuring the domes are inserted into the retainer which makes drinking very simple. They are also insulated so it will keep your kids’ drinks cooler even in the hotter climate temperatures. Of course, being a mom, I make sure any products that go near my kids mouthes are BPA free and these cups adhere to this. Lastly, they support natural oral development- which is huge, because as most of you know, I am also a kids dentist! I need to recommend products that support dental growth in little ones!
We currently used the toss and throw sippy cups before switching to the Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups. There really is no comparison. The toss and throw are good to throw in your diaper bag, but with the Tommee, I really had no problem fitting them in my diaper bag. While I talked about how I love that these don’t leak, I also love the fact that they have the screw on lids over the traditional pop on/off lids. This adds to Zane or Hayley not making a mess, because you know young kids can be known to figure out how to take off the pop on/off lids and make a huge mess! The Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups have a unique form that makes gripping easy and extremely functional as well! And an added plus- everything is dishwasher safe!
Hayley and Zane are both loving their sippy cups.
They cups are so easy for them to drink out of and I don’t need to hover over them making sure they don’t make a mess all over my floor! I used to follow the kids around everytime they drank from a sippy and it was a big pain. With the Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups, I don’t need to do that anyone! The kids love having the independence at mealtimes which is important to child development. Zane really transitioned fantastically to the Tommee Tippee. It is so easy for him to drink from and I love the fact that it has a super soft sippy spout, just in case he decided to take a fall while he is drinking.
Tommee Tippee gets an A + from me! If you are looking for a brand of sippy cups, look no further than Tommee Tippee.
Buy it: Tommee Tippee Explorer Sippy Cups are sold at Target Stores Nationwide and on Target.com.
Win it: One winner will receive the Tommee Tippee Explorer Sippy Cup product. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter, so click continue reading to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me which sippy cup you would like from here: Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups in the comment section proceeding the post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you filling them out to increase your chances of winning. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups. I received a Tommee Tippee Explora Sippy Cup product as well as a promotional item as a thanks for my participation.
I like the 90z straw cups
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz drink cup
I couldn’t get the Target page to come up for me so I looked up the products on their website and found the Tip It Up Beakers. I like those.
The target page wouldn’t load for me either but I like the ones with the straws for my daughter.
My little man is ready to start exploring the land of sippy cups! Tommy Tippe Explora +6 would be fantastic for him to start up with!
Thanks for the chance!
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
I like the explora ittle sippa. I think my wee girl could use it.
I like the 9 oz straw cups.
My son would love the ones with the spaceships and dinos! Very cool
I like the training cups
I had trouble with the Target site too but I really like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-(2pk) with a blue and yellow cup!
and i would use it for my son!
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)
Love the Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cups!
The Explora Sporty Water Bottle in the girly print =)
11 oz spout cups in GN or boy colors. I love the Tommee Tippee cups, they really ARE spill proof!
Love the starter cups
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
I’ve been hearing a lot about these lately.
i like the starter cups!
The Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cups!
straw cups
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz. Drink Cups are my favorite.
I commented on the National SIP Trunking Post.
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cup.
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Sip Cup
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I like the straw cups.
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk) with spaceships and dinosaurs
Explora 9oz cups
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-(2pk).
I like the explora water bottles.
My favorite is the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups.
Starter Cup
The 9 oz straw cups!
Tommy Tippee explora cup!
I really like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-(2pk). Thanks for the great giveaway
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Sporty Water Bottles. Thanks!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups (2pk).
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Straw cups
I just bought some of 9oz drink cups and love them! So I’d love another pack!
I love these!
I like the one with dinosars and space ships!
I love the straw cups. We are ready to try the next level too!
I like the Explora Cup with Straws
I’m just leaving a comment, we are out of the sippy cup stage. Thanks!!
I like the PINK and PURPLE Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)
I would like to try Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Training Cup…
I like the explora sporty water bottle in the bird and butterfly designs!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Sip Cup (2pk)
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cup
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk) – the ones with the rocket and dinosaurs.
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
I like the tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-(2pk)
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups (2pk)
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups with dinosaurs would go over great with my two toddlers!!
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-(2pk)
Those look great!
explora cup
I love these cups.
the 9 oz straw cup
sippee training cup
tcogbill at live dot com
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups
I like the Explora Lil Sippy Training Cup
9oz straw cup
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups in pink and green
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cup. Looooooooooooooooooove them
I like the Lil Sippee Flip Top!
