**Note- Melissa is on vacation from her blog till May 7. She will be having guest posts all week long. Her usual Saturday blog hop will resume on May 11. Feel free to put your link in the comment section proceeding this post if you wrote a laugh post- so other people can see it. There is no direct link up till Melissa returns. Thanks for understanding!
I am so happy to be guest hosting DentistMel (<– that’s how I think of her in my head thanks to twitter lol)’s fabulous Saturday Laughs link up. If you don’t know me, it’s nice to ‘meet’ you! I blog over at For Love of Cupcakes – feel free to stop by some time! If you do know me, hey! How’s it goin? Great to ‘see’ you! 
To do something special for this post, I thought I’d compile my favorite laughs from all the Saturdays I’ve linked up with Melissa (every Saturday since she first started doing them!). This was no easy task, but I hope you like them. Here are my Top 5 Favorite Laughs:
1.) My Baby has some Crushes: on Elmo and the Geico Gekko! [From THIS Post]
When she sees either of them come on the TV, she SCREAMS, points at the TV and then looks at me with a huge smile so I can acknowledge who she’s seeing. I actually had my camera sitting on my bed just waiting for the Geico commercial to come on so I can get a video for you, but no dice. Sorry.
2.) My brother got all of us Power Rangers shirts for Christmas and I still think it’s funny! Classic: [From THIS Post]
3.) You know how Cupcakes loves teddy bears? Well I gave her a teddy graham for the first time because she caught me eating them and of course wanted one. Before she ate it, though, she held it for a while and even gave it kisses before finally taking a bite. Hilarious!!! [From THIS Post]
4.) She tries to eat / suck on our noses!!! She laughs and squeals as she manhandles our faces and moves her little open mouth towards the protruding parts. It’s pretty hilarious! [From THIS Post – the very first Saturday Laughs post on my blog!]
5.) This is the cutest thing ever! She had been giving all of us kisses for a while, but she also kisses the baby in the mirror!! [From THIS Post] <3
I hope you enjoyed my Laughs! I’d love to read all of yours – link up your Funniest Moments of the Week or other funny posts on this Saturday Laughs Blog Hop!
I’d love to have you as a follower so check out my blog: For Love of Cupcakes and Twitter:@4LoveofCupcakes.
Have a GREAT weekend everybody!!!
Haha, love the power range shirts! I want one!
I love that your brother got you all power ranger shirts…the photo is awesome…what a fun memory!!
Your daughter is precious…I love your video
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Gave her Teddy Graham kisses..Ha! Loved it.
Stop on by for more laughs at Royalegacy’s Silly Saturday.
Love the Power Rangers shirts!!
This is my post for the week: http://www.noisewithdirt.com/top-5-laughs/saturdays-top-5-laughs-21
I think it’s a hoot that your brother got you all power ranger shirts. The picture is classic and what a memory that will be to share.
You do know you will have to top that this Christmas, right? I hope you share those pics too!
What would we do without them? It’s great to see a family having fun!
Have to agree with the other commenters – I also love the Power Ranger t-shirt pic! How fun!
Oops, forgot to add my post! http://ateachablemom.com/2012/04/20/can-you-say-am-biv-uh-luhnt/