I like the 11 oz. Spout cups.
I like the little sippy training cups!
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Flip Top
we love the Tommee Tippee Explora Sporty Water Bottle
straw cups look cool!
11oz sprout cups
Won’t load. I’d use it for my 2 year old to be May 19!!!
The explora cups:-)
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Sporty Water Bottle (2pk).
I love the Explora 11 oz spout cups!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
I like the 9oz Drink Cup
The tommee tippee explora sporty bottle!
I like the ones you posted about, but in the dinosaur/rocket ships print
The tippee exploration sporty bottle
We need more of the straw ones – sports of course!!
I like the 9 oz with straw cup
I think the 9 oz drink cup!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups (2pk)
explora sporty water bottle
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Flip Top (2pk).
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups.
Thanks for the chance!
Tommee Tippee explora 9 oz drink cups. Can never have too many sippee cups for the kids!
I like the Tommy Tippee 9oz Explora
Thanks for the chance.
My son would love the dino ones!
I am a soon to be mommy, and I look forward to using these when my lil man gets older!
we love these Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Flip Top (2pk).
Tommee Tippee Explora lil sippee train
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)
I l ove the Sprout cups.
http://www.target.com/p/Tommee-Tippee-Explora-Lil-Sippee-Flip-Top-2pk/-/A-13930520#?lnk=sc_qi_detaillink My daughter loves this type of straw…the flip top pack.
My favorite is Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups (2pk)
My favorite cups are the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Training Cup.
love the 9 oz straw cups…
sporty water bottle
Appaman Gauze Dress.
Please delete.
I accidentally clicked on pinterest instead of the entered a giveaway.
Can you undo that?
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups (2pk)
I like the 11 oz. spout cups.
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz spout cups
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 Spill Proof Training Cup (2pk)
I love the straw cups
Lil Sippee flip top
Tommee Tippee Explora Sporty Water Bottle
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Train Cup-
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)
We’ve had such a hard time finding the right sippy cups. These look great. The Explora Little Train Sippee Cups also look like they would work well.
11 oz spout cup
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora training cups
I like the Explora 9 oz. set.
9oz straw cups
My FB name: Kathy Newsom Davis
the tip it up breaker
The Explora 11 oz Spout Cups are my favorite.
those are my favorite, especially because there’s a hedgehog on one!
I like the space one.
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups.
I like the pink and green 9oz drink cups
I like the 11 oz spout cups in green and pink
i like the lil sippee train cup 2 pk
The ones with the dinos on them!
I love the 11 oz cups.
the explora sporty water bottle
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups best!
I like the Sporty Water bottles!
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Sip Cup (2pk)
Lil Sippee flip top
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz drink cup, the space one is my favorite!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout
The Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups looks fun!
I liked the dinosaur cup from the page.
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Training Cup (2pk) with the handles. Cute colors too!
The Sporty Water Bottle
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Erin E
busymom369 at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups (2pk).
I like the 9 oz straw cups.
Oh I love the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups (2pk)!
tomme tippee explorer 9 oz
love the straw cups
My favorite are the Explora 9oz in Girly things print & Girly jungle print!
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups
I like the sporty bottle.
The Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups (2pk) look great!
Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Drink Cups
masugr at yahoo dot com
I like the dinosaurs.
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Training Cup
Tommy Tippe Explora +6
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups (2pk)
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora 9 oz Straw Cups (2pk)
Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Sip Cup (2pk)
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
I like the Tommee Tippee Explora Lil Sippee Training Cup.
The explora 9oz
My favorite is the 9 oz explora cups (spaceships and dinosaurs)
Tommee Tippee Explora 11 oz Spout Cups (2pk)
My daughter sleeps with a Tmmee Tippee Explora easiflow 9oz cup every night with water in it and has NEVER leaked.
Not too fond of them, my boys have 2 different types of those cups and they leak, especially if my son drops the cup on the floor….The milk leaks on the side and at the top, I expected more considering everyone speaks so highly of Tommee Tippee products….Wish I could return and get my money back.
From a dental perspective do you recommend the drinking cup or straw cup from tommy tippee?